MAWERICK: Prave ze vetsina kupujicich to racio stejne jako ja zatim ma..Nebo alespon mela.
“Do I think it’s going to harm their sales? No,” the executive said.
That is backed up by data from Auto Trader, a UK car-buying platform. Despite Musk’s comments, Tesla was still the most popular used electric car brand in the UK, with 21% of all leads.
Ian Plummer, the Auto Trader commercial director, said:
“For most consumers, news stories circling around car brands are irrelevant. They’re simply assessing the cars based on what best suits their needs and budget.”i Ivanovi se kterym jsem tu tenkrat tu debatu vedl a kterej rekl ze si kvuli Elonovi Teslu nekoupi jsem dal ale castecne za pravdu, protoze se ten switch mohl/muze odehrat..viz:
Argouges acknowledged that Musk’s previous controversies appeared to have had little impact on customer loyalty. However, “at some point it’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back,” he said.
GEE: Lidi kteri ctou nemaj na teslu stejne penize a lidi kteri ctou czechcrunch uz ji davno maji nebo meli. Petr Mara, Semerad, Kacerle, Lubo Smid apod.