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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    nevim kam jinam, tak aspon tady to muze nekoho zajimat. mezinarodni partnership vyznamnejch korporaci na battery recycling plant:

    Charged EVs | Fortum, BASF and Nornickel to partner on battery recycling
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ugo Bardi - The Seneca Effect (50 Years CoR)
    TUHO --- ---
    Btw Steve Keen zverejnil radu placenyho obsahu z Patreonu zadax... Je tam hodne o ekonomii, jak financovat Green New Deal etc.

    TADEAS --- ---
    A Pandemic Of Possibility | Rich Roll

    Focused on the relationship between the microbiome, disease and food production systems, Zach is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large

    He is also the founder of Farmers Footprint, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance — while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices to rebuild living biodiversity and ultimately reverse climate change.


    Like an addict’s moment of clarity, the pandemic presents a singular occasion to break the chains of denial that imprison us. A moment to objectively examine that which no longer serves us. The behaviors that repeatedly lead us astray. An economic system that demands constant growth at the cost of the collective good. A political system that preys on fear to divide. A conglomerated food apparatus that foments disease. A pharmaceutical complex that relies upon that disease to create dependency. And ultimately a collective obsession with ego, power, money, and material consumption that is rapidly eroding our biosphere, degrading our integrity — and separating us from others, ourselves and our innate divinity.

    I aspire that we emerge from this planetary wake up call not as victims, but empowered — armed with greater clarity to reimagine and actualize a better, more sustainable, purposeful, intentional and fulfilling life experience for ourselves, our loved ones, future generations and frankly the world at large.

    A Pandemic of Possibility: Zach Bush, MD | Rich Roll Podcast
    TADEAS --- ---

    Micah White with XRTV | 26 March 2020 | Extinction Rebellion
    TADEAS --- ---
    Oil Price Crash Opens A Window Of Opportunity For Renewables | OilPrice.com

    Average returns for wind and solar are typically in the 5-10 percent range. Oil and gas project returns, at $60 oil, are 20 percent on average

    At $35 oil, however, the average IRR for oil and gas projects slumps to the renewables return range—5 to 10 percent, according to Wood Mackenzie

    The low oil prices will severely constrain cash flows for Big Oil, which switched back to survival mode just four years after the previous oil price collapse


    Following this month’s price crash, Big Oil’s immediate thoughts will be to preserve dividend payments with negative cash flows at $30 oil. So they are slashing CAPEX and deferring investments in basically every part of their portfolios.

    “All discretionary spend will be under review – that includes additional budget allocated for carbon mitigation,” WoodMac’s Kretzschmar said.

    According to Wood Mackenzie’s corporate analysis team, the oil majors Exxon, Chevron, Eni, Shell, BP, Total, and Equinor have an average corporate cash flow break-even price of $53 a barrel for 2020. If Big Oil aims to achieve cash flow neutrality at $35 Brent Crude this year, it would need to slash total spending by 41 percent compared to 2019, according to WoodMac’s analysts.


    The coronavirus pandemic is disrupting all supply chains right now, including renewable energy targets and deadlines for capacity installation. But the second oil price collapse in just five years is a point for the camp of analysts and experts who argue that lower but more stable returns from renewables is the way to go in the energy transition.

    Experts at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center say that the COVID-19-induced global downturn and potentially low-for-longer oil prices could hamper the energy transition in the short term as governments will be focused on protecting their economies and consumers from the recession/depression.

    But the pressure for decarbonization will not go away once all this chaos is over – it could even intensify calls for ditching fossil fuels in an increasingly volatile and politically-charged global oil market. This would be an opportunity for increased investment in renewables.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Coronavirus augurs the inevitable collapse of a global economy in ‘overshoot’ | Al Arabiya English

    The coronavirus, in itself, is a minor perturbation, but the system is poised for collapse and the pandemic could trigger it. We already saw how the world’s economy is fragile: it nearly collapsed in 2008 under the relatively small perturbation of the crash of the US subprime mortgage market. At that time, it was possible to contain the damage but, today, the fragility of the system has not improved and the coronavirus pandemic may be a stronger perturbation. The collapse of entire sectors of the economy, such as the tourism industry (more than 10 percent of the world’s gross product), is already under way. It may be impossible to stop collapse from spreading to other sectors.

    So, what exactly is it going to happen to us? Are we destined to leave an era of unprecedented prosperity to one defined by poverty? Will the coming crisis turn out to be so bad that it pushes us back to the Middle Ages?

    It is true that all major epidemics in history have seen a robust rebound after the collapse. Consider that, in mid-14th century, the Black Death killed perhaps 40 percent of the population of Europe but, a century later, Europeans were discovering America and starting their attempt to conquer the world. It may be that the Black Death was instrumental in this rebound: the temporary reduction of the European population freed up the resources necessary for a new leap forward.

    Could we see a similar rebound of our society in the future? Why not? After all, the coronavirus could be doing us a favor by forcing us to abandon the fossil fuels we use today. The current low market prices are the result of a contraction in demand and could be the straw that breaks the back of the oil industry. That will leave space for new and more efficient technologies. Today, solar and wind energy has become so cheap that it is possible to think of a society fully based on renewable energy. It won’t be easy, but recent studies show that it can be done.

    That doesn’t mean that we can avoid a collapse in the near term. The transition to a new energy infrastructure will require enormous investments, which will likely be absent during the period of economic contraction we expect for the near future. But, in the long run, the transition is unavoidable and there is hope for a rebound toward a new economy based on clean and renewable energy, no more plagued by the threats of depletion and climate change
    TUHO --- ---
    How did we allow the spread of the Caronavirus happen? Why were governments and health services so unprepared? In this week’s Debunking Economics podcast entrepreneur and venture capitalist Nick Hanauer joins Phil Dobbie and Steve Keen to look at the inevitability of this crisis. Nick says it’s all down to the preoccupation with small government. How do we solve it? Massive government spending and the creation of new money. That's happening. What have we learnt? Steve hopes it’ll enable us to focus on the bigger issue, what we’re doing to the planet.

    TADEAS --- ---
    we will not succeed in saving the planet dokud si autor clanku neuvedomi, proc umely maso muze ((le nemusi) ekosystemu ulevi5, kazdopadne ho ale nezregeneruje

    Why we'll succeed in saving the planet from climate change

    One solution is to stop subsidizing meat production and to encourage society-wide shifts to more plant foods. Beef in particular takes the most land and water; to grow a pound of it, you have to feed the animal about six pounds of plants. Luckily there’s hope, in the form of tasty new meat alternatives such as the Impossible Burger or Beyond Meat

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: Polsko vyrábí až osmdesát procent elektrické energie z hnědého uhlí a jako jediný člen Evropské unie se nezavázalo, že do roku 2050 dosáhne uhlíkové neutrality s tím, že potřebuje více času na výměnu uhelných elektráren za jiný způsob výroby elektrické energie.
    taky si nejsem jistej, jestli někdo čekal něco jinýho
    KEB --- ---
    TADEAS: : : ty auta jsou drahý, spousta lidí nemá na nový auto, ale měla by si koupit Ev? A za další pokud nemáš barák, kde bys to za levno nabijel si ekonomicky jinde. A za třetí cena el nebude levná navždy až se ekonomika začne hrabat že sraček zase to poroste a bod dva bude ještě významnější.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    EGEB: Wind power grew by 19% in 2019 compared to 2018 - Electrek
    TADEAS --- ---
    „Neuvěřitelná arogance.“ Polsko rozhodlo o rozšíření lomu Turów - Radek Kubala

    "Polsko pokradmu prodloužilo o šest let povolení těžby v lomu Turów, který má závažné dopady na spodní vodu v příhraničních českých obcích. Ekologové, kraj i místní volají na pomoc EU a chtějí se soudit."
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: jen idiot nemění názory, pane kolego
    TADEAS --- ---
    ČEZ podal žádost o povolení postavit v Dukovanech dva nové jaderné reaktory. Mohly by mít výkon až 2400 MW | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)

    Standa Biler
    Já bych panu Havlíčkovi, který tlačí tenhle absurdní megalomanský projekt v hodnotě bambiliónu korun, parafrázoval jeho vlastní slova:

    "Natvrdo říkám, že musíme přestat myslet na ambici stavět jaderné bloky, a zdroje, které na něj chce Česká republika poskytnout. Vraťme se všichni zpátky na zem a opusťme představy, které stejně nebyly naplnitelné, mám na mysli spuštění nových bloků v roce 2036. Obrovské částky, jež na to měly být vyčleněny z daní českých občanů, vezměme a alokujme je na posílení ekonomiky, která je napadena koronavirem. My to budeme dělat naprosto brutálně a nebudeme partě veksláků okolo pana Nejedlého ustupovat."
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: chapu to tak, ze predpokladem nakupu EV je, ze na nej mas penize nebo ze k tomu existuje odpovidajici zpusob financovani, zatim je dostupnost v tomhle ohledu podle me nizka. proste do toho musis vrazit hodne na zacatku a pro spoustu lidi toto neni mozny, a tak budou vrazet hodne treba do dieselu, ale postupne. pokud si spolecnost v prubehu krize spotrebuje nejaky vnitrni rezervy, bude tim min lidi, kteri si koupej EV, ktery se sice dlouhodobe vyplati, ale musis na nej prave mit z tech svejch rezerv.

    asi jeden aspekt cely ty transformace - ty infrastruktury fungujou dobre, a pokud se snizuje poptavka, snizuje se cena, coz ale nepomaha s tim, ze je potreba vybudovat ty infrastruktury jinak.
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: nizsia cena elektriny predsa ale nahrava aj EV ne? moc sa mi nezda ze sa ten predaj spomali vzhladom na to ako hlboko uz su v tom niektore automobilky namocene a ako napreduje vyvoj baterii
    TADEAS --- ---

    ilustrace pro TADEAS: cheaper fossil fuels and a massive reduction in economic activity are leading to slower investments in clean energy projects ranging from electric cars to solar and wind generator farms. How long this situation will last is unknown.

    The conventional wisdom, as expressed by the IEA, is that the pandemic will be over shortly and that emissions will return to their inexorable growth. The IEA says that multi-billion-dollar investments in clean energy are likely to evaporate into thin air, with the current year set to record the first fall in solar energy growth in four decades.

    Sales of electric vehicles are expected to come to a standstill for the first time in more than a decade. Even more worrying, the agency sees a dramatic reversal in the incremental shift away from coal-fired power plants that have lowered harmful emissions in recent years.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Spotřeba elektřiny klesla kvůli koronaviru až o desetinu, její cena strmě padá. Sráží ji i počasí | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)

    Jedna megawatthodina s dodávkou po celý příští rok stála na pražské energetické burze toto úterý jen 38,05 eura, včera se pohybovala mezi 39 a 40 eury. V létě 2018 se přitom ceny blížily 60 eurům za megawatthodinu.

    Do těchto výšek ji tehdy vyhnaly hlavně drahé emisní povolenky. Ty si musí kupovat velcí spotřebitelé za každou tunu oxidu uhličitého vypuštěného do ovzduší. Evropská unie tak chce motivovat firmy k přechodu na ekologičtější výrobu. Dlouhé roky však systém nefungoval, povolenek bylo moc, stály jen něco mezi čtyřmi a osmi eury za tunu oxidu uhličitého a to nikoho k modernizaci nemotivovalo. Pak ale přišla dlouho odkládaná reforma a jejich hodnota vyskočila za rok pětinásobně až na hranici 30 eur.

    Nyní však letí jejich ceny opět dolů, což tlačí i na elektřinu. "Jsou zavřené některé velké továrny, které si je normálně musí kupovat. A nyní je nebudou potřebovat," říká opět Gavor.

    Spolu s levnými povolenkami na elektřinu tlačí také poklesy cen u dalších paliv. Klesají ceny uhlí a hlavně ropy a na ni navázaného plynu. Barel ropy Brent se nyní prodává za něco přes 27 dolarů, což od počátku roku představuje pokles o 60 procent.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    It shows that the region's floating lid of ice likely reached its annual maximum extent on March 5th, measuring 'just' eleventh lowest in the satellite record, which stretches back to 1979.
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