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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: meanwhile libanonci podepisuji petici aby Francie obnovila svou kolonialni spravu, jinak ze jsou definitivne v prdeli (myslim spis jako vtipnou souvislost, problem s kolonialismem chapu)

    Téměř 60 tisíc Libanonců se už podepsalo pod petici požadující - Deník N
    TADEAS --- ---
    2019 Little - The Fate of Food: What We'll Eat in a Bigger, Hotter, Smarter World

    The race to reinvent the global food system is on, and the challenge is twofold: We must solve the existing problems of industrial agriculture while also preparing for the pressures ahead. Through her interviews and adventures with farmers, scientists, activists, and engineers, Little tells the fascinating story of human innovation and explores new and old approaches to food production while charting the growth of a movement that could redefine sustainable food on a grand scale.

    How the Supermarket Helped America Win the Cold War (Ep. 386) - Freakonomics Freakonomics

    abundance wars
    TADEAS --- ---
    Food System Vision Prize

    The Food System Vision Prize is an invitation for organizations across the globe to develop a Vision of the regenerative and nourishing food system that they aspire to create by the year 2050.

    The Rockefeller Foundation has partnered with SecondMuse and OpenIDEO to amplify the discourse on the state and the future of the world’s many food systems. And to empower communities globally to develop actionable solutions and become protagonists in their own food future. Creating a compelling and progressive Vision for the future of our food system requires a culture of collaboration that rallies industry, policy, academia, and society to act as one. When we come together, we can deliver sustainable, nourishing diets for people and the planet by 2050.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Preparing for the end of the world as we know it – Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures

    Within modernity-coloniality, initiatives addressing the climate crisis, like Transition Towns, Degrowth, 350 degrees, Doughnut Economics, Extinction Rebellion and Deep Adaptation, have approached differently the question of whether or not (and how) to talk about the potential, likelihood or inevitability of social and ecological collapse. This text is a contribution to conversations about this question. It presents a synthesis of the work of Indigenous scholars and activists who see the need to prepare for the incoming flood of challenges as the structures of modernity-coloniality begin to falter. It also offers a social cartography of patterns of analyses and propositions in climate change movements initiated in the West that could spark different insights and conversations about the tensions and limits of modern-colonial forms of debate, relationship building and existence. Drawing on an on-going conversation between the GTDF collective and the Deep Adaptation movement, the conclusion issues an invitation for the interruption of harmful desires and attachments to modernity-coloniality so that we can grow up and show up differently to the challenging work that we need to do together as we collectively face the gradual collapse of the house of modernity, or, in other words, the end of the world as we know it.


    In our collective, we have mapped four denials that severely restrict the capacity of those of us socialized within modernity-coloniality to sense, relate and imagine otherwise:

    * the denial of systemic, historical and ongoing violence and of complicity in harm (the fact that our comforts, securities and enjoyments are subsidized by expropriation and exploitation somewhere else);

    * the denial of the limits of the planet and of the unsustainability of modernity-coloniality (the fact that the finite earth-metabolism cannot sustain exponential growth, consumption, extraction, exploitation and expropriation indefinitely);

    * the denial of entanglement (our insistence in seeing ourselves as separate from each other and the land, rather than “entangled” within a living wider metabolism that is bio-intelligent); and,

    * the denial of the magnitude and the complexity of the problems we need to face together (the tendency to look for simplistic solutions that make us feel and look good and that may address symptoms, but not the root causes of our collective complex predicament)


    We therefore ask: What will it take for us to finally confront the depth and magnitude of the problems we face? How might we sit with our complicity in these problems, and interrupt our continued investments in the system that created those problems in the first place? What kind of intellectual, affective, and relational capacities and dispositions do we need to develop in order to hold space for the emergence of alternatives that are viable, but currently unfathomable? How can we learn to grow up, and show up differently – with humility, compassion, generosity, patience, and joy – to do the work that needs to be done, rather than what we want to do based on our projections, idealizations, and presumed entitlements and exceptionalisms? If genuinely original solutions cannot come from the dominant cultural paradigms that created the problems we face, what forms of education can interrupt these paradigms and support us to sense, relate and imagine otherwise? As Cree scholar Dwayne Donald points out: this is not an informational problem, but one rooted in a harmful habit of being, with both conscious and unconscious dimensions.
    TUHO --- ---
    kind of related

    The Philippines’ traditional three-hulled boat is being redesigned, to draw its power not from fossil fuels, but from the energy of the waves.

    JINDRICH --- ---
    ECOCIDE "THere is No Beauty"
    TUHO --- ---
    The plan strengthened climate education at Catholic schools across much of the state and prompted a series of local energy audits and efficiency improvements at churches and schools. It also provided a template for climate action among Catholics nationwide.
    "Slowly, we are starting to make our way and to get this information out," said Varlamoff, who has since retired. "We are exchanging best practices. There are so many Catholic scientists who desperately want to work for caring for creation. We are just moving forward with people who believe as we do."

    Five Years After Speaking Out on Climate Change, Pope Francis Sounds an Urgent Alarm | InsideClimate News
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    TUHO: aha wow, o te pendellove knizce jsem nevěděl, uz ji mam objednanou
    TUHO --- ---
    Deforestation is one of the most intractable and yet most potent drivers of environmental crisis. It is also among the four out of nine planetary boundaries that civilisation was already at high risk of crossing five years ago according to research published in the journal Science.
    Other boundaries we were on the brink of breaching at that time included the rate at which species were going extinct, levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment due to industrial agriculture. The further we breach these and other planetary boundaries, the greater the risk of irreversibly driving the Earth into a less hospitable state for humanity.

    TUHO --- ---
    Out-of-control wildfires north of the Arctic Circle have released more dangerous greenhouse gases in two months than all of the fires last year combined, scientists have said.
    The latest data from the European Union’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service reveals the appalling extent of the fires in the Siberian Arctic, which are releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

    Climate crisis: Out-of-control wildfires in Arctic circle released more CO2 in two months than whole of 2019 | The Independent
    TUHO --- ---

    V první polovině letošního roku došlo k rapidnímu propadu produkce energie z uhelných elektráren. Může za to mírná zima, větrný únor i klesající poptávka po elektřině v dobách karanténních opatření po celé Evropě. Poprvé v historii Německo vygenerovalo z uhelných elektráren méně energie než Polsko, které má zároveň na svědomí stejný objem uhelné energie jako zbylých 25 členských států EU dohromady. Uvádí to nejnovější report nezávislého think thanku Ember.
    V prvním pololetí vyrobily evropské obnovitelné zdroje více energie než fosilní paliva - Euro.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: Jj, na zaklade zemsky drahy (Milankovicovych cyklu) bychom postupne vstupovali do nove doby ledove. V tomhle je oteplovani je "dobra vec", bohuzel je ho moc a je moc rychle.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    TUHO: kdyz si clovek odmysli ten rust na konci, tak by nam ted asi byla dost zima, ze?
    TUHO --- ---
    A nejaky dobry zpravy... Zahajeni tezby dolu Carmichael se dari stale blokovat. Btw kdyby se realizovaly plany spolecnosti Adani, tak mnozstvi vytezenyho uhli je takovy, ze je de facto nemozny naplnit Parizskou dohodu. Aneb jeden z prikladu, kdy se korporace chova jako sebevrazednej psychopat.

    Stop Adani
    10 years ago Adani bought a licence to build Australia’s biggest coal mine. Adani planned to start production in 2014 and ramp up to 60 million tonnes of coal every year. 10 years later Adani haven’t dug a single lump of coal, they have no public or private finance and have been shunned by over 75 major companies. What’s been stopping Adani? People power!
    Let’s keep fighting until we stop Adani’s coal mine for good.

    TUHO --- ---
    - The last fully intact ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic has collapsed, losing more than 40% of its area in just two days at the end of July, researchers said on Thursday.

    Canada's last fully intact Arctic ice shelf collapses - Reuters
    TUHO --- ---
    V pravé horní části grafu můžeme vidět predikce, kam až světová teplota vystoupá před koncem tohoto století v závislosti na tom, kolik bude lidstvo vypouštět skleníkových plynů. V nejlepším možném scénáři, kdy lidstvo velmi rychle odstoupí od využívání fosilních paliv, se růst teplot zastaví na hodnotě 1,5 °C. Takový vývoj se však v současnosti nezdá být pravděpodobný. Pokud by lidstvo naopak pokračovalo ve zvyšování emisí skleníkových plynů bez omezení, růst teplot by dosáhl až hodnoty 4,4 °C, tedy došlo by k většímu světovému růstu teplot, než když končila poslední doba ledová. Tento scénář však naštěstí také není pravděpodobný díky opatřením, které pomalu světové státy zavádějí.

    Infografika: Změna světové teploty za posledních 22 000 let
    LINKOS --- ---
    Prosím kolik je v procentech podíl co2eq v EU v dopravě? Ekvivalent Co2 v dopravě.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: asi to zaradili na seznam.cz do feedu clanku
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    https://www.irozhlas.cz/veda-technologie/veda/bruno-latour-koronavirus-filozof_2007041826_pj Filozof Latour: Koronakrize může být z hlediska oddanosti nekonečnému pokroku užitečným cvičením
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