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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KEB: zatím spolehlivě odpadají komouši, spíš teda přechází k ANO :D a jestli chce někdo lovit voliče, tak musí zcela mimo populistickou politiku středu, jak to dělá babišův PR tým
    jestli znášě politika, co nechce volební hlasy, tak mi na něj dej číslo, twl
    JINDRICH --- ---
    China’s COVID-19 Lockdown Crushed Every Form Of Energy Generation Except Solar
    KEB --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: ok dejme tomu že je to ryzí spekulace. Každopádně pokud se nějak prudce nezmění popularita TOP09, tak bude kalousek rád, když se dostane do sněmovny. Takže at si plácá co chce...
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KEB: to je ryzí spekulace, nicméně, pokud je pravda, že top09 lobuje za pár severoamerickžých firem, tak bych byl rozhodně radši, kdyby blok nestavěli rusáci. ještě radši, kdyby se nestavěl vůbec a hledala se jiná řešení.
    on je rozdíl nahonit body a bejt vysloveně populistou. do druhý vidíš teď v premiérským křesle.
    KEB --- ---
    YMLADRIS: podle mě je to jen populistická snaha nahonit body před volbami. Já mu prostě nevěřím. Teď bude bojovat proti atomů, kdyby se dostal k moci, tak za něj bude lobbovat, aby se jeho kamarád najedli.
    SUMAC --- ---
    The aircraft manufacturer Boeing will not be allowed to go out of business as a result of the pandemic, the US president Donald Trump has said.

    volna ruka trhu v akci. jen zadne nezdrave znarodnovani a regulace.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: me se libi to ukladani do vodiku, sezonni uloziste je neco, co bych rad vyresil pro bydleni a pro celorocni bezemisni skleniky. budu ty nemce kontaktovat, tak pak dam vedet jak to vypada u nich aktualne :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: do toho palivového článku na metanol se ovšem kupuje metanol v cartrigích... taková tišší energocentrála... a otázka je, jesti není fosilního původu
    SHEFIK --- ---
    a jedna revolucni technologie - vyhodnoceni pilotu v australii - ktera muze klima zachranit

    Geothermal - Strada Successfully Tests Geothermal Technology - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism

    The proven technology revolutionizes traditional drilling techniques and makes large-scale geothermal applications possible and profitable, irrespective of resource depth and local geology.


    Our patented technology has the potential to solve the world’s electricity, district heating, cooling and clean water needs, all from a renewable resource.”


    This game-changing technology enables mankind to unlock limitless energy potential through pioneering innovation, reducing costs and improving efficiency with hard-rock drilling.


    jen me tak napada, jestli to nepresune problem od climate warming ke geo cooling :D
    SHEFIK --- ---
    jeden pro Tadease:

    Farms with diverse crops protect animals and the climate - Futurity
    RADIQAL --- ---
    RADIQAL: http://www.stuartmcmillen.com/cs/comic/ropny-vrchol/
    V českém překladu, ropný vrchol

    a doporučuju aj další jeho kus o díle a myšlenkách Buckminstra Fullera: Energy Slaves
    Energy Slaves comic about Buckminster Fuller - by Stuart McMillen
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: To by snad stalo i za to, poridit si auto, abysme to stihli všechno vyřídit... bude to těsný.
    Dvě přání v čudu a posledním musí být ten starej známej trika, "chci další kupu splněnejch přání."
    Hm, to se asi nestane ;(
    a pro ty, kteří uplně nerozumí koncepci Peak Oil nebo to potřebujou vysvětlit bábě/fotrovi/děckám, doporučuji tenhle výbornej komix on Stuarta McMillana

    TADEAS --- ---

    Topíme a svítíme palivovým článkem, část 2. – vodík a metanol - TZB-info
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: Hmm, vegetace to asi začne odbourávat až v květnu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Peak Oil Review: 23 March 2020 - Resilience

    The silver lining to the coronavirus epidemic is that a slowing global economy is leading to a significant reduction in harmful carbon emissions. The downside is that cheaper fossil fuels and a massive reduction in economic activity are leading to slower investments in clean energy projects ranging from electric cars to solar and wind generator farms. How long this situation will last is unknown.

    The conventional wisdom, as expressed by the IEA, is that the pandemic will be over shortly and that emissions will return to their inexorable growth. The IEA says that multi-billion-dollar investments in clean energy are likely to evaporate into thin air, with the current year set to record the first fall in solar energy growth in four decades.

    Sales of electric vehicles are expected to come to a standstill for the first time in more than a decade. Even more worrying, the agency sees a dramatic reversal in the incremental shift away from coal-fired power plants that have lowered harmful emissions in recent years. However, many industrialized countries, particularly in the EU, are dedicated to reducing harmful emissions in the next decade. Advances in battery technology and large-scale production of electric vehicles could make them cheaper to own and operate.


    Given the unprecedented impact the coronavirus epidemic is having on the global economy, it seems unlikely that there will be much new investment in renewable energy sources for the immediate future. With fossil fuels, consumption and prices plunging, and the consequent reduction in carbon emissions, the growth in renewable usage is likely to slow for a while.

    Observers are already ruminating as to whether the rush to electric cars will be grinding to a halt soon. While scientists continue to report progress in developing better batteries, hydrogen trucks, electrical recharging cables buried under highways, and even nuclear fusion, the implementation of these developments seems likely to be delayed for months, years, or perhaps decades.


    Biofuels markets across the world are reeling from the oil crash this week, from Brazil to Malaysia. Bloomberg News points out that crude’s nosedive erases any chance of discretionary blending of palm oil with diesel, and drastically inflates the cost of government mandates. Biofuels, such as a blend of diesel with palm, need to be attractively priced compared with fossil fuels to encourage consumption, and that often requires subsidies.


    Airline bankruptcies coming: Sydney-based consultancy CAPA Centre for Aviation warned in a statement on Monday morning that most of the world’s airlines will be bankrupt by the end of May. Airline carriers are suspending routes for March, April, and May, and a full grounding of fleets has yet to be ruled out as flight restrictions have been placed across the world, spurring a collapse in demand, due to the Covid-19 pandemic


    IEA urges stimulus package support for clean energy: The executive director of the International Energy Agency said on Saturday that any major economic stimulus package should have a heavy focus on clean energy. He noted that while everyone is rightly focused on the pandemic, the threat of climate change continues to grow. The IEA has long received criticism from environmentalists for favoring fossil fuels, so the full-throated statement for what sounds like a version of the Green New Deal, at a time when the oil and gas industry is in a historical crisis, is remarkable. (3/18)


    Negative oil prices? As prices barrel toward the lowest levels since the start of the century, negative prices have re-entered the realm of possibility. US oil futures just hit an 18-year low and that has a few traders and analysts wondering whether physical crude prices — in at least some parts of Canada and the shale patch — could actually drop below zero. It’s a rare but not impossible feat. Case in point: In the aftermath of the last major downturn four years ago, a North Dakota sour crude was briefly priced at negative 50 cents a barrel before being revised to a mere $1.50. (3/20)


    Ozone-destroying chemicals once thought to be successfully banished are now making their way into the air again, slowing down our atmosphere’s recovery after those same chemicals effectively ripped a hole in it in the mid-20th century. Slowing things down still further: scientists haven’t been able to figure out where the chemicals are coming from. (3/19)


    China’s greenhouse gas emissions rose 2.6 percent in 2019 despite a fall in the share of coal in the country’s energy mix, driven by a rise in energy consumption and greater use of oil and gas, the research team Rhodium Group said Wednesday. Total greenhouse gas emissions in China last year were estimated at 13.92 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The annual growth rate is slightly lower than the 2010-2019 average of 3 percent and well below the average 9.2 percent increase over 2000-2009. (3/19)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Biologicke centrum AVCR

    TADEAS --- ---
    Colombian death squads exploiting coronavirus lockdown to kill activists | World news | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: imho nejhorsi, co se mohlo klimatu stat, je koronavir. pac sme se zase dostali k zakladum maaslowovy hierarchie potreb, misto abysme resili dlouhodoby kulturne-moralne-udrzitelny problemy a meli "nadbytky" casu a zdroju, ktery do reseni muzeme alokovat

    ale treba se pletu, treba spicky evropy opravdu pouzivaji vic neokortexu misto amygdaly a snad budou mit koule to obhajit a prodat i lidem ktery nebudou mit co do huby az se vody trochu uklidni

    pokud ano, tak to bude dalsi tipping point lidsky kulturni evoluce... alespon v EU..
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