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    TOXICMANElon Musk
    KOUDY --- ---
    Ever wondered how the shape and placement of heat tiles on Starship keep it safe during re-entry? 🤔🛡️ Let’s break it down! 🚀

    Starship’s heat tiles are designed with incredible precision to ensure uniform protection against the intense heat of re-entry. 🔥 These tiles aren’t just slapped on randomly; they are shaped and placed based on how air flows over the surface of the spacecraft, thanks to aerodynamics! 🌬️

    Aerodynamic forces during re-entry create areas of higher and lower heat across the Starship’s surface. The heat tiles are thicker in areas that experience more heat, like the belly and nose, where temperatures can soar to over 1,500°C (that's 2,732°F! 😲). In less exposed areas, the tiles are thinner or even absent.

    The tiles are arranged in a hexagonal pattern, which helps reduce gaps between them, ensuring that no spot is left vulnerable. Hexagons fit together more tightly than squares or circles, leaving fewer weak points where heat could penetrate. ♨️

    Here's where aerodynamics plays its role: Starship’s shape, with its sleek body and flaps, helps control airflow, distributing the heat more evenly. The angles of attack are carefully calculated so that the most intense heat is directed toward the most protected areas, like the tile-covered belly. The flaps also help slow the descent, reducing the amount of heat generated as Starship plummets back into Earth's atmosphere. 🌍✈️

    So, thanks to some clever engineering and a whole lot of science, Starship’s heat tiles keep it cool under pressure! 😎✨

    KOUDY --- ---
    Skoro cena za Twitter za den. Pohoda :)

    PES --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: a až se tak (hypoteticky) stane, tak je další otázka - za jak dlouho se z těch exMusk firem stane další Boeing :-/
    CROME --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Otazka je proc uz davno neni Starlink a Space X jako strategicky asset pod kontrolou a Elmo nehnije na Guantanamu s ostatnima teroristama?
    KOUDY --- ---
    DZODZO: Je to naprosto bezny u miliardaru. Cim dal vic megakorporace hrajou roli ve vladnich jednanich apod. Arnaut si trese rukama se saudama, ktery opozici rozsekavaj na ambasadach sekackama..Bezos resi s cinanama raketky a trese si rukama s cinskejma komunistickejma pohlavarama aby tam amazon mel lepsi prava - https://www.reuters.com/world/china/amazon-partnered-with-china-propaganda-arm-win-beijings-favor-document-shows-2021-12-17/

    Amazon's compliance with the Chinese government edict, which has not been reported before, is part of a deeper, decade-long effort by the company to win favor in Beijing to protect and grow its business in one of the world's largest marketplaces.

    etc.. Neni to nic zvlastniho a Musk nedela nic co by nedelalo 30 jinejch miliardaru a nejbohatcich lidi sveta. Jejich jmeni a svetovej vliv uz je tak velkej, ze jsou v diskuzich rovnocennejma vlivovejma partnerama, ale to ze to nekterym lidem prijde zvlastni nebo jako neco hroznyho je samozrejme velkej level naivity a skolky..to je jasny..:)
    DRAGON --- ---
    DZODZO: to musí být super, být takhle naivní :)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    DZODZO: naprosto chápu

    DZODZO --- ---
    muskovo patologicke bluznenie na x si viem interne odfiltrovat, aby som sa dostal k postom, ktore su zaujimave, pokial to niekoho triggeruje tak je asi problem in the eye of the beholder a mozno by nebolo od veci miesto stavania chranenej dielne zaviest vodicsky preukaz na pouzivanie internetu

    kedysi si ludia chodili postazovat do hospody, dnes uz to moc ludi nebavi, tak miesto toho sa stazuju na internete
    LEGI --- ---
    TOXICMAN: tohle bych chtěl jetšě v bližší kompozici jako úvodní záběr odletu dronu
    CROME --- ---
    DZODZO: Jako surova fakta muzes brat jeho vyblitky na Twitteru, protoze tej idiot ani nemumi drzet hubu…
    Kdo to nevidi asi je sam spokojen se svym statusem ruske bakterie no :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    CROME: to je nejaka tvoja dojmologia, ktora nie je zalozena na faktoch a tak s tym operuje aj ten clanok WSJ, mas k tomu akurat nejake vzorce chovania, ale nemas kopie faktur a data o financnych tokoch, ktore by tvoje dojmy potvrdili, nechas sa manipulovat narativom, ze niekto nieco povedal miesto toho, aby ukazal nejake surove data
    CROME --- ---
    DZODZO: Kdyz nekdo vypada jak ruska bakterie, mluvi jako ruska bakterie a ze vsech sil pomaha ostatnim ruskym bakteriim utocit na ostatni, tak je dost jasny, ze je to opravdu ruska bakterie, samozrejme s jeho autismem je mozny, ze je to jen ruska idiotsky uzitecna bakterie, coz nijak nesnizuje nebezpecnost takoveho mikroorganismu.
    SATAI --- ---
    Tesla nadchla investory, akcie vyletěly o 21 %. Stačilo oznámit obchodní model k Robotaxi – Živě.cz
    DZODZO --- ---
    JONY: skoda, ze su to zdroje "has said" a "has said" a nie according to attached documents alebo attached nahravky tychto rozhovorov, ktore si mozete vypocut... ked sa na slovensku vysetrovala gorila, tak si investigativni novinari vedeli zohnat ficovu nahravku o tom ako zohnal peniaze "vlastnou hlavou", tito sa odkazuju na nejakych anonymnych ludi, takze nam neostava nez verit ich slovam
    SUMAC --- ---
    ARAON: tak asi proto potřebuje djt v bílém domě. Protože pac kdyby takto sabotoval spojence dems administrativy tak by se mu za vlády Kamaly klidně mohlo stát že mu tu firmicku vlada zabaví a jeho zavřou. S djt se mu to nestane a může klidně dal list do prdele Číňanům nehledě na to co oni udělají Taiwanu nebo komukoliv jinému.
    ARAON --- ---
    KAERO: Tak nepisou to Blisty, ale Wall Street Journal. Tam se tak nejak predpoklada, ze maji zaprve zdroje a za druhe pravni oddeleni.
    A pokud ma Musk nejakou neprehlednutelnou vadu, je to jeho neschopnost drzet hubu.
    JONY --- ---
    KAERO: v tom článku se odkazují na dva různé zdroje z amerických bezpečnostních služeb.
    KAERO --- ---
    ARAON: to by me zajimalo, jak ty noviny zjistily tyhle tvrzeni. Napada me leda ze by se Musk vychloubal ze Putin po nem chtel ze cinani nechteji Starlink nad Taiwanem. Ale takovy idiot snad neni ani Musk, ne?
    ARAON --- ---

    Elon Musk has been in regular contact with Vladimir Putin since 2022, discussing a range of topics including personal matters, business, and geopolitics.

    - Putin asked Musk not to activate Starlink over Taiwan as a favor to Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
    - Musk initially supported Ukraine’s military with Starlink but later restricted its use for offensive operations, aligning with Russia’s interests.
    - Russian officials have pressured Musk on several fronts, including potential threats to his businesses, while Kremlin disinformation campaigns use Musk’s social platform X to influence U.S. politics.
    - Musk’s deep connections to U.S. military projects, including SpaceX’s $1.8 billion classified contracts, raise national security alarms over his close ties to Putin.
    - Musk is now a key backer of Trump’s 2024 campaign and could hold a major role in a future Trump administration.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
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