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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    Heating of the world’s oceans could radically reorganise marine food webs across the globe causing the numbers of some species to collapse while promoting the growth of algae, new research has warned.
    Healthy marine food webs that look like a pyramid, with smaller numbers of larger predatory species at the top and more abundant smaller organisms at the bottom, could become “bottom heavy”.
    The types of species that could become less abundant in the oceans are the same ones targeted by commercial fishing and also are socially and culturally important to many communities around the globe.
    In the research, published in the journal Science, researchers at the University of Adelaide recreated a marine habitat in a series of 1,800-litre tanks and then subjected some to temperature and CO2 changes.

    Marine food webs could be radically altered by heating of oceans, scientists warn | Environment | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: ad regenerativni zemedelstvi (podobnej systemovej / motivacni nahled jako obrazek nize)

    LINKOS --- ---
    XCHAOS: panel v zimě dává 25% toho co v létě... Úložiště se nejspíše budou řešit jednak predimenzovanim, osobní akumulací v domácnostech a jednotlivích podnicich... I kdyby sme byli schopni pokrýt jen denní spotřebu ze solárů byl by to velký pokrok. Záloha by byla potřeba hlavně v zimě, to by sme mohli klidně zatím dále řešit uhlim/plynem a tak za deset dvacet let kdy by sme meli už dostatek solárů, by se teprve vyresila ta zimní spotřeba.

    Jestli si myslíš že dnešní krajina není technizovana, zkus trochu více zjistit jak se pěstuje jídlo, co všechno se používá za mechanizaci a co se používá za postřiky. Lesnictví podobně. V podstatě smíšený nebo nějaký přirozenější les je v podstatě marginální věc. Starý či umírající strom je prakticky rarita, ani včely co chováme nejsou původní a bez lidské péče je rychle zlikviduje varoa destruktor. A to vůbec nemluvím o pěstování řepky, která je silně neefektivní, viz moje nedávná tabulka.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global Climate Action III:
    The Power of Consciousness


    Access to what the Wuppertal Institute’s Uwe Schneidewind calls “transformation literacy” is highly restricted, which is even more true for vertical literacy, as I have argued before. Both of these capacities happen to be in the blind spot of higher education today. Yet access to them is more critical than ever before. What could scale, and amplify vertical transformation literacy at a level of scale that is commensurate with the challenges we face? What might be a real game changer in addressing this blind spot of our learning and leadership systems today?


    Today, our main issue is no longer how to bring cutting-edge design into the construction of physical architecture, but how to bring state-of-the-art systems change methods to the evolution of new social architectures — social architectures that would be critical to accelerate the civilizational renewal and planetary healing called for today.

    What if we reimagined a 21st century Bauhaus for transformation literacy? What if such a social Bauhaus would focus on the development and dissemination of vertical transformation literacy, that is, on methods and tools for awareness-based systems change? What if such a school, unlike the one a hundred years earlier, were available for not only the few, but in principal for each and everyone? What if all the prototypes for such a new school were already here? What if the methods and tools, the living examples, the inspired pioneers, the ecosystems of hubs, the innovation labs and all the new platforms for high-quality online-offline learning — what if all these strategic assets of a new Bauhaus school were already here?

    What if the only thing we needed to do to activate this dormant school of transformation were the following three things: a set of intentional places that would host the inaugural regional hubs of this school; a small core group that would refine and clarify the conceptual cornerstones; and some seed funding that would allow for creating an infrastructure that is built for purpose — to support the civilizational renewal and planetary healing — and designed for replication at all levels of scale.


    At the Presencing Institute, an outgrowth of the MIT Learning and Leadership Centers, we have already been prototyping new whole-person, whole-systems learning environments for many years. These free and open-source-based, online-to-offline learning infrastructures have attracted more than 150,000 registered users over the past five years and have activated a global ecosystem of change makers for awareness-based systems change (see MITx u.lab, Societal Transformation Lab).


    The first two articles in this three-part series explored two blind spots in the response to global climate change: soil and democracy. The third one is consciousness.

    January 2020, Northern Germany: Farmer’s Conference On Creating From Nothing
    On the last day of the gathering, I was asked to sum up my take on our discussions over the previous two days. Here is what I shared:

    1. First: Action Confidence. All profound change starts with a deep trust in our own capacities to rise to the occasion. My colleague Shobi Lawalata articulated this the other day when she said, reflecting on the larger challenges of her community and country: “This is the moment I was born for.” Thus, the first thing we need is the awareness and courage that makes us turn toward the problem, rather than away from it.

    2. The Goal: Reach 100% Regenerative Agriculture by 2040. Anyone who reads the climate science with an open mind will reach the same conclusion: the goal is to be 100% regenerative by 2040, both in our farming and in our energy systems worldwide. Granted, given our institutional realities, it might take a few more years. Maybe it won’t happen until 2050. But the goal remains the same.

    3. How: Direct Dialogic Democracy. How do we make progress toward this goal? By building new coalitions — Fridays For Future, Scientists For Future, Farmers For Future, etc. — and by making our democracy more dialogic, distributed, and direct. The problem today is not that we have too many options, but that we have too few. We have private choices as consumers, but we lack true public choices as citizens to debate and decide about the future we want to co-shape. What we need today is citizens’ assemblies, focusing on what will be essential in 2040. Then, after extensive public dialogue, the best ideas should be voted on in a citizens’ referendum. The resulting roadmap would be passed on to the legislative and executive bodies to refine and incorporate into the public policy framework, all in consultation with the relevant stakeholder groups. Much of this is already beginning to happen in a variety of places and communities around the world, including Ireland, France, England, Scotland, Spain, Canada, and Taiwan. But these are tiny beginnings. A lot more needs to happen now…

    4. Transforming the Economy from Ego to Eco. Currently, our economies use an operating system based on egosystem awareness. Changing that operating system from ego to eco would transform it in almost every way imaginable, and transform one of the most important root issues of these problems. For example community-supported agriculture (CSA) connects farmers more closely and more intentionally with those who consume what they grow. Rather than getting paid for every apple or carrot, the farmer receives a fixed amount per week or per month from me (and from the other members of the CSA). In return, I receive a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables that are produced using the principles and practices of regenerative organic farming. The model changes how consumers relate to the farm, from transactional to transformative or intentional. This model exists in many places on a small scale today but going forward this model of solidarity-based agriculture could also be scaled to reshape the whole system. Thomas Jorberg, CEO of GLS Bank, a socially responsible bank in Germany, asked: “How can we take what’s working in the CSA model to the regional or the national level of solidarity-based farming? That is where the next wave of social and economic innovation will be coming from.” And that is exactly where we need new forms of direct, dialogue-based democratic decision-making.

    5. Vertical Impact. My parents converted to regenerative organic farming some 60+ years ago. For decades, young people visited the farm to learn about regenerative farming practices. Today, many of them have taken these principles and practices to their own farms across Germany, Europe, and the world. You might call this the “horizontal impact.” But some of those farmers also describe a deeper level of impact. They describe a process of being seen for who they really are, of waking up to their deeper purpose or intention in life. The phrase that came to mind when listening to these descriptions is vertical impact or vertical efficacy (vertikale Wirksamkeit).
    The vertical impact of regenerative organic farming in this context, even though it’s a subtle process, may well be its most important role in the long run. In society today, we lack places that help people wake up to their true aspirations, to their highest future potential, to what they really want to do with their lives going forward. Vertical impact farming connects people to the living beings that are the farm’s ecosystem: the soil, the plants, and the animals. This deep sensing and listening experience could serve as a gateway to the deeper territories of human development and with that to the deeper dimension of leadership and self-leadership. That subtle impact, allowing people to sense and listen deeply beyond the boundaries of their own bubble, and to wake up to their deeper intentions in life, may well be one of the most important functions that the “farmers for future” can deliver for the healing of people and the planet today.

    Innovation happens in places. The same is true for civilizational renewal. Where are these places? Regenerative organic farms could serve as one type of place for societal renewal.


    Another upcoming movement building event in Berlin that has the potential to blend the deeper leverage points at issue here — soil, democracy, consciousness — is the Olympia 2020 event on June 12, 2020, that, co-inspired and supported by Fridays For Future Berlin and Scientists For Future, will bring together 70,000 or so citizens and change makers in the Berlin Olympia Stadium. Even though the place has some deeply dark page in its history, like so many places in Berlin, it might be quite an interesting venue to stage such a radically new type of event. The intention of the event, as I understood from the organizers, is to create a blend between a cultural festival and a citizens’ event that activates collective action around climate change, biodiversity, social justice, and the future of democracy. The intended results include three to four specific petitions that will be delivered to the German Bundestag. Personally, I hope that events like this and the ones mentioned earlier, will help to explore new formats of deep learning-based movement building to activate the awareness-based agency that is called for today.
    DRSH --- ---
    Adaptace na sucho a změnu klimatu. Expedice za nejzajímavějšími inovativními projekty v ČR | Dvojka
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PAD: tak agrofotovoltaika tu krajinu ještě víc industrializuje, ale mohla by např. chránit půdu i před přívalovými dešti a erozí. takže je to asi skutečně budoucnost. ale spoléhat se, že to něco bude dávat v zimě, je naivní. Na zimu je třeba zapomenout, za celou zimní sezónu, kdy je spotřeba energie největší, se vyrobí tak třeba 10% roční produkce. Je potřeba kapacitní úložiště přebytků z OZE. Dnešními technologiemi bychom zoufale usilovali aspoň o výdrž 1 den, přitom co je reálně potřeba, je výdrž aspoň třeba 100 dnů...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: .. což je bohužel problém, o kterém se taky mluví už hrozně dlouho. Ano, je to marginálně lepší, než uhlí, ale to je tak asi všechno. Proto říkám, že když se bavíme o přechodu na OZE, tak bych rovnou pustil z hlavy konkrétní technologie - protože fotovoltaika dál zlevní, odpor proti větrným elektrárnám se bude týkat jen instalací přímo za vesnicí a ne někde stranou na kopcích, apod, - ale určitě je nutné se bavit o sezónním úložišti v řádu TWh. Protože prostě není zatím ani přibližně jasná technologie, není jasné kam to prsknout, aby se případně využilo i odpadní teplo (napojení na existující teplovody z uhelných elektráren, které budou odstaveny?), atd.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: O perovskitu se mluví už snad 10 let, a vzhledem k nízké ceně samotného materiálu nešlo ani tak o tu účinnost, i když 27% by byla naprostá bomba. Ale jde o stabilitu těch panelů... zatím byla hlavním problémem dost omezená životnost...
    TADEAS --- ---
    UK firm's solar power breakthrough could make world's most efficient panels by 2021 | Manufacturing sector | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    Natural gas is a much ‘dirtier’ energy source than we thought

    Is Natural Gas Really Helping the U.S. Cut Emissions? | InsideClimate News

    Climate benefits of a natural gas bridge 'unlikely to be significant' | Carbon Brief
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PAD: KEB: kdyby se zachtelo studie :)

    Quantifying a realistic, worldwide wind and solar electricity supply - ScienceDirect

    driv nez na agrovoltaiku ma imho smysl tohle, stejne srechy jen lokalne ohrivaji vzduch, jinak je to nevyuzita zastavena plocha:
    Buildings could host over a third of solar PV potential at ∼210 EJ/a.
    TUHO --- ---
    Humble dirt could pack an unexpected climate punch, according to a new study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. An experiment that heated soil underneath a tropical rainforest to mimic temperatures expected in the coming decades found that hotter soils released 55 percent more planet-warming carbon dioxide than did nearby unwarmed areas.
    If the results apply throughout the tropics, much of the carbon stored underground could be released as the planet heats up.
    “The loss rate is huge,” said Andrew Nottingham, an ecologist at the University of Edinburgh, who led the study. “It’s a bad news story.”

    TUHO --- ---
    Alexander Radtke
    Global mean temperatures from Year 1-2200 including past uncertainties and possible futures on the vertical scale.

    DZODZO --- ---
    prazska kavarna sa musi aktivizovat a tlacit na plnenie emisnych zavazkov, inak nebudu mat za 20 rokov co pit

    The global coffee crisis is coming
    PAD --- ---
    KEB: Me se to libi. Funguje to nekde uz? Jak je to se zemedelskou technikou? Projedou kolem normalni traktory a kombajny? Roste pod tim +- cokoliv tak, jako driv, nebo vadi stin? Jak to vychazi nakladove?

