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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    DZODZO --- ---
    TUHO: ja tomu nerozumiem, tak vie ten nuscale vyuzivat vyhorene palivo alebo nie? tuto o tom pisu ako o nejakom nice2have feature :)

    Storing Spent Fuel | NuScale Power
    TUHO --- ---
    Nuclear startup NuScale has received a landmark final safety evaluation report (FSER) for its modular reactor design, making it the first American modular design to reach this point. NuScale’s design uses classic nuclear fission water reactor technology in a much smaller form factor, which contrasts with the escalating sizes of most current nuclear plant construction around the world.

    Small Nuclear Reactors: Tiny NuScale Reactor Gets Safety Approval
    TUHO --- ---
    Jinak Varoufakisovi vychazi nova kniha "Another now"...

    What would a fair and equal society look like? The world-renowned economist and bestselling author Yanis Varoufakis presents his radical and subversive answer.

    Imagine it is 2025 and that years earlier, in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, a global uprising had birthed a post-Capitalist world in which democracy, equality and justice are truly served.

    In a thought-experiment of startling originality, world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis blends an ancient form - the Platonic dialogue - with speculative fiction to offer a glimpse of this alternative reality. Through the eyes of three characters - a liberal ex-banker, a radical feminist and a maverick technologist - we see what would be needed to forge such a world, one without commercial banks or stock markets, where companies are collectively owned and housing and income are guaranteed, but also at what cost.

    How to balance freedom with fairness? How to generate wealth while protecting the planet? How to encourage the best of humanity without unleashing the worst? As radical in its form as in its vision, Another Now shows how our answers to these questions shape our society, helping us confront the one question that underpins them all: how far are we willing to go in pursuit of our ideals?

    Kniha: Another Now (Yanis Varoufakis) | Martinus
    TUHO --- ---
    Katedra fyziky atmosféry MFF UK
    aitSpoo1gn sorehd ·
    Atmosféra Země je komplexní dynamický systém s mnoha vnitřními vazbami. Japonští vědci z vědecko-technologického ústavu pro Zemi a moře v Yokohamě (Japan Agency for Marine‐Earth Science and Technology) nyní přicházejí se závěry, které naznačují, že existuje dynamická vazba mezi náhlým oteplením stratosféry nad Antarktidou (Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming - SSW) a konvektivní aktivitou nad tropickými oblastmi. Jejich modelová analýza provedena pro rok 2019 ukazuje, že k destabilizaci atmosféry nad těmito oblastmi skutečně dochází, jakožto důsledek změn v Hadleyově cirkulaci, které nastávají právě při SSW.

    Více informací:
    Warming in the Antarctic Stratosphere Affects Tropical Weather - Eos
    Samtoný článek: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020GL088743
    TUHO --- ---
    Společnost Vattenfall nabídla v rámci německé aukce na odstavení uhelných elektráren, že ukončí provoz své největší a nejnovější elektrárny Moorburg v Hamburku. Provoz černouhelné elektrárny s výkonem 1,6 GW, která byla spuštěna teprve v listopadu 2015, je podle Vattenfallu nerentabilní. Po technické stránce mohla být elektrárna provozována až do roku 2038, o jejím případném konci po pouhých šesti letech provozu rozhodnou výsledky aukce.

    TADEAS --- ---

    The climate crisis is here already, in the Western world, in Europe. In Germany, the water levels of the rivers Elbe and Rhine are low more often; there is massive forest decline not only in the Harz mountain range and the Saxon Switzerland region. There are fewer insects, more jellyfish, more droughts, heatwaves, crop failures and we’re seeing first shortages of potable water. Glaciers are melting and permafrost grounds are thawing all over the world.
    The “next generation” who has to suffer the consequences of the climate crisis is already alive. That generation consists of children who have already been born. They’re our children, on every continent and in every nation.
    We don’t report what the climate crisis will mean for us and our children
    Most of the children born today will still be in primary school when we possibly exceed the 1.5°C limit as early as the worst case scenario predicts: 2030. Your three-year-old son? He will be 13 then. Your five-year-old grandchild? She’ll be around 15. You see yourself having a child about five years from now? You can do the math, and you get my point. When these children are old enough to be told how serious our situation is, it will be too late to stay under 1.5°C.
    But the climate crisis not only affects our children; it also affects us. You’re 42 now? That means you’ll only be 52 when we may have permanently given away our chance to live in a world with a stable climate. According to the current average life expectancy, you’ll then have another 30 years or so in which to experience the increasingly dire consequences of global warming.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GOJATLA: tak zrovna lítat by mohlo jít prakticky bezemisně, i když o dost pomaleji než dnes (ale i třetinová rychlost by ale pořád byla rychlá jako nejrychlejší komerčná rychlovlaky)

    já si myslím, že návrat někam do 18.století není moc dobře možný (případně "18.století a jízdní kola" - on s často propaguje takový lifestylový hybrid, ve kterém hrají důležitou úlohu vlaky). Jedním z paradoxů je, že při současné úrovni populace ty preindustriální postupy prostě nejsou dobře škálovatelné - prostě statisíce a miliony lidí nemůžou najednou začít topit v krbech dřevem... je to hezké, ale kdyby se na to vrhli všichni, není to udržitelné.

    Ústup od konzumu je pěkný plán, ale třeba jen co jsem zažil za svého života, tak trendem je pravý opak: od malých obchodů k supermarketům, od částečně DIY přístupu v řadě oborů ke konzumu hotových řešení. Nevím úplně co s tím, ale diskuze na sociálních sítích se snadno zvrhává směrem "svoboda znamená konzum, a kdo nám v něm brání, ten je součástní nějaké konspirace proti nám".
    TADEAS --- ---
    Journalists, you need to start taking the climate crisis seriously!
    TADEAS --- ---
    “A client of mine once said that he thought he was a livestock producer. And then he came to one of our programs and went away thinking that he was a grass producer. And then over time, as he's learned more and more, he now believes he's a soil manager. If you understand that you're a soil manager, the production and the economics of your farm will actually look after itself…to be truly regenerative, a farmer needs to understand that they are a part of the ecosystem, not apart from it.” -Dr. Terry McCosker

    Facilitating Large Scale Transitions to Regenerative Agriculture with Terry McCosker
    TADEAS --- ---
    GOJATLA: ad "absence of understanding by governments"

    jasne, a vsechny dezinfo kampane jsou vedeny "absence of understanding" ... limit je nase doufani, ze to neni zamer. absence of the capacity to understand evil.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: a jeste jeden komentar

    The Tories appeared remarkably tolerant in the days when Extinction Rebellion were causing general disruption to the public. But to threaten the interests of billionaire paymasters is something against which the entire political class will unite. At a time when the government is mooting designating Extinction Rebellion as Serious Organised Crime, right wing bequiffed muppet Keir Starmer was piously condemning the group, stating: “The free press is the cornerstone of democracy and we must do all we can to protect it.”

    It is surely time we stopped talking about “free press”, as if it was Thomas Paine or William Cobbett distributing pamphlets. Print media is now the subject of phenomenonal ownership concentration. It broadcasts the propaganda of some very nasty billionaires to a shrinking audience of mostly old people. The same ownerships have of course moved in to TV and Radio and increasingly into new media, and have a political stranglehold over those who control state media. At the same time, the corporate gatekeepers of Facebook and Twitter purposefully strangle the flow of readers to independent online media. The idea of a “free press” as an open marketplace of democratic ideas has no real meaning in modern society, until anti-monopoly action is taken. Which is the last thing those in power will do.


    I do not want permanently to close down the Sun or the Telegraph; neither do Extinction Rebellion. But their excellent action is an important opening to the debate about controlled public narrative, not least on climate change. The highly paid stenographers to power have been quick to protest. Murdoch mouthpiece David Aaronovitch tweeted out that in fact 99% of the time there was no editorial interference from Murdoch. But that is the point. Murdoch employs reliable right wingers like Aaronovitch; he does not need to tell them what to write.

    - https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/...reedom-show-me-the-msm-journalist-opposing-the-torture-of-assange/
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: lolik

    Council of Europe issues media freedom alert over UK government blacklisting of investigative journalists | The Independent | Independent

    The UK government has been formally warned for threatening press freedom after it blacklisted a group of investigative journalists and denied them access to information.


