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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global mean sea level rise - the latest satellite altimetry data has now been processed through nearly all of 2019

    [Data from @CNES (AVISO): https://t.co/VyYfR0bR8p] https://t.co/1PfBOOKCVR

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: sorry, korekce:

    Tonight's update now shows 2020 as the absolute lowest on record for the date (3/28/2020) https://t.co/5sD94o9fVt

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: loni jsme řešili že nikdo nebude chtít makat rukama na poli, teď se to ukáže
    TADEAS --- ---

    #Arctic sea ice extent is currently the 4th lowest on record (JAXA data).

    • about 310,000 km² less the 2010s mean
    • about 760,000 km² less the 2000s mean
    • about 1,250,000 km² less the 1990s mean
    • about 1,660,000 km² less the 1980s mean

    More plots: https://t.co/FUU9OT6IeN
    TADEAS --- ---
    With the climate crisis and coronavirus bearing down on us, the age of disconnection is over | Coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian

    The true legacy of this summer could be a vital turning point in recognising that “the environment” isn’t something “over there”. The environment is the air we breathe and the water we drink; it’s the soil in which we grow our food; it’s the animals we identify with and the landscapes imprinted on our souls; the environment is us, all of us, together, integrally connected with everyone and everything else on this beautiful blue marble floating in space.

    Damage the environment and we damage ourselves. And not just some of us – all of us together. Continue to think in our compartmentalised, linear fashion, and we’ll keep missing what’s coming, be it weeks of smoke, runs on toilet paper, or deadly pandemics.

    What started to become clear thanks to the fires was rammed home by Covid-19. We are only as healthy as the least healthy among us. Everything we do relies on extraordinary networks of activity by people we’ve never met, crisscrossing the globe. And responding to a health crisis that was likely triggered in part by environmental destruction has world-changing impacts on the economy, on education, on social justice, on geopolitics.

    The age of disconnection is over.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: a v cz

    Výpadek zahraničních pracovníků v zemědělství zatím pokryli hlavně lidé z průmyslu. Hlásí se ale i herci a důchodci | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)
    TADEAS --- ---
    XRTV Interview: Chris Hedges on Coronavirus, Climate and What Next?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fruit and veg ‘will run out’ unless Britain charters planes to fly in farm workers from eastern Europe | Environment | The Guardian

    Because of the tightening of labour, we had already lost a percentage of farms,” Maurel said. “This will finish others off. You won’t have fruit and veg in shops. Asparagus and beans start in a couple of weeks, cucumbers early April, tomatoes are all year round; in May it’s soft fruits – strawberries, raspberries; lettuces have been in the ground since December.”

    Nick Marston, the chairman of British Summer Fruits, which represents soft fruit growers, acknowledged that his industry was “entering an unprecedented time”.

    Last year, 98% of fruit pickers – now classed as “key workers” – came from outside the UK, the vast majority from Bulgaria and Romania.
    DZODZO --- ---
    nie je to moc ale aspon cosi

    COVID-19 impact on Asian emissions: Insight from space observations | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM)
    TADEAS --- ---
    El sector nuclear afronta un escenario inédito de cierres si se prolonga la crisis

    The power companies that own the Almaraz (Cáceres) and Ascó (Tarragona) nuclear power plants - Iberdrola, Endesa and Naturgy - have had to delay the planned refueling tasks because they require a lot of movement of personnel and the transfer of technicians. The delay, if it extends beyond the scheduled dates - April 14 in Almaraz and April 28 in Ascó - will force the power of the facilities to be reduced. But if the crisis were to continue even further, it would also affect the planned inspections, which opens a scenario of possible reactor blackout. Never seen before.
    SUMAC --- ---
    Branson zada stat o zachranu Virgin Atlantic. pokud stat tyhle druhorade aerolinky zachrani, tak ztracim nadeji na to ze cokoliv kdy politiky presvedci zapomenout na status qou a pohnout se dopredu...

    FlyBe bylo pro UK daleko vetsi priorita na dopravni obsluznost a stat je nechal padnout. tipuju ze Virgin nedaj nic.
    LINKOS --- ---
    TUHO: a proč tohle když stále máme možnost vyrábět biouhel a tale to neděláme. Jen preslapujem na místě a vymyslíme další a další ve velkém nerealizovane možnosti.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: pecka, jeste to umet delat ve velkym a po cely planete
    TUHO --- ---
    Basalts Turn Carbon into Stone for Permanent Storage
    Scientists have shown that mineral carbonation can permanently capture and store carbon quickly enough and safely enough to rise to the challenge of climate change.

    Basalts Turn Carbon into Stone for Permanent Storage - Eos
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Under extreme heat and drought, trees hardly benefit from an increased CO2 level -- ScienceDaily

    Their roots have difficulties reaching the water. To reduce evaporation losses, trees close the stomata of their leaves, as a result of which they take up less CO2 from the air.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    If circulation of deep waters in the Atlantic stops or slows due to climate change, it could cause cooling in northern North America and Europe - a scenario that has occurred during past cold glacial periods. Now, a new study suggests that short-term disruptions of deep ocean circulation occurred during warm interglacial periods in the last 450,000 years, and may happen again.
    TUHO --- ---
    Coronavirus and climate change: The pandemic is a fire drill for our planet's future
    Climate change will mean one emergency after another, year after year, as heat waves, floods, fire and storms blow cascades of failures through our systems.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Electric car emissions myth 'busted' - BBC News

    The researchers say average “lifetime“ emissions from electric cars are up to 70% lower than petrol cars in countries like Sweden and France (where most electricity comes from renewables and nuclear), and around 30% lower in the UK.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    nevim kam jinam, tak aspon tady to muze nekoho zajimat. mezinarodni partnership vyznamnejch korporaci na battery recycling plant:

    Charged EVs | Fortum, BASF and Nornickel to partner on battery recycling
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ugo Bardi - The Seneca Effect (50 Years CoR)
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