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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: Je to super, snad se toho doziju. Zatim je to v ceskych podminkach nerealny. IMHO mnohem vetsi leverage daji uspory - zateplovani, mozna i zmenseni staveb (fakt nechapu, k cemu maji lidi dnes mnohdy i >200m2 plochy), fotovoltaika a tam, kde to lze, tak drevo.
    JIMIQ: To je cena celyho baraku, pokud ses ochotny leccos udelat sam. Nikdy se to nema sanci zaplatit. Cena dreva je dnes 400korun/m2 vcetne dopravy, cili topeni a TUV (okolo 70-80% veskere energie, co domacnost spotrebuje), muzes poresit za 5000 korun/rok (pri tepelnych ztratach ~8kw). Pokud leto pokryjes fotovoltaikou, tak jeste vic. Ani to nemusi byt pasiv. Nevyhodou je skladovani a pracnost (ta muze byt pro nekoho vyhoda).

    Chci tim celym jen rict, ze k udrzitelnejsimu bydleni neni treba high tech ani hodne penez. Staci jen chytre poskladat to, co uz je dostupne a obetovat trochu prace.
    KEB --- ---
    Americká aktivistka Erin Brockovichová slaví šedesátiny - Ekolist.cz

    Patří to sem jen velmi okrajově, ale i tak gratulujeme k životnímu jubileu :-)
    SUMAC --- ---

    For over half a century, worldwide growth in affluence has continuously increased resource use and pollutant emissions far more rapidly than these have been reduced through better technology. The affluent citizens of the world are responsible for most environmental impacts and are central to any future prospect of retreating to safer environmental conditions. We summarise the evidence and present possible solution approaches. Any transition towards sustainability can only be effective if far-reaching lifestyle changes complement technological advancements. However, existing societies, economies and cultures incite consumption expansion and the structural imperative for growth in competitive market economies inhibits necessary societal change.

    vedecky prokazany a v Nature opublikovany zaver, ze bohati znicili planetu.

    TADEAS --- ---
    JIMIQ: 80% casu, ale z hlediska spotrebovany energie to bude vic, protoze to je cast roku kdy ji nejvic potrebujes. takze v tom smyslu ten energetickej mix kterej ti zajistuje grid je to, co pouzivas. takze pokud chces ted dekarbonizovany high-tech teplo/chlad, je to mozny, a drahy. :)
    JIMIQ --- ---
    no však píšu 80% - to nechává 2,5 měsíce z gridu. A kvůli 20% investovat dalších 50% navíc je nesmysl, že jo. To si radši počkám, až to bude sériová výroba a bude to stát třetinu
    TADEAS --- ---
    JIMIQ: i s tou kombinaci pasiv + TC ve vrtu to porad vychazi tak, ze potrebujes nejaky jednotky MWh elektriny/rok na pohon systemu, hlavne v chladny casti roku - kde je vezmes? bud to bude vychazet virtualne, tj. pocitas napr. pouze vyrobu FVE, ktera ti ze strechy takovy mnozstvi energie bez problemu vyrobi a tvoje uloziste je grid. nebo chces aby to fungovalo nebo vychazelo offgrid, pak musis resit sezonni ulozeni a podle me v soucasnosti neni jina (technologicka) cesta nez ten vodik. nebo to muzes zalozit napr. na peletkach, coz je taky obhajitelny, ale pak to nebude TC. plus vetsi narok na prostor (peletky), ktery se musej odnekud privyzt nebo zpracovat z lokalniho dreva. to je co se tyce vytapeni, elektrinu taky musis nejak vykrejt sezonne, pokud chces soucasnes standard spotreby. nicmene v cechach partnera zatim nemaj, prej nejdriv rakousko a svycarsko.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    ale jako jo, v Německu dotace 12500, tak když stačí ta levnější varianta jseš na 47500, to je tak půl až celoroční plat podle druhu zaměstnání. To je pěkný. Takže u nás by museli zlevnit 3x... takže 2025? :D
    JIMIQ --- ---
    TADEAS: “neustale”, chci mit pasiv, TC a FVE, 80% snad pokreju i kdyz mozna ne hned
    TADEAS --- ---

    WEBINAR - Fuel cells and hydrogen: the missing link to decarbonise Europe’s building stock?

    WEBINAR: Fuel cells and hydrogen - the missing link to decarbonise Europe’s building stock? (Tuesday 26 May | 11:00 to 12:00 CET) - PACE
    TADEAS --- ---
    JIMIQ: jj, energeticky nesobestacnyho baraku do kteryho neustale importujes energie/materialy. je to na zacatku.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    TADEAS: to by se mi líbilo, 60-90 tisíc eur teda... to je skoro polovina ceny baráku :D
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It?

    Gates konecne zasponsoroval climate change serii od kurzgesagtu, zde prvni dil, polopaticka videa pro kazdeho (dodelejte nekdo ceske titulky)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Green Heating and Cooling | Hydrogen

    Heating and cooling consume half of the EU's energy. Although this sector aims at being a clean and low carbon energy, 75% of the fuel it uses still comes from fossil fuels (nearly half from gas). The sector is based on a vast, European interconnected gas infrastructure which delivers the needed energy to heat homes in the EU.

    If Europe wants to decarbonise heating and cooling it faces several options:
    Through the electrification of heating with heat pump or electric heaters or via the introduction of renewable gas such as hydrogen or biogas.

    The electrification options are feasible for a number of building (new builds only and that are well insulated and where low temperature heating through the floor is possible) but the majority of the building stock today is not compatible. Moreover, the demand of heat is concentrated in winter time when renewables are less available. Additionally, a complete electrification of heat would imply that the gas grid is no longer used and becomes a stranded asset.


    There are three ways to decarbonise the gas grid: Green and Decarbonised Hydrogen:

    * Green hydrogen through water electrolysis using renewable electricity.
    * Decarbonised hydrogen through natural gas reformation with carbon capture and storage.
    * By-product hydrogen taken from an unavoidable source of hydrogen which would have been otherwise flared or ineffectively burnt for electricity generation.

    The gas infrastructure decarbonisation through the introduction of high share of such hydrogen, firstly through a blending with natural gas and in the future possibly to a complete conversion to 100% hydrogen system is a reality that needs to be acknowledged and pushed for.

    Additionally, this enables a greater integration of renewable energy sources and a direct reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, due to the increased share of intermittent renewable energy sources (wind and solar) in the European energy system, the utilisation of the vast gas infrastructure as an energy storage asset is an opportunity (the green gas being used in homes but also in gas-fired power plants (link to sectoral integration).

    Hydrogen represents the optimal overall solution for long-term, carbon-free seasonal storage.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ad homescale vodik, co lze v nemecku poridit (v cechach nemaj partnera, nechcete nekdo rozjet .)


    TADEAS --- ---

    Hy2green - Das Energiespeicher-System für natürliche Energiequellen : Hy2green

    Hydrogen is generated from electrical energy by means of electrolysis and fed into storage tanks filled with metal powder. Here, the hydrogen enter into the metal structure and remains as a safe and stable compound – which is known as metal hydride. This compound can be released again by simply adjusting the pressure and temperature. The released hydrogen is fed into a fuel cell and converted back into electricity and heat. The only residues are oxygen and water – natural elements and no environmental pollution!

    The integrated heat management system captures the conversion energy that is lost as heat and makes it available to the application’s heat cycle. This significantly increases the energy efficiency of the entire system.

    The result: An efficient zero emission electrical and thermal power system.


    The Hy2Green system covers energy storage ranges from 80 kWh to 66MWh and can be tailored to the application need. Its modular system approach offers a perfect integration of short term (day-night) storage types (e.g. electric batteries, hot water accumulators) enabling highest system flexibility.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    YMLADRIS: antrax ti neudela apidemii
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: loni nejake ditko na sibiri umrelo na rozmrzly antrax. na to ockovanej nejses
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: obavam se, ze s tim problem nebude. Ale co nas muze potesit jsou momentalne zamrzly lokality, kde by melo jit najit veci jako stary dobry nestovice ap. No, my jsme na to jeste ockovany;).
    KEB --- ---
    V USA by to šlo kdyby se chtělo

    Studie: USA mohou vyrábět 90 % své elektřiny bezemisně již v roce 2035 - TZB-info
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO: chladna deviace je nad evropou, jinak globalne rekordni narust teplot o 0.2 C v dubnu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam