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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---
    LINKOS: souhlasim, mluvis o efektivite vyuziti energie a tam je to jasny, ohledne provozu tam sou ale i dalsi duvody, napr. ze elektricky auto ma od dva rady mene fyzickych dilu - tedy vse okolo, jako poruchovost, transport (vcetne transportu auta do servisu), vyroba dilu v ruznych lokalitach a jejich doprava....

    u vyroby EV je to az o 60% vyssi produkce CO2, a to hlavne kvuli baterce. takze jak rikas, cim dyl EV (baterie) vydrzi jezdit, tim lip pro klima.

    tady ale hrajou obrovskou roli technologie a jejich vyvoj. EV je ted hype a bude trvat nejakej cas, nez ty technologie zmaturuji a standardizuji se/zefektivni se masova vyroba. uz za 5 let bude EV uplne jiny. uz ted Tesla odstranuje "nejspinavejsi" cobalt z baterii a dosahla million mile zivotaschopnosti..

    konec fosilnich paliv uz je za rohem :) a kdyz nekdo presedla na kolo, tim lip, usetri se jeste na silnicich

    Are Electric Vehicles Really Better For The Environment?

    Tesla’s readying a ‘million mile’ battery that could greatly lower the cost of EVs - The Verge

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Trápí vás uhlíková stopa vašeho talíře? Neřešte, odkud je vaše jídlo, ale co jíte | Finmag.cz

    pred casem jsme myslim meli v originale, nyni preklad od Finmagu
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: nj, ale i to elekteoauto dobíjené uhlím má stále nižší provozní uhlikovou stopu, protože 2/3 energie v motoru nevyplitvas na topení. Jinak oze tomu samozřejmě dávají jiný rozměr. Problém ale je náročnost na výrobu, ta je o něco vyšší než u klasického spalováku, ale ne zas o tolik. Tady pak narážíme na to jak dlouho člověk auto provozuje, protože pokud budeš každý 3,4 roky kupovat nové tak tam je zase problém s náročnosti výroby u všech.
    Na druhou stranu u nás je v průměru 14 lety vozový park, takže i kdyby se elektromobily rozmohli, bude trvat dalších cca 14 let než nám je naprodavaji Němci jako ojetiny.
    V tomhle ohledu by měli mnohem větší význam elektokola, které se teď stávají populární na dojíždění do práce.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: kdyz jsem si delal resersi naposledy, tak tenhle typ rasy koupit nejde, my treba dokrmujem dobytek rasou kombu protoze je to dobrej sirokospektralni zdroj mikronutrientu, ale tenhle efekt asi ma nejakej jinej druh ras. nicmene je tu videt, ze v obou pripadech jde o management - jednak v otazce regenerace ekosystemu, tj. zda a jaci bylozravci jsou potrebni a nutni pro regeneraci suchozemskejch ekosystemu, a jednak jde (zde skrz tu specifickou rasu) o management mikrobialniho spolecenstvi toho bachoru.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: at neplacam slamu :) byl to seaweed..


    In Australia, direct livestock emissions account for about 70% of greenhouse gas emissions by the agricultural sector and 11% of total national greenhouse gas emissions. This makes Australia’s livestock the third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after the energy and transport sectors. Livestock are the dominant source of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), accounting for 56% and 73%, respectively, of Australia’s emissions.


    Feeding one type of seaweed at 3% of the diet has resulted in up to 80% reduction in methane emissions from cattle.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jeste jsem to necet, ale pripomina mi to diskuzi s elektroautama - kdyz mas elektrinu z uhli, jak na vyrobu, tak provoz elektroauta, tak je jeho ekologictnost oproti dieselu diskutabilni. jakmile mas input cistsi (renewable/solar atd.), jses az na 30% emisi... vzdy jde o pouzitou techninku (metodicky postup) nebo technologii...

    vic bych ale u dobytka koukal na metan - jenze ale i tam bude tam vic faktoru, nedavno sem nekde cetl ze nejaky specialni traviny u hoveziho redukujou tvorbu metanu v zazivacim ustroji o desitky procent. asi je nebudeme sejt na vsech pastvach po svete, ale je to dobrej highlight na zamysleni, ze lide se casto zameruji na konec problemu (dobytek/jist maso), ne na problem samotny (pricina tvorby metanu/co2)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nejaky dohnal za hovezi, nedokazu posoudit jak moc je to v poradku

    Uhlíkovou stopu masa nepočítáme dobře. Ve skutečnosti je menší, než se udává - Ekolist.cz

    To vše dohromady kilogramovou flákotou skutečně deklasuje. Jenže co když budete krávy pást na již dávno zřízené pastvině někde v podhůří moravských hor a nemuseli jste kvůli tomu klučit jihoamerický prales? Doberete se toho, že kilo hovězího masa váží rázem „jen“ 6 kilogramů emisního CO2. Což je oproti původní stovce dost zásadní rozdíl.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    New Study Confirms Extensive Gas Leaks in the North Sea −

    We have combined investigations at additional wells with extensive seismic data. The results clearly show that thousands of tons of methane are leaking from old drill holes on the North Sea floor every year,’ says Dr. Christoph Böttner, who is the main author of the study, which is part of his doctoral thesis at GEOMAR.


    The positions of the boreholes and the location and extent of the gas pockets indicate that this area of the North Sea alone has the potential to emit 900 to 3700 tonnes of methane every year


    In seawater, methane is usually consumed by microbes. This can lead to local seawater acidification. In the North Sea, about half of the boreholes are at such shallow water depths that part of the emitted methane can escape into the atmosphere. Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Ranking 41 US States Decoupling Emissions & GDP Growth −

    Between 2005 and 2017, 41 U.S. states and the District of Columbia reduced their energy-related carbon dioxide emissions while increasing real gross domestic product, debunking the myth that economic growth can only occur by compromising the health of the planet.


    A combination of technological, market and policy factors have allowed states to reduce their CO2 emissions. This includes a major shift from coal to natural gas in the power sector; the rapid deployment of wind and solar power in recent years; more stringent efficiency standards for vehicles, lighting and appliances; and the shift to a more service-based economy.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    KEB: Ano, spolu s biopalivama a boji proti JE.
    TUHO --- ---
    KEB: LINKOS: Presne, my mame hlavne problem s technokratickym oligarchickym kapitalismem nebo jak to nazvat, kde jakkakoliv aktivita se vytezuje primarne za financnim ziskem a nebere v uvahu environmentalni dopady. U kazdyho procesu, aktivity, sektoru, ale i pestovani plodiny jde o to, v jakym kontextu a jakym zpusobem s tim pracujes. Neda se rict, ze repka je spatna, ze paleni biomasy je spatny, stejne jako se to neda rict treba o palmovym oleji per se.
    Zalezi vzdycky na co se pouziva, jake jsou alternativy, jakym zpusobem se produkuje, etc etc.
    Z tohodle duvodu mi prijdou lehce naivni ruzny bojkoty produktu, protoze mi predevsim musime zmenit zpusob rizeni nasi ekonomicky aktivity, aby ty environmentalni dopady do sebe nejak zahrnovala, coz je ukol, kterej je ale podstatne narocnejsi...
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: tak ono dost záleží jak se to dělá. Pálení biomasy může být i uhlík ukládající, pokud je celý proces bude dělat správně od sázení stromů, péči o les až po to, že by se část toho materiálu jen zuhelnatila a nespálila.
    Určitě to je lepší než pálit uhlí, pokud se to bude dělat v omezeném množství, aby stíhaly dorůstat, ale mám obavu, že v tom bude právě ten největší problém...
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: osobně si myslím, že prohlášení dřevěné biomasy a její pálení za CO2 neutrální byl jeden z největších environmentálních zločinů moderní doby.
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: kácením lesů k lepším zítřkům! Píšou ze Severní Ameriky, předpokládám, že Kanada? Kolik toho odkud vozí? Nedávno se řešilo, že vozí dřevo z Amazonského pralesa, jak to je?
    Nemusí mít nějakou certifikaci původu dřeva a udržitelnosti?
    TUHO --- ---
    That point makes the “social cost of carbon” one of the most critically important metrics underlying regulation of climate pollutants. An estimate of the dollar costs of each ton of carbon pollution caused by climate change, the social cost of carbon guides federal agencies that are required to consider the costs and benefits of proposed regulations. Federal agencies so far have used the social cost of carbon while writing regulations with more than $1 trillion in economic benefits.
    In 2010, a governmental interagency working group in the Obama administration established the first federal social cost of carbon estimate of $45 per ton of carbon dioxide pollution. In 2017, newly inaugurated President Donald Trump quickly disbanded the interagency group by executive order, and within months his EPA slashed the metric to between $1 and $6. The latest research by an independent team of scientists concludes that the social cost of carbon should actually start at about $100 to $200 per ton of carbon dioxide pollution in 2020, increasing to nearly $600 by 2100.
    Should presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden win the presidency in the November election, his federal agency appointees will undoubtedly set about revising the social cost of carbon to reflect the up-to-date climate science and economics research. The revised social cost of carbon will in turn justify more stringent federal climate regulations. A Donald Trump second term would instead result in another four years of underestimated climate impact costs and continued delays in efforts to curb carbon pollution.

    KEB --- ---
    Britská elektrárna Drax navýšila výrobu elektřiny z biomasy v prvním pololetí meziročně o 16 %


    A pokacime to všechno!
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Before the coronavirus pandemic struck, Wilson set out on an international journey through Greenland and Iceland (which he admits racked up a regrettably large carbon footprint, that he'll be offsetting) to learn about the climate crisis and how to be an activist. Wilson documented his travels for a new six-part docuseries called An Idiot’s Guide to Climate Change, produced by his content studio SoulPancake. The series shows Wilson’s transition from “an every-day, well-intentioned, but uninformed, liberal to strident climate activist” according to press materials sent to Green Matters.

    "My trip to Greenland and Iceland was amazing,” Wilson tells Green Matters exclusively via email. “I saw my first glacier and talked to more nerdy scientists than I ever have in my life. But I also left my trip feeling terribly concerned. My conversation with Greta Thunberg put things in perspective for me: I need to take action and use my platform to encourage people to learn more about the climate crisis and vote for platforms that support the science, so that's what I'm doing.”

    Rainn Wilson's 'An Idiot’s Guide to Climate Change' Debuts
    TUHO --- ---
    The UK’s biggest pension fund, the government-backed National Employment Savings Trust (Nest) scheme with nine million members, is to begin divesting from fossil fuels in what climate campaigners have hailed as a landmark move for the industry.
    The fund will ban investments in any companies involved in coal mining, oil from tar sands and arctic drilling. But the move puts Nest – a public corporation of the Department for Work and Pensions – potentially at odds with the current pensions minister, Guy Opperman, who earlier this month condemned divestment as “counter productive”.

    UK's biggest pension fund begins fossil fuels divestment | Fossil fuel divestment | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Kerner said the county is well prepared and the shelters, and would have temperature checks and be divided into family units. Masks will be provided as needed and law enforcement will be on hand to help enforce social distancing, he said.
    The storm comes at a sensitive time during the coronavirus pandemic. Florida reported nearly 10,000 new Covid-19 cases Thursday, the highest total for one state on that day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
    Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Giménez told CNN on Thursday he would be concerned about keeping evacuees socially distanced if a hurricane hit the state.
    "Look, if we have a major hurricane here, then we're going to have to evacuate a number of people and then we're going to have to ... try to keep them separated as much as possible," he said. "That's a concern."
    "When you're not testing is also a concern," he added. "But the greater danger, the immediate danger has to be taken care of first, and that's getting our people out of harm's way."
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