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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---

    Extinction Rebellion Switzerland
    One of the most beautiful images to say that I saw in life...

    This map shows the current position of oil tankers, mostly filled with oil. They are “stranded” around the world because there is no way to unload, since onshore warehouses are full, pipelines are full, and without flow, due to the low demand for oil. Although oil is now worth zero, keeping it in this condition costs about $ 30,000 a day per vessel. There is no one who buys oil if airplanes do not fly, if vehicles do not travel in cities. Never in contemporary history has there been such a drastic reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels. The oil is standing on the surface of the oceans (in the tanks of the ships), in the deposits that are on land and in the pipelines. There is no clearer index to understand the magnitude of the paralysis and the problems that modern capitalism faces, since the ballast of the dollar is this, stopped, floating in the oceans.

    System bug! Let’s change the system

    TADEAS --- ---
    veganic farming. mam sve pochybnosti, ale pro info ohledne jedny z podle me mylnejch vetvi vyvoje

    Farming for the Planet

    The Secret to Farming for the Climate - A Well-Fed World

    TADEAS --- ---
    SUCHRE: samozrejme. 35 milionu nejbohatsich se presune na zeland, zbyla miliarda na konci stoleti bude zivorit v ruznejch obyvatelnejch oblastech. ale nehledal bych vinu, anu spravedlnost, to jsou zastaraly koncepty. co je novyho na netflixu?
    SUCHRE --- ---
    Treba kvuli suchu zemre pet miliard lidi a bude po vsech problemech.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SUCHRE: jedno je ekosystemovej problem, druhy je klimatickej problem, samozrejme to souvisi, ale klimaticky jsou ty plyny nadrazenejsi problem. dostupnost vody je bezprostrednejsi problem, a tak k nemu mame bliz.
    SUCHRE --- ---
    Deficit sladky vody je sice nasobne horsi problem nez emise oxidu uhlicityho, ale momentalni ekologicka lobby jede oxid. Smula, pro vodu uz asi neni prostor .... a navic kvuli vode se neda kseftovat s emisnima povolenkama, takze to ani nebude mit podporu ruznejch filutu jako Al Gore, apod.
    TADEAS --- ---
    je fakt, ze k uvedomeni si degenerativniho managementu a klimaticko-ekosystemovejch souvislosti nepomuze asi nic. kdyz u nas byl darren doherty, kterej se pohybuje hlavne v australii, ptal se cemu tady rikame sucho, protoze v australii zemedelcej pripraveny na to, ze nemusi prset nekolik let nebo celou sezonu. ale co to ma co delat s nasim managementem a klimatickou stabilitou? tezko rict...
    TADEAS --- ---
    GIOMIKY: a za nasich zivotu ani neskonci.
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Současná epizoda sucha, které Česko zažívá od roku 2015 a stále nekončí, je nejhorší za posledních 500 let, vyplývá z údajů shromážděných týmem vědců z projektu InterSucho.
    TADEAS --- ---
    "There is a bad but persistent narrative that climate change and pandemics are caused not by greenhouse gases and viruses, but by human nature. We are greedy for food, shelter, adventure, self-fulfillment, human contact and — says this narrative — we must be punished for our sins.

    But the current situation — death, poverty, loneliness — is an ineffective blueprint for climate solutions. We were never going to be able to sacrifice our way out of climate change, especially not on the backs of the people who have historically done most of the sacrificing.

    There is an entrenched system that extracts CO2 from the ground and pumps it into the atmosphere, one that results not from inherent human badness but from the choices of a few humans with power.

    Confronting that system will take work. We need to build things: wind turbines, solar panels, public transportation, denser cities, fairer societies. We don’t need purification. We don’t need absolution. We need to get to work."

    #SystemChange #GreenTransition #NewStory
    I Am a Mad Scientist
    TUHO --- ---
    Konec uhli - Nova energie
    Výroba elektřiny v Německu 2019 a porovnání s rokem 2018.
    Největší pokles zazanamenalo hnědé uhlí -4%, černé uhlí -3,6% a jádro -0,5%.
    Největší nárůst vítr +3,5%, plyn +2,1%, slunce +0,6%.
    Takto vypadá postupný KONEC UHLÍ.
    V Německu je NOVÁ ENERGIE vítr a plyn.
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: adaptacni opatreni se daj pojmout ruzne, mame proste svuj styl.
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: ok, uznávám, ymladris měla s tou svou tbilisi pravdu, bohužel...
    EXCITE --- ---
    TUHO: to je hodně slušná léčba krajiny
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: me to naplnuje skodolibou radosti. jeste mensi dust bowl z kombinace musmanagementu poli i lesu a budu slavit. at nas nase blbost bije do oci kazdej den, to si preju
    TUHO --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: na filmy nemam cas :))
    TADEAS --- ---
    Continental Resources Halts Shale Output, Seeks to Cancel Sales | Hart Energy

    The largest oil producer in North Dakota has halted most of its production in the U.S. state and notified some customers it would not supply crude after prices dived into negative territory this week, people familiar with the matter said.

    Continental Resources Inc., the company controlled by billionaire Harold Hamm, stopped all drilling and shut in most of its wells in the state's Bakken shale field, three people familiar with production in the state said April 23.
    TUHO --- ---
    Společná iniciativa ekologicky organizaci za postcovid recovery programy podmineny klima odpovednosti a prohloubenim green new dealu. zatim podepsalo cca 60 tisic lidi

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Videl si? Ja jeste ne, jenom jsem zaregistroval par komentaru jako je tohle...

    Eric Holthaus
    I am 100% for a climate future where we focus on humanity, not technology, as the cornerstone of our civilization.
    The new Michael Moore movie goes in the opposite direction. It's dangerous ecofascism & population control promoted by a cast of white guys.

    Michael Moore's 'Planet of the Humans' Almost Gets the Real Problem


    OPINION: Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of the Humans’ Film Trashes Clean Energy, Offers Zero Solutions
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