    The intervention by the Council of Europe ironically comes as Boris Johnson and his ministers condemned environmental activists as a threat to press freedom for blockading printing plants in protest at newspapers' climate coverage.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Sentinel for the Home Planet
    7 September 2020
    James Hansen
    Two numbers, atmospheric CO2 amount and global surface temperature, have received special prominence, and they deserve attention. However, this third number, Earth’s energy imbalance, is perhaps the most important. CO2 is just one of the forcings that drive climate change, even if the dominant one. Earth’s energy imbalance incorporates the effect of CO2 and all other forcings, including some, such as human-made aerosols, that are poorly measured at best. Earth’s energy imbalance will be our guide during the next several decades as we work to restore a healthy climate for future generations. It deserves greater attention.
    The new paper being published today by von Schuckmann and 37 co-authors concludes that the energy imbalance in 2010-2018 has increased to 0.87 ± 0.12 W/m2. That imbalance must be reduced approximately to zero for the sake of stabilizing climate. The authors note that one way to achieve energy balance would be to reduce atmospheric CO2, presently at about 410 ppm, by 57 ± 8 ppm. That reduction of CO2 would increase Earth’s heat radiation to space by 0.87 ± 0.12 W/m2, thus leaving Earth at energy balance with global temperature close to its present value, which is about 1.2°C above the preindustrial level. This is consistent with an earlier suggestion8 that the initial target for CO2 should be about 350 ppm, if we wish to aim for stable shorelines and avoid other climate problems. As expected, this initial target has not changed much. However, the task of achieving the target is now more difficult. The required reduction of greenhouse gases is larger, and the time that we have to achieve the reduction, even though uncertain, is certainly shorter. Could we not, instead, reduce other greenhouse gases? We suggested in our Young People’s Burden paper7 that there is potential in other greenhouse gases to reduce climate forcing by as much as a few tenth of 1 W/m2. However, we are in the process of doing no such thing. Methane (CH4), in principle, should present the best possibility to rapidly reduce climate forcing, because the lifetime of a methane molecule is only of the order of 10 years. If we reduce the sources, the atmospheric methane amount will decline rapidly. However, in reality, at least in part due to “fracking,” methane has resumed its growth.
    The most disconcerting fact is the seeming absence of understanding by governments of what action is required to achieve climate stabilization, and the certain absence of any plan to achieve that action. As long as the price of fossil fuels does not include their costs to humanity, the climate problem will not be solved. This situation is disconcerting because economists agree that the required actions make sense, independent of concerns about climate change. It is still possible that at least one of the great economic powers – the United States, China or the European Union – might adopt an across-the-board (oil, gas, coal) rising carbon fee. The fee could then be imposed on a near-global basis via border duties on products from countries without an equivalent fee. Economic studies show that such a carbon fee would cause rapid phasedown of CO2 emissions without damaging economies, if the funds collected are distributed uniformly to the public. This procedure is anti-regressive, because wealthy people have a large carbon footprint. About 70 percent of the public would receive more in their dividend than they pay in increased prices for fossil fuels and products made using fossil fuels.
    DZODZO --- ---
    GOJATLA: lol ze sun a "morning paper", jedine ak myslela toaletny...
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: Tak už teče krev - první obět Extinction Rebellion:
    Gran, 95, blames Extinction Rebellion after falling while trying to find her morning paper
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: To ale nejde moc srovnávat. My potřebujeme změnit úplně všechno, ne jednu technologii. Zrušit uhlí, ropu, plyn. Úplně změnit přístup k hospodaření s lesy a půdou. Skončit s ekonomikou postavenou na konzumu. Omezit létání na minimum. Žádný průlom v technologiích tohle nevyřeší. Potřebujeme nějakou větší katastrofu, aby nám došlo, že jde opravdu o život. A pak v podstatě přejít do válečného stavu. A nebo ještě pár let čekat, jestli někdo něco nevymyslí, a ta válka si nás najde sama.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GOJATLA: podívej, zrovna na ty LCD technologie žádná "politická vůle" nebyla potřeba... v Asii to začali vyrábět z jednoduchého důvodu, že placatých krabic se jim do jednoho lodního kontejneru vešlo víc... ale vedlejší efekt byla úspora (tedy min. při stejném počtu monitorů... že počet kancelářských míst jistě vzrostl je jiná věc)

    Když je ta technologie opravdu zlomová, tak se rozšíří díky úsporám. S politickou vůlí máš problémy na jiném levelu... celkově úspory jsou v ekonomice nepopulární, protože výhodnější je zdůvodnit investorům potřebu dalších peněz, než šetřit.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: I když přijde zlomová technologie, tak na její zavedení bude chybět politická vůle. Ti, co teď bohatnou, se budou stažit, aby změna byla co nejpomalejší. A už včera bylo pozdě. Spíš doufám, že se mladí vzbouří až pochopí, že jim utahujeme smyčku kolem krku. Zatím jdou na porážku jako ovce.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GOJATLA: tohle se týká všech ekonomických opatření. Protože ekonomika, ať se to někomu líbí nebo ne, je ve většině případů postavena na větší míře dobrovolnosti, než nějaká opatření prosazená třeba skrz občanskou válku...

    Je to prostě problém. Věřil jsem na osvětu, ale v podstatě to samé, co platí pro koupení politiků, platí i pro koupení médií. Vše může být zpochybněno, koncept pravdy se rozplyul - pravdu má ten, kdo má víc peněz a to je ten, kdo umožní konzum. Ten umožní uhlí, protože umožní dovést za stejné prachy méně zemního plynu a víc ajphonů...

    Pořád jako naději vidím, že u řady moderních technologií je disruptivní změna možná prakticky ze dne na den: příkladem bylo nahrazení CRT displejů LCD, to sice formálně vzato trvalo několik let, ale byl tam prudký zlom, po kterém starý produkt nešlo prakticky koupit a i bazarová hodnota klesla prakticky na nulu a týkalo se to náhodou i spotřeby energie.

    Podobně prudký zlom je podle mě možný... např. jen nahrazení litihových baterií v mobilech a notebocích novější generací, která zvládne prakticky nekonečný počet cyklů (nabízí se lithium-titanát, je trochu těžší, ale tyhle baterky nejsou ani nejtěžší kus té elektroniky, většinou) by umožnil zvýšit životnost spotřební elektroniky a uvolnit kapacity výroby baterií pro jiné apliikace. Nebo by mohlo dojít k nějakému lifestylovému posunu...
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: No právě. Není potřeba pálit uhlí načerno, když si stačí koupit pár poslanců a změnit zákony. Jenže tohle se týká všech opatření ke snížení emisí, nejenom zákazu uhlí. Proto nemáme uhlíkovou daň, a jestli někdy budeme mít, tak bude slabá a ještě se lidi proti ní budou bouřit. Vlády dividendu nezavedou, chtějí si samy rozhodovat, jak se daně utratí. Jsme prostě v pr**li, vládnou nám šmejdi a žádný technologický pokrok už nás zachránit nemůže.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam