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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    DZODZO --- ---
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    Koronaviru navzdory. Evropa chce pokračovat v plnění klimatických závazků - Euro.cz

    Podle von der Leyenové bude základem pro oživení unijních ekonomik příští víceletý rozpočet, jehož nový návrh chce Brusel představit v řádu týdnů. Investice, které by měl rozpočet obsahující přibližně bilion eur (28 bilionů korun) unijním zemím pro období po odeznění pandemie zajistit, budou podle šéfky komise splňovat kritérium „trvalé udržitelnosti“. Budou tedy v souladu se zelenou dohodou.

    Podle některých expertů nemusejí mít současná vynucená omezení pouze negativní dopad na ekonomiky a mohou cestu směrem k ekologičtější Evropě urychlit. Bývalý klimatický úředník EK nyní působící na univerzitě ve Florencii Jos Debelke podle listu Financial Times uvedl, že může krize „přinést změnu našich návyků“, například v trvalém snížení leteckého provozu a s ním souvisejících emisí
    TADEAS --- ---
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    NASA Models Methane Sources and Movement Around the Globe
    TADEAS --- ---

    Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole | Live Science

    The Antarctic ozone hole opens every year due to the combination of frigid temperatures and man-made pollution. When temperatures plummet at the start of Antarctica's winter, high-altitude clouds form over the South Pole. Industrial chemical pollutants, including chlorine and bromine, trigger reactions in these clouds that eat away at the surrounding ozone gas.

    The Arctic, which has more variable temperatures, doesn't usually see the same ozone-depleting conditions, the researchers said. But this year, powerful winds trapped cold air in a "polar vortex" above the Arctic. That led to colder temperatures and more high-altitude clouds than normal. Hence, North Pole ozone-depletion began.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    A tady k tomu jeden italskej vyrobni/infrstrukturni enabler
    Snam and RINA team up to accelerate the development of hydrogen sector - Green Car Congress
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Zas by se dalo koupat v pristavech
    ABB, Hydrogène de France jointly to manufacture megawatt-scale fuel cell systems capable of powering ocean-going vessels - Green Car Congress
    KEB --- ---
    Pěkně napsané a je tam i anketa

    Ve vzduchu poletuje větší zabiják než koronavirus. Zatím se mu vysmíváme - Euro.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Odborníci varují, že sucho v Polsku může být jedním z nejhorších v zaznamenané historii. Nedostatek vláhy se promítne i do cen potravin. „Není to žádné opakování z loňska, ale úplně nový zásah. Letos můžeme zažít jedno z největších such, jaké kdy v Polsku nastalo,“ řekl deníku profesor Stanisław Karpiński ze zemědělské univerzity SGGW ve Varšavě.
    Jeho předpověď potvrzují i údaje meteorologů a vodohospodářů. Průměrná teplota byla v březnu vyšší a srážky ani ne poloviční. Projevuje se to i na výšce hladiny řeky Visly ve Varšavě. Obvykle mohutná řeka má teď na výšku jen 78 centimetrů a o víkendu může klesnout pod 70. Průměrný stav je přitom 215 centimetrů. Hydrologické sucho už teď panuje v zemi na 35 místech.

    Po koronaviru přišlo sucho. Nejspíš nejhorší v historii, zní z Polska - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    Historická dohoda o snížení celosvětové produkce ropy a stabilizaci jejích cen, vedená rekordními škrty ze strany Saúdské Arábie a Ruska, je v ohrožení.
    Překážkou v dokončení dohody je Mexiko, které odmítá souhlasit s navrženým snížením těžby.
    Historická dohoda o snížení celosvětové produkce ropy a stabilizaci je...

    Mexiko blokuje dohodu OPEC+ o snížení produkce ropy, která má stabilizovat trh
    TUHO --- ---
    Bruno Latour o koronakrizi a klimaticke krizi

    Think about it. Imagine that President Macron came to announce, in a Churchillian tone, a package of measures to leave gas and oil reserves in the ground, to stop the marketing of pesticides, to abolish deep ploughing, and, with supreme audacity, to ban outdoor heaters on bar terraces. If the gas tax triggered the yellow-vests revolt, then imagine the riots that would follow such an announcement, setting the country ablaze. And yet, the demand to protect the French people for their own good and from death is infinitely more justified in the case of the ecological crisis than in the case of the health crisis, because it affects literally everyone, not a few thousand people – and not for a time but forever.

    It is clear that such a state does not exist — and maybe fortunately so. What is more worrying is that we do not see how that state would prepare the move from the one crisis to the next. In the health crisis, the administration has the very classic educational role and its authority coincides perfectly with the old national borders – the archaism of the sudden return to European borders is painful proof of this. In the case of ecological change, the relationship is reversed: it is the administration that must learn from a multiform people, on multiple scales, what will be the territories upon which people are trying to survive in many new ways as they seek to escape from globalized production. The present state would be completely incapable of dictating measures from above. If in the health crisis, it is the brave people who must relearn to wash their hands and cough into their elbows as they did in primary school, in the case of the ecological mutation, it is the state that finds itself in a learning situation.

    Is This a Dress Rehearsal? | In the Moment
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: to je pozitivna sprava, je to zaciatok, kedze PETky tvoria asi iba 10% produkovaneho plastoveho odpadu, pak este vymysliet nieco na HDPE, LDPE, PP... na polystyren myslim uz mame nejake tie cerviky
    DZODZO --- ---
    KEB: tak hlavne ze vie o com hovori :D "„Lidé přeceňují svůj vliv na planetu, pokud se domnívají, že umělohmotná brčka mohou mít významný dopad na klima,“ usuzuje. "
    TUHO --- ---
    Platts odhaduje, že cena vodíku (při započtení investičních výdajů) vyrobeného parním reformováním metanu se aktuálně v Japonsku pohybuje kolem 2,08 USD/kg (zhruba 49 EUR/MWh) a v Nizozemsku kolem 1,04 EUR/kg (zhruba 26 EUR/MWh). Pro jižní Kalifornii odhaduje cenu vodíku vyráběného pomocí elektrolýzy vody na 1,99 USD/kg (zhruba 47 EUR/MWh).
    Pro srovnání, cena „čistého“ vodíku se aktuálně podle výzkumníků z BloombergNEF (BNEF) pohybuje mezi 2,5 a 4,5 USD/kg. Ve své optimitické projekci BNEF odhaduje, že při započtení nákladů na skladování a přepravu by cena za „čistý“ vodík v Číně, Indii a západní Evropě mohla spadnout až k 2 USD/kg (zhruba 47 EUR/MWh) v roce 2030 a následně na 1 USD/kg (zhruba 23 EUR/MWh) v roce 2050.

    Platts: Vodík se nyní v Japonsku vyrábí za 49 EUR/MWh, v Nizozemsku za polovinu
    KEB --- ---
    Tak Darth Vadera máme teď ještě jeho učedníka

    Antigreta vypovídá nejen o Německu - Novinky.cz
    TUHO --- ---
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    Nils Peterson

    This is a story I think I understand of dominoes tipping over for world oil. Thoughts welcome.

    COVID-19 slowed economic activity, which reduced demand for fossil fuels.

    Oil began to be in oversupply and price threatened to fall. Saudi Arabia got in a squabble with Russia over production cuts and decided to retaliate by increasing production.

    World storage is filling up, soon there won't be any place to store the over production.

    Oil price has fallen creating hard times for many producers.

    "While key global benchmarks Brent and WTI were trading on the futures market in the $20s on 27 March, West Texas Light at Midland sold for $9.40/bbl on the physical market. And Canadian heavy crude oil sold for less than $6/bbl. IHS Markit projects Brent prices to fall to around $10/bbl in April. Some producers may experience “negative prices” where they pay a buyer to take their crude oil." https://www.worldoil.com/news/2020/3/31/ihs-markit-sees-forced-oil-production-cuts-of-10mmbpd-ahead

    When storage gets full (pretty soon) then some production will have to halt. The term is "shut-in" and oil extraction leases often have shut-in clauses that require the lessee to pay a shut-in fee in lieu of pumping oil.

    "Stripper wells" are oil wells that are reaching end of life, they run on old equipment and have low production. If they are shut-in they are likely never to be restarted. It might be better to terminate the lease than pay a fee. Their physical equipment might not restart either.

    11% of US oil production comes from stripper wells.

    It seems possible that we could come out of COVID with a permanent reduction in US oil production capacity.

    Since growth in US oil is a key factor keeping world oil production growing, could COVID be the world's peak oil event?
    SUMAC --- ---
    As the lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus in India continues, pollution levels across much of the country have dropped sharply. Now some residents in northern India say they can see the snow-capped Himalayas 200 kilometres away for the first time in 30 years.

    SBS Language | Himalayas visible for first time in 30 years as pollution levels in India drop
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Geothermal - Geothermal Industry Calls for Internal Market for Heat - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism
    TADEAS --- ---
    Big Oil is using the coronavirus pandemic to push through the Keystone XL pipeline | Bill McKibben | Opinion | The Guardian

    And then came the coronavirus epidemic – and the oil industry saw its opening. It moved with breathtaking speed to take advantage of the moment.

    In Alberta, premier Jason Kenney, a pliant servant of the oil companies who had already set up a “war room” to fight environmentalists, invested $1.1bn of taxpayers’ money to TC Energy to fund construction through the year, and set aside another $6bn in a loan guarantee.

    Meanwhile, on the southern side of the border, a series of states quickly adopted laws making it a felony to protest “critical infrastructure” like pipelines. (Last week South Dakota, a crucial link on the KXL route, made it a felony even to “incite” such protest.) And the Department of Health and Human Services issued a memorandum exempting pipeline construction from stay-at-home orders because such work was “critical” – that is, the department is asserting it is essential to build oil pipelines at the precise moment that the world is swimming in oil and that the Trump administration is boasting about getting Saudi and Russian autocrats to cut supply.

    On Tuesday, TC Energy announced it was moving workers from across America into place in states along the pipeline route – although local reporters in Montana discovered they’d actually begun arriving 48 hours earlier, narrowly beating the state imposition of a quarantine.

    On Thursday, JP Morgan Chase announced that it was leading a $1.25bn bond issue for TC Energy.
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