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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DZODZO --- ---
    NESCIUS: kolko bezobalovych obchodov si navstivil? ja uz asi 5 a v ziadnom som toto nevidel, vacsinou to vozia v obale, ktory uz pouzili, ryzu som teda priamo nevidel, ale bandasky s samponmi a tekutym mydlom jo
    NESCIUS --- ---
    LINKOS: já tady vidim velký smradlavý hovno ze strany prodavačů: mám zkušenost že obchody bez-obalů jsou - rejže došla, prodejčí přišel s malým, 2kg balením rejže, přesypal, vyhodil obal a prodával dál.. zase bez obalů.. všechno v pořádku...
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: nepleteš si zase pojmy? Recyklace, třídění, downcyklace. Ono, je totiž fakt rozdíl, když vytřídís x procent odpadu vs. když jsi schopen schopen jej využít opakovaně.

    Je ohromný rozdíl, když musíš něco roztavit aby si z toho zas něco vyrobil, oproti tomu, že to vypláchneš a použiješ znovu. Potřebujem zacyklovat aby se to samé používalo znovu, ideálně na krátkou vzdálenost, ne jednorázově a pak to vyhodit.
    V tomhle bude hrát velký význam třeba nákup rýže, luštěnin apod. ze zásobníku do svých opakovaně používaných obalů, tady vidím ještě velkou mezeru u spotřebitelů
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ivan Bartoš: Evropská Zelená dohoda je šance změnit se z montovny na mozkovnu

    Ivan Bartoš: „Z klimatu potřebujeme udělat téma, které se bude řešit ve všech resortech. I třeba na ministerstvu práce a sociálních věcí, ministerstvu pro místní rozvoj, aby se peníze pro transformaci uhelných regionů nepoužívaly na bourání baráků ve vyloučených lokalitách.“
    SHEFIK --- ---
    EGEB: Companies worth $2 trillion call for global green recovery - Electrek

    dalsich 150 korporatu chce po statech nastavit green smer
    dansko chce na umelych ostrovech pridat 4gw offshore vetru
    TADEAS --- ---
    Platinum-free catalysts could make cheaper hydrogen fuel cells

    Commercially available hydrogen fuel cells rely on the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), which splits oxygen molecules into oxygen ions and combines them with protons to form water. The reaction is part of the overall fuel cell process that converts hydrogen and oxygen in air into water and electricity. The ORR is a relatively slow reaction, limiting fuel cell efficiency and requiring a large amount of platinum catalyst.

    "Currently, the oxygen reduction reaction is facilitated by platinum alloy catalysts, which are the most expensive component of the fuel cell electrodes," said Deborah Myers, a senior chemist and the leader of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Materials group in Argonne's Chemical Sciences and Engineering (CSE) division. "Widespread, sustainable commercialization of fuel cell electric vehicles requires either a dramatic reduction in the amount of platinum required or the replacement of platinum catalysts with those made of earth-abundant, inexpensive materials like iron."

    The most promising platinum-free catalyst for use in the ORR is based on iron, nitrogen and carbon
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe Set To Unveil Its $500 Billion 'Green Deal' | OilPrice.com

    On May 27, the European Commission will unveil details on its “Green Deal” strategy, which will offer a green economic recovery package while at the same time put some meat on the bones of the EU’s aim to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

    Specifically, the plan will propose a “recovery instrument” worth a half-a-trillion euros, according to Bloomberg, which obtained a copy of the draft document. Of that, between 60 and 80 billion euros would be aimed at boosting EV sales and building out EV recharging networks. EVs would be exempted from the VAT. Another 91 billion euros would go to retrofitting existing buildings. 10 billion euros would go to renewable energy projects. Around 30 billion euros would be funneled into technologies to cut emissions in sectors where it has been exceptionally difficult to do so, such as steel and cement.

    “These sums would dwarf any green stimulus announcements to date and signal that the EU really wants to align its economic recovery strategy with the Green Deal,” said Victoria Cuming, head of global policy at BloombergNEF.


    The new spending measures come as Germany and France have separately reached an agreement on a version of a fiscal union, or at least, the first steps towards building such an outcome. That is, in an effort to hold the EU together, Germany and France have proposed a 500-billion-euro fund that will provide fiscal stimulus to struggling economies on the continent, such as Italy and Spain, both hit hard by the pandemic. The funds would be raised across the Union, but would disproportionately benefit the countries that need it most.


    During past crises, the EU’s response has often been “more Europe,” not less. But Brexit slammed the brakes on the notion of deepening the European project. And the coronavirus has deeply divided the continent, with resentment building in southern Europe, where the economic and public health toll has been most concentrated. The worst recession in nearly a century, and all the political fallout that entails, could yet tear the EU apart.

    But that’s exactly why Germany may be coming around to the idea of a more redistributive arrangement. It remains to be seen if a few holdouts (Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands, for instance) scuttle the proposal.

    It is against this chaotic backdrop that the European Commission will propose its green recovery package. Europe is suffering through health crisis, an economic crisis and a political crisis. A Green Deal by no means is a silver bullet, but it does promise progress on multiple fronts
    DZODZO --- ---
    LINKOS: tak tak, lepsia nez recyklace je precyklace, minimalne teda menej energeticky narocna
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: ja nevim kde na to shinigami chodi, podle mych informaci je v cz situace takova, ze s plastama z kontejneru kseftuje par firem, ktery na tom maj solidni byznys a nechtej k tomu pustit dalsi, napr. ve forme zalohovanejch petek. mam za to, ze vetsina plaatu se nasledne energeticky vyuzije, tj. spali.
    KEB --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: jestli se chtějí firmy dostat k levnýmu PET recyklatu, proč je takový problém zavést vratné/zálohované obaly?

    Odpovím si sám. Protože se nechtějí dostat k ničemu jejich snaha je přenést odpovědnost za obal na spotřebitele. Oproti tomu typicky lahvac si musí nechat přivést což je náklad navíc. Petku vyrobí prodají a dál se o ní nestarají pět recyklat kupují protože je k dispozici a ještě se můžou chlubit jak jsou eko.
    SHINIGAMI: point jsi nepochopil. Mluvím o tom, když vyrábíš bordel, taky si ho ukliď. Anebo se věnuj jinýmu byznysu, třeba vzdělávání. Celej byznys se sladkýma, povzbuzujícíma a alkoholickýma nápojema je založenej na závislosti jejich uživatelů, tak je ten byznys model postavený. Ať za ten hnůj ty firmy převezmou odpovědnost.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: v recyklaci plastu jsme na tom HODNE dobre, coz sama vis, i bez takovyhle udelaku. Cely je to o tom, ze vyrobci lahvi by se radi dostali k levnymu recyklatu z automatu, tak se to snazi tlacit. Pokud se jim to povede, vysledek bude bud zmizeni zlutych kontejneru, neb se to stavajicim zpracovatelum nevyplati, nebo vetsi platby za odpad, coz lidi k nejaky vetsi recyklaci fakt nebude motivovat. Dokonce si dovolim tipnout, ze se jich na to rada cilene vykasle, prestoze ted recykluji.

    Btw. podivej se treba na energetickou narocnost recyklace skla. Ono takovy to nahradime plastovy lahve sklenenyma a svet bude krasnej taky neni uplne onco.

    KEB: my na to tady snad kaslem?

    LINKOS: viz vyse.
    PAD --- ---
    Sice mala zmena, ale muze mit znatelny dopad na emise a obecne spotrebu energii - vemte si vsechny ty kancly z betonu a skla, v podstate se zabira skoro 2x plocha na cloveka (protoze kazdy nekde jeste musi spat), casto lidi dojizdeji auty, v USA klidne i vice jak hodinu. Kdyby vsechny kancelarske krysy (jako ja) mohly pracovat z domu, tak by to nejake to procento urcite udelalo. Navic by to umoznilo lidem se vice vratit k pude - chapu, ze to asi neni sen kazdeho, ale v mem okoli je par ITaku, kteri timhle smerem jdou nebo o tom uvazuji.

    Home office už natrvalo. Někde doma zůstane nastálo i polovina lidí - iDNES.cz
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: tak za odpady se platí, ne? Dneska jejich výkup drží nad vodou jen skupovani PET. Až nám z toho PET vypadne, budeme to muset nějak řešit. Samozřejmě jsou lidi co by chtěli aby produkovali odpad a nic neplatili, akorát to asi není náš cíl, není to udržitelné
    KEB --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: správně, vykasleme se na to úplně, trh s tím poradí sám a planeta je modrá ne zelená.
    SHINIGAMI: Lepší to házet rovnou do řeky. To uplave a je to pryč. Tyhlety stroje každého jen otravují. Já bych všechny ty jednorázové obaly zakázala.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    OMNIHASH: jo, a funguje to tak uzasne, ze to umi vracet jen neco a co neumi to ani nesezere zadarma, nebo tak neco. Ale protoze zavedli tohle, tak tam clovek skoro nenajde obyc recyklacni kontejner, kam by odhodil odmitnute veci..
    PAD --- ---
    Voda teče sotva pár minut denně: Tak se žije v českých obcích na suchu - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sustainable agroecosystems: Research to assess the benefits of regenerative grazing principles

    Carbon rich soil is healthy and beneficial for the entire ecosystem, based on previous and growing research. Ecosystem health is increased as soil carbon increases, resulting in improved water infiltration and retention; soil stability nutrient status, access and retention; diversity of fungi, microbes, plants, and insects; wildlife diversity, nutrition and habitat; livestock health and output; and farmer net profits, resilience and well-being. Healthy ecosystems with high levels of soil carbon and soil microbial biomass, diversity and function provide valuable ecosystem services (benefits humans gain from nature), which increase the sustainability of farming, enhance natural pest control, boost yields, and reduce costs, thereby increasing profitability.

    However, many traditional agricultural practices damage the very ecosystems on which they rely to function optimally. Intensive farming methods, such as extensive soil ploughing, inorganic fertiliser and pesticide use, damage fragile ecosystems over time, reducing yields, and thus often prompting even more intensive farming. This ultimately leads to land that is damaged beyond repair and no longer suitable for grazing or cropping farming.

    During the 2013 United Nations year of soil, global soil scientists warned that if the current intensive industrial agricultural practices were continued, there will be no functional soil left in around 60 years. In the best-case scenario, this means a change in the food we have available to us; in the worst-case scenario, this would mean insufficient food to go around. As dire as this warning is we can take confidence in the many farmers who are using management practices that have been shown to improve and regenerate soil health, decrease costs and improve profitability while regenerating degraded ecosystem function and delivering enhanced ecosystem services essential to our health and wellbeing.


    To achieve desired economic goals, regenerative grazing farmers manage specifically to optimise four key ecosystem functions:
    1) maximise energy capture via photosynthesis to drive ecosystem function,

    2) maximise capture of incoming precipitation, retention in the soil and cycling through plants,

    3) maximise nutrient cycling through plants and soil to facilitate biotic function and productivity,

    4) create and maintain high biodiversity below and above ground to increase ecosystem stability and productivity.

    The biggest limiting factor in grazing and cropping agriculture is not the amount of rain that falls but the amount that stays in the soil. Soil microbes control 90% of soil and ecosystem function so management must enhance not degrade soil microbial biodiversity and function. Regenerative farmers must manage to mimic the evolved ecosystem functions of native grasslands and savannas. Soil microbial and associated plant communities in grazing ecosystems did not evolve under abandonment, but coevolved as complex, dynamic ecosystems comprising grasses and soil biota, grazers, and their predators.


    The principles for increasing microbial function to improve soil health and carbon in grazing ecosystems involves managing to achieve the following:

    1) improve plant cover,

    2) minimise bare ground,

    3) manage for perennial plants rather than annuals,

    4) manage for most productive plants,

    5) leave adequate plant residue,

    6) manage for living roots and green leaves for as many days each year as possible,

    7) avoid tillage, inorganic fertilisers & biocides.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dokoukal jsem Carbon Cowboys a musim rict, ze prijemne potesilo. doporucuju
    CarbonCowboys - film paddocks


    Ustredni motto: nechat pudu odpocinout, resp. "nechat alespon chvili prirodu delat co umi nejlip"
    Temata: mota se to kolem skotu, ale i dalsi zvirata, jeden dil i o poli
    Jak: kazdej farmar jinak dlouhou dobu necha odpocivat (od par hodin az mesice), podle podnebi a kraje. co maj vsichni spolecnyho je, ze se simuluje "prirozena" migrace zvirat
    - daleko min lidskyho managementu (2-3 lidi na 5000 krav), vpodstate jedinej management je zajisteni migrace skotu
    - na stejnou plochu 2x tolik skotu
    - rozmanitejsi a tedy kvalitnejsi vyziva
    - hnuj regeneruje susiny a celkove krajinu, viz dalsi body
    - vyssi travy zabranujou vysouseni pudy, tak pak dokaze lip zadrzet vodu v krajine a vydrzet i rocni sucha
    - do krajiny se vraci zivot, od pudnich mikroorganismu a zivocichu, pres motyli, ptaky, vcely atd.
    - nemusi se hnojit ani strikat, cimz se ani nelikvidujou organismy v pude, setri se naklady
    - paraziti krav zijou v nizky trave, kdyz kravy migrujou a nespasaj ji az na zem, paraziti prirozene zmizi, skot je zdravejsi, tedy celkove vetsi zdravi krav
    - celkove vyssi rust biomasy, tedy vyssi sekvestrace CO2 v pude/pastve
    - dostatek potravy i pri suchu, cimz se i setri naklady

    a spousta dalsich eko insightu

    Co mi chybelo:
    - dopad skotu na produkci metanu
    - cekal jsem ze se dozvim vic i o pasture cropping
    DZODZO --- ---
    zalohovanie odpadu podporuje produkciu odpadu, lepsie by bolo vymysliet nejake riesenie ako ludi presvedcit, ze to k zivotu nepotrebuju a produkcii odpadu predchadzat, mozno sa to prelomi s nastupom nejakych neuralnych implantatov, kedy si budes moct davkovat vjemy iba stimulaciou tych spravnych neuronovych spojeni - mas chut na cokoladu? poskadli neuron #249faccb0071 instrukciou #7afbe9099 a nestloustnes, ale zazijes tu chut ako by to bola realna vec... sladke napoje? alkohol? we've got you covered
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam