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    ztracené heslo?
    PEEPMAN - truck & bus
    Klub majitelu a priznivcu automobilu teto znacky, kde se resi technicke, provozni a dalsi zalezitosti co se kolem techto aut toci.
    Par nas na nyxu je a rad bych povymenoval tipy/triky/zkusenosti.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    MRTY --- ---
    DRASTICS: jo a podle vyrobniho stitku sklo nedohledas...
    FREEK303 --- ---
    DRASTICS: i buy my second hand parts here! https://www.autodilytria.cz/
    DRASTICS --- ---
    DRASTICS --- ---
    Mam dotaz, vyrachli mi bocni sklo u spolujezdce na MAN 12.222 z 1995, okno je puleny - to mensi predni. Googlil jsem, nenasel, volal do MANu - poslali me do haje, ze mi to objednaj, ale ze cislo dilu mi neposkytnou.
    Rad bych cislo nasel, abych si objednal ideal secondhand a vymenil. Vedel by nekdo poradit? Díx K.

    NEBIQUE --- ---
    KCE --- ---
    Détours - Le Commander 8x8 : enfin un camping-car taillé pour l’Apocalypse

    MRTY --- ---
    CZJAAAAA: jj prave ze z vejfuku to nastesti po zahrati vubec nehuli. coz me trochu uklidnuje.
    CZJAAAAA --- ---
    FREEK303: to by pak to spalování oleje nebylo poznat podle černého dýmu?
    FREEK303 --- ---
    MRTY: Oil scrapers on the Pistons are old I think!
    MRTY --- ---
    ahoj. kdo mate L2000, muzete napsat jakej mate tlak oleje po delsi ceste pri volnobeznejch otackach? trochu se mi zacal ztracet olej v posledni dobe. tak se snazim diagnostikovat cim by to mohlo bejt. motor zvenku suchej. ve vode olej neni a voda v oleji taky ne. doted za 6 let vzdy od vymeny k vymene se neztratila ani kapka. mam trochu podezreni na turbo nebo kompresor...

    KCE --- ---
    FREEK303: yuhoo :) sometimes the wire in the cable gets rusty and stuck, moving it could help but best is put it out and lube..
    anyways, wish you (all of us:) lots of painless kms ;)
    FREEK303 --- ---
    KCE: So all is good! Just stuck some cable, after 200km only cold air
    FREEK303 --- ---
    HEINZZ: checked it out and it looks like its all working....
    tested it with a running engine and all good, I hope there was some cable in the way who blocked the cable so not fully closing of the system.
    this evening we will test in on the road, let's hope it's fixed!
    HEINZZ --- ---
    FREEK303: did you look at the valve when disconnected? does it really move when you pull the wire?
    or maybe it's simply too hot and the air is not heated by the heater core... = )
    FREEK303 --- ---
    KCE: So fucking fuck all working good all wires okay and all conected.... so tomorrow i will stop hot water intake:(
    FREEK303 --- ---
    KCE: Let you know tomorrow if i fucked up :)
    KCE --- ---
    also had to disconect couple of cables, dont forget the order to reconect after, good luck ;)
    KCE --- ---
    FREEK303: yea, its under the middle part, start with poping out plastic panels around vent switch on left and ac switch on right, under there are some philips head screws, then some screws on do bottom side above motor/gearbox place, than the upper plastic-shelf... i'll find out ;)
    at the end comes the central part where the 4 switches (temperature,where to blow,windows,in/out air) and there are the control cables...
    whatch out for not to break the switches, there's the ligthning parts of plastic under the panels
    FREEK303 --- ---
    KCE: Cheers i will try tomorrow:)
    KCE --- ---
    FREEK303: beat it with ac! :D
    now seriously, maybe only the switch/control cables. have to put of the dash board, nothing complicated..max 1 hour for 1st time
    FREEK303 --- ---
    hello, i have a new problem with my man 8.163 its blowing hot air even when i switch to max cold air(max pain in the ars in the summer). anyone who could help me? cheers!!!
    KCE --- ---
    Nákladní vozidla valníky MAN 630 L2 AE, 2 STÜCKS na prodej, valník v Česku, koupit nákladní vozidlo valník, XQ14363
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