SHEFIK: vice mene se nepletu, z clanku:
In other words, without the lockdown, the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would have increased by 0.68% in 2020, compared to the 2019 global average. But with the lockdown, we project the increase to be 0.60%.
If global emissions reduce by 8% over the year, with the largest reduction in April, the annual minimum monthly CO2 by September will be 410.6ppm (±0.6), compared to 411.1ppm (±0.6) expected without the Covid-19 impact.
jinymi slovy, dopad covidu je minimalni (max 8% novyho prirustku) a uskromnit se nam v budoucnu vubec nepomuze, muzeme zacit klidne zas vesele litat. zachrani nas jen CCS nebo natural sinks, temata, o kterych mluvi TADEAS apod.
dekuju za prostor k monologu .)