    Ten arugment, ze to dava i neco v zime je imho klicovy - jsou to tak obrovske plochy, ze by to mohlo dat i docela slusny vykon. Na druhou stranu, nenarazi to opet na odpor 'ochrancu tradicni krajiny' (tj. znicene erozi a kolektivizaci:))?
    KEB --- ---
    Já to říkám pořád, že nás může zachránit jen agrovoltaika, protože jsou to velké plochy, které třeba v zimě leží jen tak. Takhle budou i v zimě dávat El. Sice málo, ale ano. V létě zase budou dávat hodně pokud budou spojeny s rozumnými baterkami, tak by to mohlo pomoct. Samospásne to asi nebude ale i tak je to spousta kapacity.
    PAD --- ---
    Jeste dodam, ze jistou nadeji se zdaji byt nove vylepseni vetrniku, zejmena vyssi vykon pri stejnych prostorovych narocich. Instalovany vykon tak mohou zvysit vymenou vetrniku, coz ovsem bude drahe, ne moc efektivni/ekologicke (budou vlastne bourat neco, co funguje), a i tak to nepujde moc rychle (zminuji u jednoho projektu, ze jen byrokracie kolem trvala 3 roky).

    Hezkou inovaci jsou pak samozpomalujici se turbiny, pokud detekuji v blizkosti ptaky.
    PAD --- ---
    PAD: par zajimavych bodu:

    - prirustek instalovaneho vykonu energie z vetru v Nemecku posledni 3 roky klesa, pristi rok se dost mozna dokonce zmeni v cisty ubytek
    - i kdyz 80% populace podporuje energii z vetru, male a dobre organizovane opozicni iniciativy jsou schopne vystavbu novych zdroju efektivne blokovat
    - nova legislativa narizujici minimalne 1km vzdalenost vetrniku od obydli ohrozuje jak stavajici tak nove instalace - a to i tak, kde to mistni podporuji
    - ukazuje se, ze pro podporu obyvatelstva jsou dulezite dva faktory: aby se s nimi jednalo na rovinu a hned od zacatku (to se mimojine ukazalo i u stavby treba ulozist jaderneho odpadu), a take aby mistni mohli byt investory a obec tak z toho mela profit
    - soucasna vlada tvrdi, ze neni dostatek mista v Nemecku pro plny prechod na OZE a ze jejich strategii je import "cisteho vodiku" v budoucnu
    - to ovsem rozporuje odborna verejnost, protoze: 1) zatim nikde neexistuje tak velky trh s cistym vodikem (tj. ziskanym z OZE), 2) dle jejich propoctu by takovy import byl drazsi 4x oproti domaci produkci energie z OZE - zde pripominam nedavnou diskuzi o power-to-gas systemech. Tady je to potvrzene, import je ekonomicka sebevrazda ale vykon OZE instalovany doma narazi na odpor lidi a dost mozna proste i na limity dane krajinou samotnou.

    Muj odhad je, ze bude pokracovat tento stav utlumu, nahrazovat se to bude plynem z Ruska a odkladem odklonu od uhli. Ambiciozni cile ochrany klimatu vezmou do velke miry za sve. To vse pri zavrenych, funkcnich, bezuhlikovych jadernych elektrarnach. Tohle je k placi. [Ne tedy, ze by cesky export energie z uhli k placi nebyl...]

    Mimojine take v souvislosti s tim, co tu daval KEB, to IMHO znamena, ze poptavka a tedy i cena po plynu dramaticky poroste. Protoze ani Cesko vlastne nebude mit jinou volbu (s jadrem preslapujem na miste, uhli musime odstavit, OZE stavime pomalu a teoreticke pokryti je cca 1/3 potrebneho vykonu el. energie) nez vystavbu plynovek. Energie tak bude pekne zdrazovat i v CR. Tohle bude voda na mlejn smejdum z SPD a krivohubaka Klause, kteri to budou davat za vinu EU.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam