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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Six Months To Avert Climate Crisis’: Climate Breakdown And The Corporate Media – Media Lens

    One of the study’s co-authors, Will Stefen, emeritus professor of climate and Earth System science at the Australian National University, told Voice of Action, an Australian publication, that all this raises the ultimate question:

    ‘Have we already lost control of the system? Is collapse now inevitable?’

    In other words, there may simply not be enough time to stop tipping points being reached, as he explained with this metaphor:

    ‘If the Titanic realises that it’s in trouble and it has about 5km that it needs to slow and steer the ship, but it’s only 3km away from the iceberg, it’s already doomed.’

    We searched the ProQuest media database for mentions of this particularly disturbing quote by Steffen, a world-renowned climate expert, in national UK newspapers. We found the grand total of one in a short article in the Daily Express. What could better sum up the pathology of the ‘mainstream’ news media than ignoring urgent authoritative warnings of the likely collapse of the climate system?


    Samuel Alexander, a lecturer with the University of Melbourne and research fellow at the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, told Voice of Action that the looming end of organised human society would not be a single event. Instead, we are approaching a stage:

    ‘where we face decades of ongoing crises, as the existing mode of civilisation deteriorates, but then recovers as governments and civil society tries to respond, and fix things, and keep things going for a bit longer.’

    He added:

    ‘Capitalism is quite good at dodging bullets and escaping temporary challenges to its legitimacy and viability. But its condition, I feel, is terminal.’

    Meanwhile, Steffen believes that current mass protests, such as Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion, are not yet a sign of collapse but one of ‘growing instability’. Alexander concurs, saying that it is a sign of ‘steam building up within a closed system’. Without large-scale grassroots action and radical shifts in government policies, we are ‘likely to see explosions of civil unrest increasingly as things continue to deteriorate’. However, he offered hope that, with sufficient public pressure, the future could still be ‘post-growth / post capitalist / post-industrial in some form.’

    Graham Turner, a former senior Australian government research scientist, observed:

    ‘I think if we all manage to live a simpler and arguably more fulfilling life then it would be possible still with some technological advances to have a sustainable future, but it would seem that it’s more likely … that we are headed towards or perhaps on the cusp of a sort of global collapse.’

    He fears that the public as a whole will only demand change once ‘they’re actually losing their jobs or losing their life or seeing their children directly suffer’.


    Many new and dramatic climate findings are, of course, reported in the science and environment sections of newspapers. But the compelling case for a radical shift in society towards sustainability are barely touched upon in corporate news media, for obvious reasons.

    In particular, the imminent threat of climate collapse rarely intrudes into the numerous pages devoted to ‘politics’, business and the economy. These pages feature a whole slew of correspondents, columnists and commentators who are rewarded for not questioning the status quo.


    as we and others have long argued, a fundamental obstacle to shifting to a saner, more democratic society is the narrow concentration of media ownership; a structural impediment in today’s world to truly free and open debate. This extreme state of affairs has been tracked in the UK by the independent Media Reform Coalition which represents several groups and individuals committed to promoting journalism and communications that work for the benefit of the public. The MRC is currently chaired by Natalie Fenton, professor of media and communications at Goldsmiths, University of London.

    The coalition’s most recent report on UK media ownership, published in 2019, revealed that the problem is now even worse than at the time of its previous report in 2015. Just three companies – Rupert Murdoch’s News UK, Daily Mail Group and Reach (publisher of the Mirror titles) dominate 83 per cent of the national newspaper market (up from 71 per cent in 2015). When online readers are included, just five companies – News UK, Daily Mail Group, Reach, Guardian and Telegraph – dominate nearly 80 per cent of the market


    A fundamental obstacle to radical societal change to avert climate breakdown, therefore, is that ‘mainstream’ media, including BBC News, exist primarily to uphold the interests of capital and, in addition, particularly in the case of the BBC, the state:

    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: nadrz 33x33m, metr hluboka je milion litru, 100 Ml je celkem prd, ne.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: ja myslel to spalovani, kdyz ma byt primarni ucel letecky palivo. jestli maj 100 milionu litru cisty vody rocne navic, tak ok...
    TADEAS --- ---

    I am a preacher’s daughter, and my dad is a climate-denying megachurch pastor. To me, it seems most white evangelicals are lost in a false nostalgia and brainwashed by the cult of Trump and Fox News. They’re driven by an ideological identity and a mentality of my team vs. yours, not science, or even compassion, and stuck in the culture wars of the nineteen-eighties and nineties. I like to remind people that there’s a lot more to Christianity than what white evangelicals have to say. There’s still a lot of hope among young people who were raised in that space, and even those who still identify with it, who are far more likely to embrace science and social justice. And there are millions of progressive Christians who care about the climate crisis and are inspired by Jesus’ teachings and other tenets of Christianity to act. But I fear that many, if not most, older white evangelicals may be lost—not that I won’t still keep trying.

    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: Tak elektrolyza se ale dela v norsku, tam maji spousty vody nejenom z more, ale z rek. Pokud vim, tak tam jsou spis projekce takovy, ze vody bude nadbytek...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe losing forest to harvesting at alarming rate, data suggests | Environment | The Guardian

    Europe has lost a vastly increased area of forest to harvesting in recent years, data suggests, reducing the continent’s carbon absorption capacity and possibly indicating wider problems with the EU’s attempts to combat the climate crisis.

    Many of the EU’s forests – which account for about 38% of its land surface area – are managed for timber production, and thus harvested regularly. But the loss of biomass increased by 69% in the period from 2016 to 2018, compared with the period from 2011 to 2015, according to satellite data. The area of forest harvested increased by 49% in the same comparison, published in the journal Nature Research.


    “The forests continue to remain a carbon sink, but less than before,” said Ceccherini. “Even if part of the harvested biomass carbon is used in long-lasting wood products, possibly replacing more energy-intensive materials such as steel or cement, most of it will return to the atmosphere as CO2 in a short period of time, [from] months to a few years. Until the carbon stock in harvested areas returns to previous levels, which takes several decades, depending on the type of forest, an increase in harvest is therefore equivalent to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere.”

    Forests offset about 10% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. As the areas harvested are likely to be replanted, the new growth will continue to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so Europe’s carbon balance may not be greatly affected in the long term.

    However, the researchers said it was important to find out why the harvesting has increased so suddenly, in case it indicates wider underlying problems with the way in which Europe’s forests are being managed. This study cannot definitively establish the causes of the increases in harvesting, so more research is needed.


    The loss of forest biomass is most pronounced in Sweden, which accounted for 29% of the increase in harvesting, and Finland, for about 22%. Much less affected were Poland, Spain, Latvia, Portugal and Estonia, which jointly accounted for about 30% of the increase in the 26 countries studied.

    Ceccherini told the Guardian that the observed increase in harvesting and the loss of biomass was unlikely to result in a decline in the area of the EU that is forested overall, as most of the harvested forests would be regenerated. But it would disrupt the carbon absorption capacity of the EU’s forests in the short term, he said.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    LINKOS: na dofiltrovani asi jo. nicmene v clanku: "Do roku 2026 by měl první komerční závod v Evropě vyrábět 100 milionů litrů obnovitelného leteckého paliva ročně" .)
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak teoreticky by byla asi nejvhodnější dešťová
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: jenze ne lokalne, tam kde se dela elektrolyza

    a z more je potreba resit filtraci, odsolovani stoji mraky energie... pokud vyresi odsolovani a elektrolyzu vodiku jednou ranou, tak je to win-win. ale spis mam dojem, ze se k tomu bude pouzivat pitna...
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak vody je asi v norsku dost ne? plus spalovanim vodiku vznikne zase voda :)
    KEB --- ---
    SHEFIK: předpokládám že z moře. Tam je jí dost a ještě získají mořskou sůl.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: vezmu zo starych vlhkych barakov pomocou takej tej cisticky vzduchu, ta tu vodu kondenzuje
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tohle zni krasne, dokonce i z nasich CEZkych koncin. jen by me jeste zajmalo, odkud se bude brat "obnovitelna" voda pro elektrolyzu

    ČEZ pomůže snižovat emise v letecké dopravě, letecký benzín má nahradit vodík | Hybrid.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DRSH: no tam je ekologické riziko hlavně když v místním klimatu, které utáhne nejvíc tak step, že stromy vysuší půdu, pak stejně odumřou, ale nevrátí se tam ani ta step a změní se to v poušť. Tohle se prý reálně na pár místech stalo jinak snaživým Číňanům, kteří v oblasti stepí bojují s rozšiřováním pouště Gobi, ale konkrétní lokace teda neznám... umím si to ale představit, uschlých stromů jsem viděl v takových oblastech hodně, samozřejmě se ale poučili a vymýšlejí pro ty pouštní lesy různá zavlažování a tak.

    Ten článek popisuje spíš politická rizika... pokud někdo použije peníze na výsadbu nových stromů tak, že nejdřív pokácí stávající les, tak to je fakt no comment a mělo by se to rozmáznout....
    SHEFIK --- ---
    pro zaryty sledovace atmosfery

    Meteomapa Windy získala nové vrstvy. Ukáže požáry a nebezpečné látky ve vzduchu – Živě.cz
    DRSH --- ---
    Plošné zalesňování nemusí být vždy prospěšné, varují vědci ze Stanfordovy univerzity | Plus
    KEB --- ---
    David Hanslian a Pavel Sedlák: Větrné elektrárny - klimatické pohroma? - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: "read fast, die old" :D
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Doufam, ze v duchodu budu mit cas v podzemnim bunkru prelouskat vsechny ty prispveky, ktery jsem ti tady olajkoval :D
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam