Tak koukám na datamine (
https://www.reddit.com/...SilphRoad/comments/76gyf2/the_silph_roads_apk_mine_of_v0792_is_complete/)a zaujala mě šestka:
6. "Blacklisted App" Anti-cheat Measure
For over a year, we've heard many travelers on the Road (and even Ingress players) wonder why Niantic did not request the list of installed apps and check for a blacklist of installed GPS spoofing apps.
The simple answer is that this is not technically possible without jailbreaking (which the vast majority of Pokemon GO players are not). Apple closed the loophole that allowed easily checking this back on iOS 9 in 2015 (as far as dronpes' memory recalls anyway!).
An app blacklist tool has appeared in Pokemon GO v0.79.2. This holds a lot of potential to actually put the first meaningful dent in GPS spoofing, assuming Niantic has truly found a way to leverage an app blacklist.
Keep in mind, though, that this is not something generally accepted as possible. So, we'll certainly be following this anti-cheat measure with great interest. Perhaps Niantic will require an otherwise opt-in only process which might reveal this data? Time will tell.
On notable approach that might be employed with an anti-cheat app blacklist would be to simply flag accounts, rather than prevent play, until a large (or automatic/rolling) banwave hits. At any rate, GPS spoofing just got even more dangerous!
Jestli to chápu dobře, tak se blíží konec Calcy IV, protože to bude moct poznat, co máš nainstalováno a bude za to hrozit potenciálně i banán? No to potěškoště.