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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Home | The Regenerative Agroforestry Podcast

    A space where we investigate the possibilities of agroforestry, share experiences and analyse different strategies, tools and techniques. We bring you quality, in-depth content, so that we can build together regenerative agroforestry systems
    TADEAS --- ---
    Unless we change course, the US agricultural system could collapse | Agriculture | The Guardian

    Interactions between Native Americans, plants, animals, microbes and climate left behind a majestic store of fertile topsoil that scientists call mollisol. Even today, the US midwest boasts the largest of four major mollisol stores on the planet. Mollisols develop over millennia yet can be squandered in decades. US colonial-settler agriculture transformed this ecological niche, a land mass 1.5 times the size of California, into a factory churning out just two crops – corn and soybeans.

    This kind of agriculture fouls water as a matter of course. Since corn and soybeans are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall, the vast majority of corn-belt farmland lies bare for the winter months, leaving the ground naked when storms hit. These deluges pummel bare topsoil and send it – and the agrochemicals and manure farmers apply to it – cascading off farms and into streams and creeks that flow into rivers, lakes and ultimately the Gulf of Mexico. But there’s another problem with subjecting the land to the same two crops every year: loss of the region’s precious black topsoil. According to research by the soil scientist Rick Cruse, Iowa – and much of the surrounding corn belt – is losing soil at a rate 16 times the pace of natural replenishment.

    Again, climate change is a driver. Today’s farmers encounter a weather regime radically different from that of their grandparents: more intense off-season storms, and thus ever-heavier pressure on the soil. If global greenhouse gases continue rising, the region faces a 40% increase in precipitation by the late 21st century, according to the Fourth National Climate Assessment. The soil that makes one of the globe’s most important growing regions so productive is vanishing before our eyes, degrading a crucial food production region at the very time when climate change and global population growth call for building resilience.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sucho navzdory dešťům neodeznělo. A bude se pravidelně vracet - Radek Kubala

    Dlouhá suchá období, jaké jsme zažili v posledních pěti letech, se podle vědeckých předpovědí budou v důsledku klimatické krize vracet stále častěji. Budou je však střídat vlhké roky provázené přívalovými dešti, které zvýší riziko povodní.

    Increased future occurrences of the exceptional 2018–2019 Central European drought under global warming

    Since the spring 2018, a large part of Europe has been in the midst of a record-setting drought. Using long-term observations, we demonstrate that the occurrence of the 2018–2019 (consecutive) summer drought is unprecedented in the last 250 years, and its combined impact on the growing season vegetation activities is stronger compared to the 2003 European drought. Using a suite of climate model simulation outputs, we underpin the role of anthropogenic warming on exacerbating the future risk of such a consecutive drought event. Under the highest Representative Concentration Pathway, (RCP 8.5), we notice a seven-fold increase in the occurrence of the consecutive droughts, with additional 40 (±5) million ha of cultivated areas being affected by such droughts, during the second half of the twenty-first century. The occurrence is significantly reduced under low and medium scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5), suggesting that an effective mitigation strategy could aid in reducing the risk of future consecutive droughts
    TADEAS --- ---
    Greenpeace executive director John Sauven discusses the climate crisis with Extinction Rebellion activists Roger Hallam and Larch Maxey. Recorded at Greenpeace UK HQ, London (16 May 2019)

    Roger Hallam and Larch Maxey chat with John Sauven | Greenpeace UK | Beyond Politics Party UK
    TADEAS --- ---

    verim/myslim si/predstavuju si, ze otepleni se podari udrzet

    16 hlasy od 16 respondentů

      TADEAS --- ---
      Treason and Reason series, episode 2: BANKS, MARKETS AND THE END OF THE WORLD

      Roger Hallam (Beyond Politics) in conversation with Chidi Oti-Obihara (Financial and Environmental activist and campaigner)

      Banks, Markets and The End of the World:/Roger Hallam and Chidi Oti-Obihara
      TADEAS --- ---
      TADEAS: pravni principy hallamovy revoluce :)
      TADEAS --- ---
      The Right to Life and Revolution | Roger Hallam (Beyond Politics Party UK) and Tim Crosland (Plan B)
      TADEAS --- ---

      Extinction Rebellion co-founder held on damage plot charge | UK news | The Guardian
      TUHO --- ---
      Katedra fyziky atmosféry MFF UK
      Co se stane, až bude v atmosféře dvakrát více CO2 oproti předindustriálním poměrům?
      Reakce globálních teplot na dvojnásobnou koncentraci CO2 se označuje jako klimatická citlivost (climate sensitivity) a po čtyřicet let se téměř neměnně udávala jako 1.5-4.5°C. Na konci července byly ale zveřejněny výsledky čtyřletého výzkumu, který se citlivostí klimatu zabýval a který nově ukazuje, že při dvojnásobném obsahu CO2 s největší pravděpodobností globální teploty stoupnou v rámci intervalu 2.3°C-3.9°C. Studie je velmi rozsáhlá (165 stran) a krom jiného ukazuje, že nárůst teplot pod 2°C má pravděpodobnost menší než 5%. Naopak je šance 6-18%, že by teploty mohly narůst o více jak 4.5°C.
      Kompletní studie na

      Více o výsledcích studie na https://scitechdaily.com/...ced-international-analysis-narrows-range-of-climates-sensitivity-to-co2/
      TUHO --- ---
      Tak hurikan Laura prichazi do USA.

      So far, Hurricane Laura has intensified at the fastest rate on record for any hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico (tied with Hurricane Karl in 2010). It went from Cat 1 to Cat 4 in 24 hrs.
      Hurricane Laura is now forecast to be the strongest storm to ever make landfall along the western Louisiana and north Texas coast, with winds of 145 mph and storm surge of up to 20 feet. But what determines how much devastation a hurricane produces, and what hazards cause the most damage, varies from storm to storm.

      Meteorologists rate hurricanes by the intensity of the maximum sustained winds. It's fairly simple: the stronger the winds, the stronger the hurricane:

      Category 1: 74-95 mph
      Category 2: 96-110 mph
      Category 3: 111-129 mph
      Category 4: 130-156 mph
      Category 5: 157 mph or higher
      Any storm that's Category 3 or higher is considered a major hurricane. And the difference in damage between a run-of-the-mill hurricane and a major hurricane is, well, major. And major hurricanes all have a personality of their own, some heavy on wind damage and some heavy on water damage.

      Hurricane Laura packs the strongest winds the region has ever seen — but that's not the biggest threat - CBS News

      SHEFIK --- ---
      Recycling PV panels: Why can’t we hit 100%? – pv magazine International
      DRSH --- ---
      Čím je suché období delší, tím je pravděpodobnější, že další rok takový nebude, tvrdí ředitel ČHMÚ | Radiožurnál
      DRSH --- ---
      Rypadla, bio víno, rypadla, Ohře. Klimajízda hledala na severu Čech recept na férový odchod od uhlí | Radio Wave
      TUHO --- ---
      TUHO: Tohle je total :D

      Earthworms that just work on the surface (epigeic worms) don’t make tunnels and are not considered geoengineers.
      TUHO --- ---
      They are a gardener’s best friend, good for the soil and a treat for birds. But the humble earthworm may not always be good news, according to a study that suggests invasive earthworms could be making Arctic soils too fertile.
      The earthworm is not typically thought of as an invasive species. “Most parts of Europe have earthworms so we never really saw them as a problem,” says lead researcher Dr Gesche Blume-Werry, an ecologist from the University of Greifswald in Germany. But Blume-Werry and her colleagues realised that “more and more spots in the Arctic have worms because humans brought them there”.
      Earthworms move at around five to 10 metres a year in the Arctic, but human mobility means they can jump from the UK to Svalbard in a single move. They are reaching remote areas by hitchhiking in the treads of people’s shoes, from being used as bait for fishing and in imported soils for gardening. As the Arctic warms, they are able to colonise more areas.
      Early research indicates that the earthworms could have the same effect on Arctic plant productivity as a 3C rise in temperature.

      'The aliens to watch': how the humble earthworm is altering the Arctic | Environment | The Guardian
      TUHO --- ---
      The oil industry is on the cusp of a process of almost total decimation that will begin over the next 30 years, and continue through to the next century. That’s the stark implication of a new forecast by a team of energy analysts led by a former US government energy advisor, seen exclusively by Motherboard.
      2020, the forecast suggests, will go down in history as the final point-of-no-return for the global oil industry—a date to which we will look back and remember how the production of oil, as well as other fossil fuels like gas and coal, underwent a slow, but inexorable and largely irreversible decline.
      Along the way, some 80 percent of the industry as we know it is going to be wiped out.
      Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be recognized as a principal trigger for this decline. The new era of oscillating social distancing rules and remote working has crushed once rocketing demand, at least temporarily.
      But in reality, the broad contours of this decline were already set in motion even before the pandemic hit. And the implications are stark: we are in the midst of a fundamental energy transition which will see the bulk of the fossil fuel industry gradually eclipsed in coming decades.

      The End of the Oil Age Is Upon Us
      GOJATLA --- ---
      RENEWABLE ENERGY: Study: Black turbine blades reduced bird mortality by 72% -- Tuesday, August 25, 2020 -- www.eenews.net

      Bird death from turbine collisions dropped by 71.9% where a turbine blade was black, compared with unpainted turbines at the same wind farm, according to findings published last month in the peer-reviewed journal Ecology and Evolution.
      TADEAS --- ---
      L4MA: akorat motivace neni si neco usetrit
      L4MA --- ---
      TUHO: prvni veta :)

      "It is time to grow up and see the world as it is.There are some things which are undeniably real, there are some things we cannot change and one of those is the laws of physics"

      kdyby to samy dokazal aplikovat i na ty nejzakladnejsi veliciny, hloupost, kratkozrakost a lhostejnost, usetril by si spoustu mrzeni. :)
      Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam