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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    MRTVEJ --- ---
    tak praskne to ne bo ne ? :o)
    jsem napnutej :o)
    Největší přehrada na světě se blíží k maximální kapacitě - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---

    Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries: Rockström, Johan, Klum, Mattias, Miller, Peter: 9780300218367: Amazon.com: Books
    TADEAS --- ---
    Interview with Professor Johan Rockström
    TUHO --- ---
    From a human viewpoint, climate change is fundamentally an economic problem, existing not within but as part of the very fabric of the economic system in which we are entrenched. As it seems a non-economic conception of the human cannot be realized at scale during this point in history, the global financial system must be re-engineered to divert its interests towards green energy along with different models of value engineering.

    TUHO --- ---
    Hurricane Laura damage: Before and after satellite images of Louisiana show widespread destruction - CNN
    TUHO --- ---
    Laura v USA zatim 6 mrtvych

    Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana as one of the most powerful storms in U.S. history, leaving widespread destruction across the state. At least six people were killed in Louisiana, including a 14-year-old girl and a 68-year-old man.
    The storm, now a tropical depression, tore apart homes and businesses and knocked out power to nearly one million customers in Texas and Louisiana. Meanwhile, Arkansas is under a state of emergency and is being lashed by damaging winds and flooding.

    Hurricane Laura leaves path of destruction before becoming a tropical storm - live updates
    JINDRICH --- ---

    Pozvanka na blizici se trimesicni vystavu v broumovskem klastere, jejimz tematem je ochrana biodiverzity..

    Prodejni ilustrace:

    První ze série ilustrací, které Toy_Box připravila spolu s organizací zabývající se ochranou biodiverzity Jaro Jaroměř. Koupí tohoto tisku podpoříte podpoříte rozvoj (včetně výkupu nových pozemků) první nestátní ptačí rezervace – Ptačího parku Josefovské louky. Území postupně formou veřejné sbírky vykupované a následně spravované Českou společností ornitologickou je jedním z nejlepších příkladů u nás, jak zadržovat vodu v krajině. Obnova mokřadů je nejen přirozeným, ale i jedním z nejlepších způsobů jak zachytit drahocennou vodu – na rozdíl od přehrad. Přehrady jsou příkladem technokratického přístupu člověka ke krajině zejména protože představují příliš silný zásah, s nímž si příroda neví rady. Josefovské louky navíc kombinují přírodní řešení s využitím obnovené historické památky – pozoruhodného závlahovému systému který zvýšil hladinu podpovrchové vody. Návrat vody měl pak za následek i návrat vzácných druhů ptáků, které najdete na ilustraci: jedná se o vodouše, čejku a bekasinu. Dudek sice není typicky mokřadním ptákem ale zdejší prostředí mu vyhovuje díky obnovení šetrné pastvy mokřadních luk a je proto jedním ze vzácných druhů ptáků, které se na Josefovské louky vrátili.

    Více informací o parku Josefovské louky na https://www.birdlife.cz/rezervace/josefovske-louky/
    SHEFIK --- ---
    These Science Projects Help Researchers Track Climate Change Hazards

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    hezký článek o historii ipcc

    IPCC: the dirty tricks climate scientists faced in three decades since first report
    TADEAS --- ---
    If climate activists turned to terrorism - What if climate activists turn to terrorism? | The World If | The Economist

    Protesters against climate change have not resorted to terrorism to advance their cause. This scenario from 2031 imagines what would happen if they did
    TUHO --- ---
    The new estimates of the “levelised cost” of electricity, published this week by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), show that renewables are much cheaper than expected in the previous iteration of the report, published in 2016.

    The previously published version had, in turn, already trimmed the cost of wind and solar by up to 30%. As a result, electricity from onshore wind or solar could be supplied in 2025 at half the cost of gas-fired power, the new estimates suggest.

    Wind and solar are 30-50% cheaper than thought, admits UK government
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: 1870, v jine zemi:

    TADEAS --- ---
    intenzivni pastva. o tom je rec ,)

    MARSHUS --- ---
    něco z hurikánu Laura.
    Lake Charles Chemicals Plant On Fire In Wake Of Hurricane Laura
    TADEAS --- ---
    Nizozemci začali pěstovat plodiny pod průsvitnými solárními panely | E15.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: komentar k fotce:

    "Bare soil around the trees?"

    "Correct observations. The photo shows quite a simple agroforestry system, with poplars and wheat, the tree lines most probably managed with herbicides. There is much convincing evidence to show that including poplars in a conventional wheat operations already has interesting benefits for the farmer and the land's ecology. Although relatively simple, creating this type of system can already represent quite complex changes for a farmer. We agree with you that from the picture it is not possible to say if this farm is regenerative or not. 'Regenerative' for us is actually an ideal to reach, but the path to get there definitely will not be perfect. We also believe there is much value in incremental improvement and changes of conventional operations, and we hope to document a lot of of farms in this type of situation. It is not easy to transition a farm towards regenerative practices in an economically viable way, and we applaud the farmer who has been brave enough to plant poplars with wheat.

    - https://www.facebook.com/243328983384555/posts/243346870049433/
    TADEAS --- ---
    Home | The Regenerative Agroforestry Podcast

    A space where we investigate the possibilities of agroforestry, share experiences and analyse different strategies, tools and techniques. We bring you quality, in-depth content, so that we can build together regenerative agroforestry systems
    TADEAS --- ---
    Unless we change course, the US agricultural system could collapse | Agriculture | The Guardian

    Interactions between Native Americans, plants, animals, microbes and climate left behind a majestic store of fertile topsoil that scientists call mollisol. Even today, the US midwest boasts the largest of four major mollisol stores on the planet. Mollisols develop over millennia yet can be squandered in decades. US colonial-settler agriculture transformed this ecological niche, a land mass 1.5 times the size of California, into a factory churning out just two crops – corn and soybeans.

    This kind of agriculture fouls water as a matter of course. Since corn and soybeans are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall, the vast majority of corn-belt farmland lies bare for the winter months, leaving the ground naked when storms hit. These deluges pummel bare topsoil and send it – and the agrochemicals and manure farmers apply to it – cascading off farms and into streams and creeks that flow into rivers, lakes and ultimately the Gulf of Mexico. But there’s another problem with subjecting the land to the same two crops every year: loss of the region’s precious black topsoil. According to research by the soil scientist Rick Cruse, Iowa – and much of the surrounding corn belt – is losing soil at a rate 16 times the pace of natural replenishment.

    Again, climate change is a driver. Today’s farmers encounter a weather regime radically different from that of their grandparents: more intense off-season storms, and thus ever-heavier pressure on the soil. If global greenhouse gases continue rising, the region faces a 40% increase in precipitation by the late 21st century, according to the Fourth National Climate Assessment. The soil that makes one of the globe’s most important growing regions so productive is vanishing before our eyes, degrading a crucial food production region at the very time when climate change and global population growth call for building resilience.
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