ja tomu rozumim tak, ze je jen otazka casu, nez se komunikacni site zacnou chapat obecne jako zbran v politickem boji. Staty si to budou ruzne globalne vypinat. Neco jako ted zapad blokuje cinske technologie bo backdoory ma mit jen vlada, nikoliv protivnik. Nebo za studene valky cokoliv americke bylo protistatni. Musk je sice jedinec, ale stejne to je a bude vnimany jako americky.
Coz ale komunitam v Amazonii nebo jinych ruralnich oblastech kazi jejich zivot (internet jim muze zachranovat zivoty skrz medicinske informace atd).
Grok rika, ze starlink/twitter versus vlady: Rusko, Ukrajina, Izrael a Gaza, Brazilie, Ghana, Libanon, UK, Francie, UAE
Na te Tonga (ostrov kde jim vypnuli starlink z byznys duvodu), uz to nejak vyresili "This led to the Tongan government granting Starlink a provisional temporary permit under specific conditions, indicating a regulatory conflict resolved through temporary measures while aiming for full compliance with local laws. This shows a nuanced relationship where both cooperation and regulatory enforcement are at play."
Zaujalo me, jak Grok mluvi o Twitrru v souvislosti s riotama v UK
Misinformation and Social Media: Platforms like X played a significant role in spreading misinformation, with influential figures and far-right activists using these platforms to incite or comment on the riots. This misinformation not only escalated the violence but also highlighted the broader issue of how social media can amplify and distort public sentiment.