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    ztracené heslo?
    FORELLISilniční cyklistika - "špatným dnem šetříte síly"
    MATISK0 --- ---
    Sonny Colbrelli po dojazdu do ciela odpadol do bezvedomia, vraj nieco podobne ako Ericssen na fotbale.

    FORELLI --- ---
    takže teď pudou teleskopy na odbyt... to přece musí každej mít! :-)
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    Husté, Mohorič vyhrál i díky teleskopické sedlovce co vezl

    Mohoric: I've destroyed cycling, now everyone will use a dropper post | Cyclingnews
    BADHORSE --- ---
    pekne jsem si ho vybral na velogames :DD
    FORELLI --- ---
    To bylo mistrovství Slovinska dneska?
    NAKASHI --- ---
    to uz ti Slovinci prehanej... :))
    NAKASHI --- ---
    MSR dneska... UAE uz to vocesavaj
    SUMAC --- ---
    web page eurosport - sem v UK = £6.99/mesic. mam to pac cumim obcas i na tenis.

    CGN je asi lepsi pokud te nezajima nic jineho. jsou tam i dokumenty pro predplatitele.

    stahovat se to neda, ale pokud mas mobil a data, tak to jede kdykoliv a kdekoliv.
    BATY --- ---
    SUMAC: Kdyby záznam šel ještě stáhnout offline, jako netflix, tak by to byla pecka... Máš link, kdes to koupil? Sem teď mimo Evropu, tak nemůžu moc googlit. Díky.
    SUMAC --- ---
    HEAVYN: ja si to dycky prepnu na toho, kdo ma vyhrat. Zatim nejlepsi byl Magnus Cort jak v uniku predjel Roglice a vyhral na Vuelte, dansky komentar stal za to. a taky Carlton Kirby kdyz Cav vyhral 4x Tdf. byl dost na meko u vsech sprintu. cesky tam vubec nemaj.
    MATISK0 --- ---
    SALO: už to mají zablokované, neregistruji 🤷🏻‍♂️
    HEAVYN --- ---
    SALO: muzes prepinat jazyky
    SALO --- ---
    SUMAC: a už sa dá Eurosport sledovať v angličtine alebo stále vnútená česká mutácia? kedysi dávno som to preto zrušil, neskutočne ma tými zmenami nasrali.
    SUMAC --- ---
    BELO: ja si platim eurosport premium/CGN a je to presne to, co jsem dycky chtel. videl jsem uplne vsechno, vcetne CX a zenskych. ted uz jen cekam jestli vytasi i tu UCI gravel series. nejlepsi je, ze vetsina ETAP je tam live uz od zacatku prenosu, ne az kdyz na eurosportu bude slot. a vsechny GT jsou tam cely live i ze zaznamu. a da se na to cumet i v mobilu nekde ve vlaku.
    BELO --- ---
    Kde koukáte na záznamy závodů? Preferoval bych sestřihy tak max do hodiny. GCN, Eurosport? Máte někdo přehled jaké licence má na letošek ČT?
    VITI --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: hele ja vazim jako dva Pogacarove, takze 300g mne nevytrhne :-) Ale k diskum sem se musel taky propracoval. Pouzivam cca 3 roky CAADX cyklokrosku jako dvoku a silene sem si na disky a tlustsi kola zvyk.
    SALO --- ---
    to je ako tie anekdoty o Anquetilovi z Krabbeho knihy:

      “Jacques Anquetil, five-time winner of the Tour de France, used to take his water bottle out
    of its holder before every climb and stick it in the back pocket of his jersey. Ab Geldermans,
    his Dutch lieutenant, watched him do that for years, until finally he couldn't stand it any more
    and asked him why. And Anquetil explained.
      A rider, said Anquetil, is made up of two parts, a person and a bike. The bike, of course,
    is the instrument the person uses to go faster, but its weight also slows him down. That really
    counts when the going gets tough, and in climbing the thing is to make sure the bike is as light
    as possible. A good way to do that is: take the bidon out of its holder.
      So, at the start of every climb, Anquetil moved his water bottle from its holder to his back pocket.
    Clear enough.

      Lebusque is from Normandy, just like Anquetil. He claims to have raced with him twenty-five
    years ago. And to have come in before him on occasion.
      I usually come in before Lebusque.
      Lebusque is really only a body. In fact, he's not a good racer. People are made up of two parts:
    a mind and a body. Of the two, the mind, of course, is the rider. That this mind has recourse to two
    instruments, a body and a bicycle-both of which have to be as light as possible-doesn't really matter.
    What Anquetil needed was faith. And nothing is better for a firm and solid faith than being in the wrong.
      Jean Graczyk used to cut a potato down the middle every evening and lie down with the two halves
    on his eyelids. Gabriel Poulain pounded his spokes flat. The Pelissier brothers only trained with the wind
    at their backs (it sometimes took years for them to get back home). Boutonnet uses a twelve. Coppi
    had himself carried up the steps of his hotel after every stage of the Tour. Riviere filled his tires with
    helium. Poulain's wheels collapsed beneath him.
      If they'd forbidden Anquetil to put his bidon in his back pocket, he would never have won the Tour
    de France.”
    SALO --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: to je ale pekna blbost, pretoze rotacna vaha bude na kotucovych nizsia.
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    VITI: :-)

    300 gramu rozdílu. Pogačar dává v horách přednost ráfkovým brzdám | RoadCycling.cz - silniční cyklistika na webu
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