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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Podle nejhoršího scénáře: Ledovce tají mnohem rychleji, než si vědci mohli představit
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: "selfish minority must be stopped" oh well, pekne to shrnula, jak to ve svete je a bude
    GOJATLA --- ---
    How SUVs conquered the world – at the expense of its climate | US news | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Priti Patel "eco-crusaders turned criminals attacking our way of life" | Extinction Rebellion UK
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Uber pledges to shift to ‘100 percent’ electric vehicles by 2030 - The Verge

    Uber announced Tuesday that “100 percent” of rides will take place in electric vehicles by 2030 in the US, Canada, and Europe, and by 2040 for the rest of the world. 
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---

    Three of the four worst fires in California history are still burning. A fourth has quickly burned well over 100,000 acres. Offshore winds, typically the drivers of major fires, are just arriving. There are three more months in the fire season, already the worst in history.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Antonio Guterres

    We are at a true turning point for people and planet.

    I urge all countries, especially G20 members, to commit to carbon neutrally before 2050, and to submit more ambitious #ClimateAction strategies ahead of #COP26.

    https://t.co/e03X6ved0p https://t.co/XvvcKxXm7Y

    TADEAS --- ---
    A reminder from the distant past of 2018. We may reach global heating of 1.5°C before 2030. In this context it would be a crime against humanity to classify #ExtinctionRebellion as a criminal organisation.

    Everyone know Yosemite National Park? This is the view of Half Dome yesterday illuminated by the Creek Fire (photo Fresno Bee). During this century the Sierras will become desert, like Nevada. HMG should do as #XR has demanded: institute a People's Assembly and act on its advice.

    TADEAS --- ---
    In the irrational fantasyland of state/corporate newspapers & tv news Progress will reign and humans, plants & animals won't struggle to survive the terrifying speed of accelerating abrupt change change over the next 10 to 20 years and beyond as entire ecosystems don't collapse.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Indian summer through mid-September as extreme heatwave develops across Europe
    TADEAS --- ---
    Evropské dotace do zemědělství stav krajiny nezlepšují, popsala studie - Ekolist.cz

    Billions in Misspent EU Agricultural Subsidies Could Support the Sustainable Development Goals

    Global agricultural subsidies total over $700 billion per year but often drive environmental damage and fail to provide broader social benefits beyond farming. In the EU, around €54 billion per year of public funds have been spent under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) since 2006. The CAP will be reformed after 2020, and we reveal the untapped potential for vast spending under the policy to contribute to sustainable agriculture in Europe. To do so, CAP payments will need to be redistributed from supporting income in regions where farming is already profitable to supporting farmers to implement environment- and climate-friendly practices. Member States will also need to play a role in monitoring and evaluating whether CAP spending is actually achieving the desired outcomes, using result-based payments and a better set of monitoring indicators.


    We analyzed the distribution of €59.4 billion of 2015 CAP payments and show that current CAP spending exacerbates income inequality within agriculture, while little funding supports climate-friendly and biodiverse farming regions. More than €24 billion of 2015 CAP direct payments went to regions where average farm incomes are already above the EU median income. A further €2.5 billion in rural development payments went to primarily urban areas. Effective monitoring indicators are also missing. We recommend redirecting and better monitoring CAP payments toward achieving the environmental, sustainability, and rural development goals stated in the CAP's new objectives, which would support the SDGs, the European Green Deal, and green COVID-19 recovery.
    TUHO --- ---
    n 2015, there were a total of 15 fossil fuel exploration and extraction contracts (onshore and offshore) in Portugal. Through years of struggle, against the governments insistence and despite the fact that the parliament voted down – several times – proposals for their cancellation; the last remaining 2 contracts in Central Portugal were abandoned.

    One year after Camp-in-Gás, the first action camp in Portugal against fossil gas and for climate justice that united local groups, national collectives as well as international activists against the drilling project in Bajouca in the Leiria district; Australis Oil and Gas gave up its concessions for fossil gas exploration and extraction in the area.

    Victory: Portugal free of fossil fuel extraction projects as company abandons the last contract. | Climáximo
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Floating PV to offset underperforming hydropower – pv magazine International

    The deployment of floating PV systems at underperforming dams could provide a double advantage. First, it could enable the construction of cheaper PV projects, as additional substations or transmission lines would not be needed. And second, floating PV could give hydropower plant operators the chance to use their projects as a form of energy storage to be dispatched in a way that can compensate the variable output of solar PV.
    DZODZO --- ---
    TUHO: ja tomu nerozumiem, tak vie ten nuscale vyuzivat vyhorene palivo alebo nie? tuto o tom pisu ako o nejakom nice2have feature :)

    Storing Spent Fuel | NuScale Power
    TUHO --- ---
    Nuclear startup NuScale has received a landmark final safety evaluation report (FSER) for its modular reactor design, making it the first American modular design to reach this point. NuScale’s design uses classic nuclear fission water reactor technology in a much smaller form factor, which contrasts with the escalating sizes of most current nuclear plant construction around the world.

    Small Nuclear Reactors: Tiny NuScale Reactor Gets Safety Approval
    TUHO --- ---
    Jinak Varoufakisovi vychazi nova kniha "Another now"...

    What would a fair and equal society look like? The world-renowned economist and bestselling author Yanis Varoufakis presents his radical and subversive answer.

    Imagine it is 2025 and that years earlier, in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, a global uprising had birthed a post-Capitalist world in which democracy, equality and justice are truly served.

    In a thought-experiment of startling originality, world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis blends an ancient form - the Platonic dialogue - with speculative fiction to offer a glimpse of this alternative reality. Through the eyes of three characters - a liberal ex-banker, a radical feminist and a maverick technologist - we see what would be needed to forge such a world, one without commercial banks or stock markets, where companies are collectively owned and housing and income are guaranteed, but also at what cost.

    How to balance freedom with fairness? How to generate wealth while protecting the planet? How to encourage the best of humanity without unleashing the worst? As radical in its form as in its vision, Another Now shows how our answers to these questions shape our society, helping us confront the one question that underpins them all: how far are we willing to go in pursuit of our ideals?

    Kniha: Another Now (Yanis Varoufakis) | Martinus
    TUHO --- ---
    Katedra fyziky atmosféry MFF UK
    aitSpoo1gn sorehd ·
    Atmosféra Země je komplexní dynamický systém s mnoha vnitřními vazbami. Japonští vědci z vědecko-technologického ústavu pro Zemi a moře v Yokohamě (Japan Agency for Marine‐Earth Science and Technology) nyní přicházejí se závěry, které naznačují, že existuje dynamická vazba mezi náhlým oteplením stratosféry nad Antarktidou (Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming - SSW) a konvektivní aktivitou nad tropickými oblastmi. Jejich modelová analýza provedena pro rok 2019 ukazuje, že k destabilizaci atmosféry nad těmito oblastmi skutečně dochází, jakožto důsledek změn v Hadleyově cirkulaci, které nastávají právě při SSW.

    Více informací:
    Warming in the Antarctic Stratosphere Affects Tropical Weather - Eos
    Samtoný článek: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020GL088743
    TUHO --- ---
    Společnost Vattenfall nabídla v rámci německé aukce na odstavení uhelných elektráren, že ukončí provoz své největší a nejnovější elektrárny Moorburg v Hamburku. Provoz černouhelné elektrárny s výkonem 1,6 GW, která byla spuštěna teprve v listopadu 2015, je podle Vattenfallu nerentabilní. Po technické stránce mohla být elektrárna provozována až do roku 2038, o jejím případném konci po pouhých šesti letech provozu rozhodnou výsledky aukce.

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