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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    In a warming climate, more diseases are likely to emerge and spread, making climate change action an important part of addressing future health crises. Moreover, the perception that climate change isn’t as urgent as other crises may rely on misunderstandings about how climate-related changes will happen. The rate isn’t constant: Instead, there’s reason to believe everything from Arctic melt to Amazon deforestation might experience what’s known as “tipping points,” where small changes in nature shift into rapid and irreversible damage.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFFIK, TADEAS, TUHO: diky za klima zpravy, neco jsem pouzila


    TADEAS --- ---
    kdyby se vam zastesklo po casech minulych a chteli jste se spolu s tuhem rozohnovat nad bolestnou tuposti nekterych ve vztahu ke klimatu (coz zaroven vysvetluje tuhovu momentalni absenci zde), nalezl jsem ono misto: [ EU, multikulturalismus a přistěhovalci (+UK na pozorovani z dalky :-) ]
    TADEAS --- ---

    Revealed: Monsanto predicted crop system would damage US farms | US news | The Guardian

    The US agriculture giant Monsanto and the German chemical giant BASF were aware for years that their plan to introduce a new agricultural seed and chemical system would probably lead to damage on many US farms, internal documents seen by the Guardian show. Risks were downplayed even while they planned how to profit off farmers who would buy Monsanto’s new seeds just to avoid damage, according to documents unearthed during a recent successful $265m lawsuit brought against both firms by a Missouri farmer.
    The documents, some of which date back more than a decade, also reveal how Monsanto opposed some third-party product testing in order to curtail the generation of data that might have worried regulators. And in some of the internal BASF emails, employees appear to joke about sharing “voodoo science” and hoping to stay “out of jail”.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    hm, zajmavej nazor, cet sem i z jiejch zdroju, ze alternativni energeticky projekty muzou ze soucasny situace tezit, ze 2 duvodu:

    1) cena ropy je tak nizka, ze navratnost novejch projektu je srovnatelna s alternativama, nebo dokonce i zaporna

    2) vykyvy ceny ropy (nezavisle na cene) samy o sobe zpusobuji nejistotu v ziskovosti projektu, tedy schopnosti splacet pujcky/naklady techto projektu. diky tomu pak banky radi tyhle projekty do rizikovejsi kategorie, kterou bud nechteji financovat, nebo navysuji adekvatne uroky... coz ma zas dopad na ziskovost

    sem zvedavej. treba nakonec nedojde k takovymu utlumu

    Pandemie koronaviru může posílit čistou energetiku | Hybrid.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    JINDRICH: hm, az na to, ze my uz jsme nad tou linii kapacity (resource overshoot) a abychom se dostali pod ni tak to znamena ekosystemovou regeneraci (coz v prvni rade znamena zastavit destrukci ekosystemu) a zaroven klimatickou stabilizaci (zastaveni rustu emisi a pak snizovani hladiny sklenikovejch plynu).
    JINDRICH --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rare ozone hole opens over Arctic — and it’s big

    Cold temperatures and a strong polar vortex allowed chemicals to gnaw away at the protective ozone layer in the north.

    A vast ozone hole — likely the biggest on record in the north — has opened in the skies above the Arctic. It rivals the better-known Antarctic ozone hole that forms in the southern hemisphere each year.

    Record-low ozone levels currently stretch across much of the central Arctic, covering an area about three times the size of Greenland (see ‘Arctic opening’). The hole doesn’t threaten people’s health, and will probably break apart in the coming weeks. But it is an extraordinary atmospheric phenomenon that will go down in the record books.

    “From my point of view, this is the first time you can speak about a real ozone hole in the Arctic,” says Martin Dameris, an atmospheric scientist at the German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen.
    TUHO --- ---
    What does climate change have to do with the coronavirus?
    Climate change is not increasing the geographic range of COVID-19. And the novel virus did not come from the permafrost or the soil, like other infectious diseases that climate change is spreading.
    So where did it come from? How is it spreading? And what's the connection to climate change?
    Find out on this special episode of Global Weirding with Katharine Hayhoe!

    Climate Change and Coronavirus | Special Episode
    TADEAS --- ---
    Hexham Debate 13-04 Rupert Read The eco-spiritual challenge of our time: Extinction Rebellion as our last best hope
    TADEAS --- ---
    This Civilisation is Finished: Conversations on the end of Empire - and what lies beyond

    by Rupert Read and Samuel Alexander

    0.00$ ,)
    TADEAS --- ---
    ČEZ chce — zřejmě Rusům — potichu přihrát reaktor v Dukovanech. Za naše peníze - Radek Kubala

    No to je ale náhoda! Pět let připravujete veškeré dokumenty k největší energetické investici za poslední dekády a o jedno z klíčových povolení zažádáte zrovna v době, kdy média řeší největší novodobou krizi způsobenou šířením koronaviru a pozornost veřejnosti je tak upřena jinam.

    ČEZ se nám přitom ještě drze směje do očí. Ústy svého generálního ředitele Daniela Beneše vykládá, že ve středu požádali o umístění dvou nových jaderných bloků k elektrárně Dukovany z důvodu transparentnosti a otevřenosti.

    Přitom nejde o ledajaké povolení. Žádost o umístění nových bloků, kterou ČEZ podle atomového zákona formálně podává k Státnímu úřadu pro jadernou bezpečnost (SÚJB), prakticky už předchází územnímu řízení, výběru dodavatele a finálnímu stavebnímu povolení. Za pozornost stojí, že Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost před čtyřmi lety do implementační novely zákona o posuzování vlivu na životní prostředí (EIA) protlačil, že řízení podle atomového zákona se budou odehrávat bez účasti veřejnosti.

    Jelikož se v procesu bude posuzovat bezpečnost celé plánované stavby, která je u jaderných zdrojů vždycky klíčová, je dohled veřejnosti v každé demokratické společnosti nezpochybnitelně významným faktorem. I z toho důvodu je naprosto neuvěřitelné požádat o umístění reaktorů v době, kdy novinářská i odborná veřejnost řeší výhradně dopady nemoci Covid-19
    TADEAS --- ---
    Industry should not exploit COVID-19 to push more plastic pollution - Greenpeace USA

    As COVID-19 continues to spread, surrogates of plastics and petrochemical manufacturers have promoted fear of reusable bags in order to help industry sell more plastic. These groups, including the Manhattan Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, are financed by petrochemical refinery companies. They have misrepresented studies that show coronavirus may persist on plastic surfaces longer than other materials.

    These front groups are echoing plastic company consultants and industry-funded researchers, whose studies are being re-circulated to suggest that reusable bags risk transmitting disease. This misinformation is already being used to lobby state legislatures to defeat or repeal plastic bag ban legislation and risks further confusion amidst a public health crisis.

    In response, Greenpeace USA Oceans Campaign Director John Hocevar said:

    “Industry groups have seen this crisis as an opportunity to exploit people’s fears around COVID-19 to push their pro-pollution agendas. Even in the short term, plastic does not inherently make something clean and safe, and we should not confuse corporate public relations with factual medical research. A new study from National Institutes of Health, CDC, UCLA, and Princeton University scientists in The New England Journal of Medicine has indicated that the virus could be stable on plastic surfaces for as long as two to three days
    TADEAS --- ---
    While you were distracted by the growing pandemic, three states passed laws criminalizing fossil fuel protests, handing the industry big victories. https://t.co/O6OrCWUGlr

    States Quietly Pass Laws Criminalizing Fossil Fuel Protests Amid Coronavirus Chaos

    Over the past two weeks, Kentucky, South Dakota and West Virginia approved new laws meant to discourage Dakota Access-style protests. More are on the way.


    as experts blamed the White House’s back-footed response for inflaming the crisis, the Trump administration appeared to ramp up its environmental agenda, ordering the Environmental Protection Agency’s enforcement division to temporarily stop policing polluters, approving a slate of mining projects, auctioning off new drilling leases and reviving a dormant fight over auto emission standards.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe under quarantine, mostly very clean air, except Poland. Strange. https://t.co/1ODwAmy5PT

    (& the rest of V4/R4)

    TADEAS --- ---
    Only 3 months have observed a mean global temperature anomaly >1.20°C above the 1951-1980 climate baseline (GISTEMPv4 data)

    1. February 2016
    2. March 2016
    3. *February 2020*

    *Note: M = sunspot cycle max, m = sunspot cycle min, V = volcano

    [Graphic by https://t.co/ZTndADSk5W] https://t.co/AopaY9zjoY

    TADEAS --- ---
    Increasingly mobile sea ice risks polluting Arctic neighbors | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado Boulder

    The movement of sea ice between Arctic countries is expected to significantly increase this century, raising the risk of more widely transporting pollutants like microplastics and oil, according to new research from CU Boulder.

    The study in the American Geophysical Union journal Earth’s Future predicts that by mid-century, the average time it takes for sea ice to travel from one region to another will decrease by more than half, and the amount of sea ice exchanged between Arctic countries such as Russia, Norway, Canada and the United States will more than triple.

    Increased interest in off-shore Arctic development, as well as shipping through the Central Arctic Ocean, may increase the amount of pollutants present in Arctic waters. And contaminants in frozen ice can travel much farther than those in open water moved by ocean currents.

    “This means there is an increased potential for sea ice to quickly transport all kinds of materials with it, from algae to oil,” said Patricia DeRepentigny, doctoral candidate in the Department for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. “That's important to consider when putting together international laws to regulate what happens in the Arctic.”

    TADEAS --- ---
    Global mean sea level rise - the latest satellite altimetry data has now been processed through nearly all of 2019

    [Data from @CNES (AVISO): https://t.co/VyYfR0bR8p] https://t.co/1PfBOOKCVR

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: sorry, korekce:

    Tonight's update now shows 2020 as the absolute lowest on record for the date (3/28/2020) https://t.co/5sD94o9fVt

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: loni jsme řešili že nikdo nebude chtít makat rukama na poli, teď se to ukáže
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam