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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PES: nula, včetně tý Tesly. To, že někam navaříš milimetrovej plech z toho fakt obrněný auto neudělá. To i ty rusové na Donbassu stavěj lepší copium klece.
    PES --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: kolik jiných splňuje to Armored? ;-)))
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    State Department Drops Tesla Mention From 2025 Procurement List - Business Insider

    The State Department said it was planning to buy $400 million worth of armored Teslas this year.
    It now says it will be buying "Armored Electric Vehicles" instead of specifically Teslas.
    Musk's companies have received billions of dollars from government contracts and subsidies.
    ARAON --- ---
    JONY: Představa, že bych Muskovu Twitteru svěřil číslo mojí kreditky, je lehce úsměvná.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    XCHAOS: je, pardon, "která je nesmazaná". Pár (id, NULL) je platný záznam, pár (id, čas) je historická kopie. Dovedu si představit, že v 60tých letech takováhle abstrakce mohl být tehdejší hi-tech :-) ale je to moje teorie a na rozdíl od Elona nemám ty backupy na flashkách (ehm, ehm)
    JONY --- ---
    Follow the money aneb někdy to tak prostě vyje...


    Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, is widely known for amassing his fortune through Tesla, his electric car company, and SpaceX, the rocket ship company he founded.

    But he started his career trying to disrupt consumer finance as a co-founder of a digital financial services company that later became PayPal. Now, he’s working to transform X.com, his social media platform, into a virtual wallet where people can send money to one another.

    These types of digital payment platforms, which other tech companies like Apple and Meta also run, have come under intense scrutiny by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    But that scrutiny is likely to ease, largely because of Mr. Musk, who has been empowered by the Trump administration to reshape federal agencies like the consumer bureau.

    In recent days, Mr. Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency team, which is not a formal executive-branch department, descended on the consumer bureau, gaining access to its headquarters and computer systems as part of a broader effort to dismantle it.

    Last week, Mr. Musk marked the moment on X, writing, “CFPB RIP,” alongside an emoji of a gravestone.

    As Mr. Musk’s deregulation team makes its way through federal agencies, he has been criticized for having numerous conflicts of interest involving his businesses.

    And at X, one of the most promising ways Mr. Musk can increase profits is through a payments business, which could charge fees for transactions. Building out that business would be easier without having to contend with a regulator like the consumer bureau, which has a recent track record of bringing cases against payment companies.

    “Elon Musk is working his way into the financial products marketplace right now,” said Richard Cordray, who was the bureau’s inaugural director under President Barack Obama and remained in the job through the first year of President Trump’s first term. “It’s very convenient for him to be trying to neutralize the regulator that he would have to answer to.”

    “That is a blatant conflict of interest,” Mr. Cordray continued.

    Mr. Trump has defended Mr. Musk, saying he is “not gaining anything” in his deregulation role. Last week, White House officials said it was up to Mr. Musk to police his own actions.

    In an Oval Office appearance with Mr. Trump on Tuesday, Mr. Musk said all of his team’s actions “are fully public.”

    “You can see everything that’s going on, and you can see am I doing something that benefits one of my companies or not?” Mr. Musk added. “It’s totally obvious.”

    Yet the White House has designated all documents produced or received by Mr. Musk’s team as presidential records, shielding them from public access until at least 2034.

    Representatives of X and the consumer bureau did not respond to requests for comment.

    Digital payments apps have become a core part of how Americans transact; Apple, Google, PayPal and Block, which owns Cash App, are all big players.

    And the consumer bureau has been the primary federal financial regulator for these non-bank technology companies.

    Three months ago, it issued a rule — which took effect last month — giving itself supervisory authority over digital payment companies. That allows the agency’s examiners to delve deeply into the details of those companies’ payment systems and transaction data.

    And lately the bureau had been aggressively pursuing enforcement actions against some of the biggest companies in the industry. Last month, it accused Block of enabling fraudulent transactions and ordered it to return $120 million to consumers. In December, it sued several banks for their operation of Zelle, a payment system that Rohit Chopra, the consumer agency’s Biden-era director, said “became a gold mine for fraudsters, while often leaving victims to fend for themselves.” (The banks denied any wrongdoing and are fighting the lawsuit.)

    A trade group that represents Mr. Musk’s X and other financial technology firms sued the consumer bureau last month, challenging its authority to set rules governing the industry. The trade group’s lawyers invoked Mr. Trump, complaining that the consumer bureau had moved forward with the rule before the new administration took office.

    On Friday, Mr. Trump installed Russell Vought, newly confirmed as the director of Office of Management and Budget, as the agency’s acting director. Mr. Vought ordered the agency’s staff to halt all work, including supervision and enforcement.

    He also ordered them to “cease any pending investigations,” in an all-staff email reviewed by The New York Times.

    In January, Mr. Musk announced a partnership with Visa to build a peer-to-peer payment system called the X Money Account. The deal was a major step for X toward becoming what Mr. Musk has called “an everything app.” Under the deal, users will be able to make peer-to-peer payments from debit cards and transfer funds into their bank accounts.

    Mr. Musk sees the addition of a payment capability to X as critical to the company’s growth.

    In 2022, as he was acquiring Twitter, Mr. Musk projected that within a year, the platform could generate $15 million from payments. (That revenue did not materialize, as X has sought regulatory approvals to handle transactions.) By 2028, that number could soar to roughly $1.3 billion, he claimed in a pitch book circulated to bankers who were financing the deal.

    At the time, more than 90 percent of Twitter’s revenue came from ad dollars. Developing a payment feature, the pitch book said, would unshackle the app from advertisers by replacing that revenue with subscriptions and fees from the payment business.

    Mr. Musk has hinted at those broader ambitions on X. In November, he posted a screenshot of Joe Rogan’s X account, which included a “$” button, prompting widespread speculation about how soon the social media platform would start offering a payment feature.

    Progress had been slow, partly because X would need to secure money transmitter licenses in every state to create a nationwide system. The company now holds those licenses in more than 30 states.

    The Visa deal will allow X to transfer money into and out of X Money accounts on Visa’s network.

    In a post on X last month announcing the Visa deal, Linda Yaccarino, X’s chief executive, foreshowed grander plans. “First of many big announcements about X Money this year,” she wrote.
    PES --- ---
    XCHAOS: tak zrovna u primární tabulky Social Security Number pro US by to číslo mělo být unikátní samo o sobě s vazbou na identitu konkrétní osoby (ne přímo na jméno osoby jako takové, protože jméno si mohou změnit) a jediný příznak navíc by měl být Platné / Neplatné a ostatní informace s možností změny a verzování by měly mit extra tabuli (už jen proto, že ten primární seznam SSN by při takovém verzování v jedné tabulce příšerně kynul). A samozřejmě ty vazby/relace do podřízených tabulek by měly mít nějaké transakční zabezpečení integrity (dnes se přímo nabízí něco jako blockchain změn ;-)).

    Samozřejmě tohle je jen taková letmá úvaha, protože složitost vztahů v těchto systémech je enormní, nicméně nějaká pravidla návrhu, normalizace a případné denormalizace databází jsou platná obecně (zvláště pro ty SQL).
    JIMIQ --- ---
    XCHAOS: jo, pardon, tak to je možné :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    ARAON: jeden z důvodů, proč v databázi nějaké id nemusí být unikátní kllíč je to, že databázi používáš současně jako historii změn. To znamená, že máš multiple klíč přes id a něco jako time_deleted, a pouze jediná kombinace klíče, která není nesmazaná,je platná. Ostatní kopie jsou vždy spojené s datem smazání, takže máš automaticky historii hodnot toho záznamu a je to programátorsky jeden z nejsnazších způsobů, jak to udělat.

    Takže jako jo, věřím, že to není v SQL, ale na podobném prinicpu, a věřím, že Elon v SQL nikdy nedělal složitější systém, s požadavky na historii změn, apod., takže nepochopil, k čemu tam ty duplicity jsou. A nebo je další možnost, že je to fakt nějak tak starý pre-SQL systém, že v té databázi ty duplicity ani nejde zakázat, ale pochybuju.... spíš tam bude nějaký ve své době "převratný" způsob implementace té historie změn nebo tak něco...

    Jako na rozdíl od Elona nebudu předstírat, že jsem odborníkem na americké vládní systémy napsané v COBOLu. Ono to předcházelo jiným formám zabezpečení - byla to "security by obsurity", to, že se to bylo nepřehledné, byla záruka, že se v tom nikdo nebude moc vrtat. Programátoři v COBOLu byli dražší a dražší a nakonec prostě došli. Udržovat ty systémy nadále v provozu skutečně musí být ultra-nákladné, ale třeba i systém rezervace letenek je na tom podobně - pořád jede na původních principech z konce 60tých let.... tohle je prostě obecný problém early hi-tech a early adopters, že vývoj pak jde jiným směrem....
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: on psal "30 % toho co si za platbu vezme VISA", ne 30% transakce...
    JIMIQ --- ---
    to ne. 30% je když si koupíš penízky v robloxu nebo tak něco
    za apple pay to bude tak 0,5%
    SEJDA --- ---
    JIMIQ: aha, takze klidne si muze apple pay brat 30 % toho co si za platbu vezme VISA, a navic appka X by i tak muselo odvadet 30 % apple.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SEJDA: není to tak dávno co si Musk stěžoval že in-app (v X) transakce jsou applem zpoplatněny a on to chce změnit. Apple ho poslal do prdele s tím, že X v appstoru být nemusí když nechce, načež Musk měl velkohubé prohlášení, že si založí vlastní mobileOS with blackjack and hookers. A nebylo z toho (jako obvykle) nic
    SEJDA --- ---
    KAERO: Ano apple pay i google pay jsou platby kartou, ale samotnemu apple anebo google neplatis nic. Teda pokud ano, tak jedine, ze kartetni spolecnost dava penize.
    PayPal je transkace ucet-ucet a ta je typicky bezpoplatkova, ale nemusi byt.
    KAERO --- ---
    SEJDA: ty procenta nejsou kompletni ne? Apple pay jen zprostredkuje bankovni kartu kterou tam mas ulozenou, takze banka ktera vydala tu kartu si stahne nejaka procenta od obchodnika/prodejce. Kdezto Paypal si uctuje poplatky od platce.
    Pripadne jestli jsem neco popletl tak me nekdo opravte.
    SEJDA --- ---
    JIMIQ: transakci za co? only fans?
    Za platby ma Paypal 2,8-3,5 %, google pay stoji 0 %, apple pay stoji 0 %.
    Co jsem se naposledy dival X neni zadny operacni system s appkami.
    PES --- ---
    JIMIQ: to by strašně rádi, ale pravidla (pokud se již nezměnila) se budou muset změnit obecně...
    ...poplatek za nákup aplikace v appstoru klidně, ale nikoliv poplatek za transakci v aplikaci (vyjma transakce, která by využívala systémovou platební podporu toho mobilního systému).
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Pokud si bude X brat promile z transakci, ma apple narok na svych 30% dle pravidel appstoru? :) (a google nejspis taky na nejake procento, tam to bude asi min)
    ARAON --- ---
    XCHAOS: Mno. Spis jako obvykle Elon lze, nebo nevi o cem mluvi.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam