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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    LINKOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no, protože ne každý aktivně používá angličtinu a nemá v ní mezery? Ale, nemusím se účastnit všeho
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Omezování lidí nefunguje, pro řešení klimatické krize potřebujeme pozitivní vizi, shodují se Krajhanzl a Novák | Radio Wave

    „Lidská schopnost nevnímat realitu a strkat hlavu do písku je obrovská. Celé skupiny lidí budou v popírání klimatu neléčitelné,“ říká ekopsycholog Jan Krajhanzl.
    Do studia jsem si ho pozval spolu s environmentálním sociologem Arnoštem Novákem.
    V průběhu našeho setkání jsme zhodnotili současnou environmentální krizi a pokusili se předjímat, co bude dál.
    Nejdůležitější je dosáhnout společenského konsenzu.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    LINKOS: protoze se mi to nechtelo překládat ..?
    (co je za problém?)
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: protože je to frikulin...
    LINKOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: proč to musí být anglicky?
    TUHO --- ---
    Over 5,600 fossil fuel companies have taken at least $3bn in US Covid-19 aid | Environment | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Pálení uhlí dlouho představovalo nejlevnější způsob výroby elektrické energie. Nicméně dnes není uhlí ani nejlevnější, ani nejekologičtější. Přesto většinu světové elektřiny stále produkují uhelné elektrárny.

    Uhlí se dostalo do bodu zlomu, finančně už se nevyplatí
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Covid-19 and climate change: Why we need to remember what we’ve lost - Vox
    “There is a tremendous amount of research showing that we tend to adapt to circumstances if they are constant over time, even if they are gradually worsening,” says George Loewenstein, a professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon.
    What if Americans simply accommodate themselves to thousands of coronavirus deaths a day? As writer Charlie Warzel noted in a recent column, it’s not that different from the numbness they now feel in the face of gun violence. “Unsure how — or perhaps unable — to process tragedy at scale,” he writes, “we get used to it.”
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    KEB: jasny. pardon. u te minule ankety jsem zas zapomnela odpoved "desperate" :-( takze kdo jste nejvic ze vseho desperate, dejte pls treba lajk sem
    KEB --- ---
    YMLADRIS: nedokážu to posoudit tak jsem dal to poskedni, příště tam dej možnost nevím :-)
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Váš názor na free market

    20 hlasy od 20 respondentů

      YMLADRIS --- ---

      Váš názor na klima

      21 hlasy od 21 respondentů

        YMLADRIS --- ---
        YMLADRIS: NAGASAWA, SUMAC, co to jako je to EZLN (bod 10a), nejaci opravdovi ekoteroristi? Vedeli byste?
        DRSH --- ---
        Klima se měnilo vždy, ale nikdy globálně. Kdyby nebylo člověka, změna neprobíhá, říká klimatolog | Radiožurnál
        YMLADRIS --- ---
        Hayhoe je Ačova oblibena klimatolozka. FB ted blokuje jeji klimaticky videa, z duvodu "politické téma"

        Climate Denial Spreads on Facebook as Scientists Face Restrictions - Scientific American
        DRSH --- ---
        Omezování lidí nefunguje, pro řešení klimatické krize potřebujeme pozitivní vizi, shodují se Krajhanzl a Novák | Radio Wave
        YMLADRIS --- ---
        YMLADRIS: The argumentation patterns of climate action preventers

        The argumentation patterns of climate action preventers - Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)

        Too expensive, pointless, and others should do more: a new study sheds light on the excuses for doing nothing that circulate in the public debate on global warming.

        Yellow vests protests in Paris (archive picture): According to the study, the claim that climate protection would overburden the socially weak is only one of a total of twelve argumentation patterns. | Photo: Shutterstock/N. Economou


        YMLADRIS --- ---

        The Dragons of Inaction: Psychological Barriers That Limit Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

        (PDF) The Dragons of Inaction: Psychological Barriers That Limit Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

        Most people think climate change and sustainability are important problems, but too few global citizens engaged in high-greenhouse-gas-emitting behavior are engaged in enough mitigating behavior to stem the increasing flow of greenhouse gases and other environmental problems. Why is that? Structural barriers such as a climate-averse infrastructure are part of the answer, but psychological barriers also impede behavioral choices that would facilitate mitigation, adaptation, and environmental sustainability. Although many individuals are engaged in some ameliorative action, most could do more, but they are hindered by seven categories of psychological barriers, or "dragons of inaction": limited cognition about the problem, ideological worldviews that tend to preclude pro-environmental attitudes and behavior, comparisons with key other people, sunk costs and behavioral momentum, discredence toward experts and authorities, perceived risks of change, and positive but inadequate behavior change. Structural barriers must be removed wherever possible, but this is unlikely to be sufficient. Psychologists must work with other scientists, technical experts, and policymakers to help citizens overcome these psychological barriers.


        Limited cognition Ancient brainIgnoranceEnvironmental numbnessUncertaintyJudgmental discountingOptimism biasPerceived behavioral control/self-efficacyIdeologies WorldviewsSuprahuman powersTechnosalvationSystem justificationComparisons with others Social comparisonSocial norms and networksPerceived inequitySunk costs Financial investmentsBehavioral momentumConflicting values, goals, andaspirationsDiscredence MistrustPerceived programinadequacyDenialReactancePerceived risks FunctionalPhysicalFinancialSocialPsychologicalTemporalLimited behavior TokenismRebound effect

        (sorry nechce se mi preformatovavat)
        YMLADRIS --- ---
        YMLADRIS: komentar na to od nekoho (noname clovek)

        Eric Wright I’m gonna run down each level and give my opinion on that. ty for opening up discussion
        1: seems accurate, but overlap happens in people who profess not to be conservative as well (usually deep red-blackpills such as those who subscribe to Q-anon theories and flat-earthers)
        2: accurate; examples are typically far-right pundits
        3: typical conservative thinking, the wording they may have objection to (small gov focused; gov must be small and only to serve to get out of the way of economy)
        4: mainstream independent or right-leaning ideology, can bleed into typical US or UK liberal ideology, antivaxxers have a general skepticism for science but will also accept most of this
        5: common centrist/technocratic thought, see elon musk, bill nye, neil degrasse tyson
        6: left leaning US/UK/Aus liberal thought, still technocratic but more interested in regulation and understanding capitalism has direct responsibility to climate change
        7: common climate advocacy with strong political left bias. the earliest entry point in accepting ideas more radical than theirs.
        8: cut-off point for centrist/technocratic thought to accept climate change solutions, and cut-off point for reform standards while maintaining extant governance before radical dismantling/reconstruction. First point of radical change and a useful platform to tow the line for climate advocacy
        9: radical green-pill; advocating for a complete revolution of society. entertains misanthropic and doomer tendencies, but does not fully embrace them. often anarcho-primitivist. deep exploration of anti-industrial solutions
        10: climate defeatism focused on individualist ideology conditioned from western thought, readily accepts misanthropic tendencies such as ‘humans are the virus’. Ironically can share overlap with 1: based on suspicion, distrust and paranoia. entry level for eco-fascism

        with that said, from my own expereince I’d like to offer a parallel breakdown starting at 9:
        9a: climate change is responsible for a mass extinction event, but not necessarily guaranteed extinction of all species (or even just humans alone). Does not really concern themselves with the outcome but rather what they can do within an organizational, communal and well researched capacity to effect as much solutions as possible to mitigate damage. Makes efforts to appear legitimate while working towards 10a (see Earth First!, ELF, XR)
        10a: a well organized group proactively making dramatic changes against forces that exacerbate climate change. Utilize radical militant tactics to dismantle accereration and force degrowth. Considered a terrorist threat by many governments. Often incorporating indigenous sovereignty in their tactics (see EZLN)
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