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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: dobrej typek

    * moar: [ TADEAS @ Trvale udržitelný rozvoj - Sustainable Development, Trvale udržitelný ekosystém ]

    John D Liu talks about Allan Savory & Holistic Management

    * Hope in a changing climate (film)

    * Ecosystem Based Adaptation - by John D. Liu

    our religious cosmologies all say that that that human beings emerged in paradise and if I look at evolution and I consider that there's a photo reactive biochemical reaction that converts sunlight and water and nutrients into life and that this respirates and obviously created an oxygenated atmosphere and a fully functional freshwater system and fertile soils and tremendous biodiversity, it seems to me that in evolutionary terms human beings emerged in paradise. So I think that's why I don't find a difference between the religious cosmologies and evolution


    the four returns -- return of inspiration, return of social capital, return of natural capital, and return of financial capital. To achieve these four returns we develop three landscape zones - a natural zone in which biodiversity is restored and maintained, a combined zone which is rehabilitated with farmers working the land, and an economic zone for sustainable business activity. It takes an average of 20 years - in other words a generation - to restore a landscape. If we start now, we will create the basis for a different world. This is what inspires us.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Regreening the desert with John D. Liu | VPRO Documentary | 2012
    NESCIUS --- ---
    TADEAS: protože bez dotací by tu už nebyli a s dotacema je všechno lepší..? kdo má rád farmáře?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Why doesn't Britain value its farmers? - UnHerd

    Less than a month ago, a UK government advisor, Professor Tim Leunig, was quoted in leaked emails as saying we didn’t need farmers, because the value of their output was a tiny share of the UK economy and we could import all the food we needed, perhaps at lower prices.

    And for the past decade, a virulent strain of anti-farming environmentalism, led by noisy hard-Left radicals such as George Monbiot, has argued for us to turn away from farming towards producing food in synthetic industrial ways (with the promised pay-off of freeing more land for wild nature). This ‘land-sparing’ obsession embraces the worst industrial farming and corporate food systems.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Why are they saying no to Eurobonds? The case for constructive disobedience in the EU Council
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ochrana klimatu musí být součástí plánu pro zotavení evropské ekonomiky, shodují se premiéři EU – EURACTIV.cz

    Ochrana klimatu a digitalizace evropské ekonomiky jsou mezi šesti hlavními prioritami Evropské komise pod vedením Ursuly von der Leyenové. Přestože koronavirová krize zásadně ovlivnila práci unijních institucí, podle premiérů a prezidentů členských zemí by Unie neměla na své původní plány zapomínat.

    Vyplývá to ze čtvrtečních závěrů videosummitu Evropské rady. Šéfové vlád ve společném prohlášení uvedli, že boj proti koronaviru a jeho bezprostředním následkům je naléhavý, EU by však měla začít připravovat opatření, která umožní „návrat do normálu“. Opatření by podle nich měla zajistit udržitelný růst a zohlednit „aspekty ekologické a digitální transformace“.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Antarctica: what it means when the coldest place on Earth records an unprecedented heatwave | World news | The Guardian

    This summer, Casey Research Station, in the Windmill Islands oasis, experienced its first recorded heatwave. For three days, minimum temperatures exceeded zero and daily maximums were all above 7.5C. On 24 January, its highest maximum of 9.2C was recorded, almost 7C above Casey’s 30-year mean for the month.

    The arrival of warm, moist air during this weather event brought rain to Davis Research Station in the normally frigid, ice-free desert of the Vestfold Hills. The warm conditions triggered extensive meltwater pools and surface streams on local glaciers. These, together with melting snowbanks, contributed to high-flowing rivers and flooding lakes.

    By February, most heat was concentrated in the Antarctic Peninsula at the northernmost part of the continent. A new Antarctic maximum temperature of 18.4C was recorded on 6 February at Argentina’s Esperanza research station on the peninsula – almost 1C above the previous record. Three days later this was eclipsed when 20.75C was reported at Brazil’s Marambio station, on Seymour Island east of the peninsula.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ledovce tají rychleji, než se čekalo. Velký korálový útes opět masivně vymírá - Radek Kubala

    Klimatičtí výzkumníci zároveň upozorňují, že současné restrikce zavedené vládami v důsledku pandemie ztěžují pokračování výzkumu dopadů klimatické krize. Kvůli šíření nemoci Covid-19 se ruší konference a vědci nemohou studovat v terénu.

    Například jen výše zmíněný grónský ledovec navštíví ročně tisícovka vědců, kteří zkoumají jeho proměny. Ruší se i výzkumné cesty do Arktidy a omezit se musela i největší výzkumná polární expedice MOSAiC, na které se podílí vědci z dvaceti států. Vědci upozorňují, že pokud budou restrikce pokračovat ještě několik měsíců, tak ztratíme cenná data o vývoji nárůstu hladiny oceánů.

    „Nejistota v rychlosti nárůstu hladiny oceánů může být potenciálně velmi nebezpečná, protože nebudeme schopní varovat vlády a ostrovní státy, jak rychle se mají připravit na hrozící krizi,“ uvedla pro Inside Climate News dánská paleoklimatoložka Dorthe Dahl-Jensenová. Právě její dlouho připravovaná expedice nazvaná EastGRIP měla prokázat, jak mořské proudy ovlivňují rychlost tání. Kvůli restriktivním opatřením musela být prozatím zrušena.

    Vědci se také obávají, že současná krize zastíní dopady změn klimatu. Na konci letošního roku se má ve skotském Glasgow konat klimatická konference, která má opět patřit k těm důležitějším. Státy by totiž na ní měly přinést nové závazky ke snižování emisí skleníkových plynů.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    cina - plan na novou tovarnu solarek, kapacita 60gw rocne / pulka soucasne globalni rocni poptavky... tohle asi zase zahejbe s cenou

    GCL Plans To Invest $2.5 Billion In World's Largest Solar Panel Factory | CleanTechnica
    TADEAS --- ---
    For those that thought the #COVID19 lockdowns would effect CO₂ concentrations, well, last week CO₂ had a big spike!

    CO₂ is still being emitted, at a slightly lower rate, so CO₂ concentrations will continue to grow (with variability superimposed).

    https://t.co/kxzL219KMZ https://t.co/XAePHcsHJ6

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: No, na tohle jsem zvedavej. Ty spekulace kolem zadluzenosti frackovaciho byznysu jsou uz nejakej patek, ale zatim se mu podarilo ustat i dost velky cenovy soky. Na druhou stranu, kdyby shale industry padl, tak to (jeste v dnesni situaci) bude slusny domino, pro ktery by asi byla 2008 krize takovy maly cviceni...

    The real catalyst of the shale revolution was the 2008 financial crisis and the era of unprecedentedly low interest rates it ushered in,” he wrote in a recent report. Another investor put it this way: “If companies were forced to live within the cash flow they produce, US oil would not be a factor in the rest of the world, and would have grown at a quarter to half the rate that it has.”
    Worries about the financial fragility of the fracking revolution have simmered for some time. John Hempton, who runs the Australia-based hedge fund Bronte Capital, recalls having debates with his partner as the boom was just getting going. “The oil and gas are real,” his partner would say. “Yes,” Hempton would respond, “but the economics don’t work.”
    Thus far, the fracking industry has been more resilient than anyone would have dreamed. But questions about the sustainability of the boom are no longer limited to a small set of skeptics. Those doubts now extend to the boardrooms of some big investors, as well as to the executive suites of at least a few of the fracking companies themselves. The fracking boom has been fuelled mostly by overheated investment capital, not by cash flow.

    How America's 'most reckless' billionaire created the fracking boom | News | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: pro emise metanu dobra zprava

    US crude oil price falls below $20

    Analysts have calculated that the US oil industry, which expanded in the last decade to make America the world's top oil producer, could contract as much as 2.5m b/d by the end of 2021, from around 13m b/d of crude output now.

    TUHO --- ---
    The world already has too much oil. But now it’s running out of room to store it.
    As the oil sector faces down decimated demand resulting from the coronavirus as well as the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, which has unleashed still more oil, prices have plunged more than 50% from their recent high in late February. That price drop now threatens untold numbers of jobs, and even the financial fate of whole companies and regions reliant on revenue from the sector.

    TUHO --- ---
    In a warming climate, more diseases are likely to emerge and spread, making climate change action an important part of addressing future health crises. Moreover, the perception that climate change isn’t as urgent as other crises may rely on misunderstandings about how climate-related changes will happen. The rate isn’t constant: Instead, there’s reason to believe everything from Arctic melt to Amazon deforestation might experience what’s known as “tipping points,” where small changes in nature shift into rapid and irreversible damage.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFFIK, TADEAS, TUHO: diky za klima zpravy, neco jsem pouzila


    TADEAS --- ---
    kdyby se vam zastesklo po casech minulych a chteli jste se spolu s tuhem rozohnovat nad bolestnou tuposti nekterych ve vztahu ke klimatu (coz zaroven vysvetluje tuhovu momentalni absenci zde), nalezl jsem ono misto: [ EU, multikulturalismus a přistěhovalci (+UK na pozorovani z dalky :-) ]
    TADEAS --- ---

    Revealed: Monsanto predicted crop system would damage US farms | US news | The Guardian

    The US agriculture giant Monsanto and the German chemical giant BASF were aware for years that their plan to introduce a new agricultural seed and chemical system would probably lead to damage on many US farms, internal documents seen by the Guardian show. Risks were downplayed even while they planned how to profit off farmers who would buy Monsanto’s new seeds just to avoid damage, according to documents unearthed during a recent successful $265m lawsuit brought against both firms by a Missouri farmer.
    The documents, some of which date back more than a decade, also reveal how Monsanto opposed some third-party product testing in order to curtail the generation of data that might have worried regulators. And in some of the internal BASF emails, employees appear to joke about sharing “voodoo science” and hoping to stay “out of jail”.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    hm, zajmavej nazor, cet sem i z jiejch zdroju, ze alternativni energeticky projekty muzou ze soucasny situace tezit, ze 2 duvodu:

    1) cena ropy je tak nizka, ze navratnost novejch projektu je srovnatelna s alternativama, nebo dokonce i zaporna

    2) vykyvy ceny ropy (nezavisle na cene) samy o sobe zpusobuji nejistotu v ziskovosti projektu, tedy schopnosti splacet pujcky/naklady techto projektu. diky tomu pak banky radi tyhle projekty do rizikovejsi kategorie, kterou bud nechteji financovat, nebo navysuji adekvatne uroky... coz ma zas dopad na ziskovost

    sem zvedavej. treba nakonec nedojde k takovymu utlumu

    Pandemie koronaviru může posílit čistou energetiku | Hybrid.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    JINDRICH: hm, az na to, ze my uz jsme nad tou linii kapacity (resource overshoot) a abychom se dostali pod ni tak to znamena ekosystemovou regeneraci (coz v prvni rade znamena zastavit destrukci ekosystemu) a zaroven klimatickou stabilizaci (zastaveni rustu emisi a pak snizovani hladiny sklenikovejch plynu).
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam