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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    planetarni dashboard/stats

    The World Counts
    SHEFIK --- ---
    nejaky odpovedi jestli vodik je cesta

    The weekend read: Hydrogen and the energy transition – pv magazine International

    Currently, it is often stated that it is fundamentally impossible to produce all of the hydrogen Germany needs domestically. Fraunhofer ISE’s study does not reach this conclusion. In order to generate the share of hydrogen from imports, the energy of an additional 300 GW of PV systems would be sufficient. Combined with the 400 GW required in the Reference scenario, the total expansion would thus still be well below the technically possible potential, which studies estimate at between 1,000 GW and 3,000 GW. Whether this hydrogen can be produced domestically depends on how much solar and wind power is considered acceptable.
    TADEAS --- ---

    UPDATE: 29-08-2020
    Yesterday, Blyth, Ferhat and Steven were granted bail, under stringent conditions.
    Blyth and Ferhat are out of prison and safe. We very much hope that Steven is released, at the latest, next Tuesday.

    We still waiting for Diane's lawyers to tell us what's next; at the moment she is in prison. We hope that the court will grant her bail too.

    Roger's appeal for bail was turned down, the bail conditions so harsh the judge couldn't make a decision without Roger being present. He is on remand (in Pentonville Prison) until the next bail hearing on the 22 nd September.

    The court hearing for all defendants is provisionally set for late February, 2021.

    Quarantine conditions in prison are brutal. It means isolation for two weeks. In a cell, on their own. These rules apply to all prisoners, including those waiting for trial, and those -as it's the case with Diane and Roger- on remand.

    We can't really be sure if Diane, Roger and Steven still are on hunger strike inside jail. We know, Ferhat will carry on with his, in solidarity with those inside.
    We can't say much more about any other stuff, as it's quite unclear what effect posting details could have on the defendants' case.

    We hope we will be able to say more, once we know more.

    We also would like to thank you for your messages, and actions of solidarity. Frankly, we are overwhelmed by the love and support you are giving us.

    That Roger Hallam is in prison, isolated and with little chances of getting out, is telling. The establishment's media is keeping it as quiet as they possibly can. We know why, you know why.

    The days, weeks, and months ahead might be the last chance we have to stop the Fuckery, the ultimate fuckery, from ending it all, forever.

    The only solution is to bring down the government and put Citizen's Assemblies in its place. Whatever it takes.

    Remember: this is not extinction, this is annihilation.


    YMLADRIS --- ---
    V moji bubline ted koluje tento Boček - datovy novinar rozhlasu, ktery rozebira, proc v Cesku nejde nic posunout a resit. Netyka se primo klimatu, ale vidi to jako obecnejsi tema = "budeme vyckavat".

    Presne pojmenoval moji slepou ulicku a bezradnost. Nebavi me toto cyklit.

    Třeba se to vyřeší samo. Různá témata, stejný příběh | Finmag.cz

    1. Je problém.
    2. Vědělo se o něm roky a jen se čekalo, kdy se projeví. Nikdo se na něj ale nepřipravoval: Jak asi? Problém musí nejdřív být, aby se dal řešit. (Často se to svede na všemocný a špatný zákon.)
    3. Je pravda, že jinde ten problém řeší, často docela šikovně. Jenže to jsou oni, ti pro to mají podmínky. To by u nás neprošlo.
    4. Všechno jede setrvačností dál. Počká se, až jestli je to opravdový problém.
    5. „Ne, data vám nedáme.“
    6. Vrať se na 1.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: kinda related

    Turecká advokátka držela hladovku za spravedlivý proces. Po 238 dnech zemřela — ČT24 — Česká televize
    XCHAOS --- ---
    The Dow Jones just dropped its oldest member: Exxon Mobil | The Optimist Daily: Making Solutions the News
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: k tomu ta cina, jeste se priste prida extremni sucho v evrope a mame ten multibreadbasket failure

    Iowa's farmers count the cost of a rare storm – photo essay | US news | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Hurricane-force storm in Iowa flattens 10 million acres of crops

    Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) said the storm, which had hurricane-force winds up to 112 mph, destroyed at least one-third of the entire state's crops. More than 10 million acres were completely flattened, leading Reynolds to say she thinks the storm should qualify for federal disaster declaration. The Washington Post reports between 180 and 270 million bushels of corn were likely damaged, shortly before harvesting usually begins in September.

    LINKOS --- ---
    LINKOS: jo a taky už prý Čína skupuje jídlo po světě, protože tady toho pěstovali fakt dost, v článku tvrdili 20% světový produkce rýže atd...
    LINKOS --- ---
    On to teda průser je i bez prolomení Tří soutěsek, tý úrody nebylo zrovna málo. Co jsem četl před týdnem, čtrnácti dny, odpouštěli soutěsky co to šlo, záplavy nad, záplavy pod. Měli taky odstřelit nějaké menší přehrady
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: napr. tato restauracia, tam to musi smrdiet jak v zumpe :D

    PER2 --- ---
    MRTVEJ: jako porad to tam neni ok, dost toho je pod vodou, porad prsi, jiny prehrady jsou plny atp, hodne urody dead , na vychode ted tajfun k tomu jeste
    MRTVEJ --- ---
    aha tak to me zmatli vypadalo to ze to tam tece furt :o)
    tak nic no :o)
    PER2 --- ---
    MRTVEJ: uz par dni, byli nekde na 166m tusim

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    svede se to pak na Trumpa

    Another Trump term would mean severe and irreversible changes in the climate - Vox
    MRTVEJ --- ---
    jako ze uz pritok slabne ? nevim nesleduju online :o)
    PER2 --- ---
    MRTVEJ: trosku stary zpravy
    MRTVEJ --- ---
    tak praskne to ne bo ne ? :o)
    jsem napnutej :o)
    Největší přehrada na světě se blíží k maximální kapacitě - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---

    Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries: Rockström, Johan, Klum, Mattias, Miller, Peter: 9780300218367: Amazon.com: Books
    TADEAS --- ---
    Interview with Professor Johan Rockström
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam