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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TADEAS: v tomhle brity fakt obdivuju, žádná realita jim plány kazit nebude. Že na globální oteplní nevěřej lidi v čechách, kde vyměníme smrky za borovice, ok. Ale že ho ignorujou na ostrově, kde třetina obyvatelstva bydlí doslova metry nad mořem ve vysušenejch bažinách, tomu říkám mít koule.
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: skoda ze je to zamkle, toto by ma zaujimalo :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Rising CO2 levels mean trees increasingly live fast and die young | New Scientist
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Earth may temporarily pass dangerous 1.5 C warming limit by 2024, major new report says

    jsou už vypsany nějaký kurzový sázky? že bysme si mohli vsadit
    TADEAS --- ---
    As Historic Heatwaves Cook California, Tesla Activates Its Distributed Army To Save The Grid

    Powerwall: During the heatwave, Tesla emailed Powerwall owners across the state with guidance about how to change the operating mode to optimize the Powerwall and accompanying rooftop solar systems (if applicable) to the Time of Use setting. In this mode, the Powerwall does everything it can to minimize the amount of power pulled from the grid during peak periods.


    Turning a home from a consumer to an on demand generator is a massive shift in how individual homes respond to and are impacted by grid strain events. A single home responding this way is neat. A neighborhood transforming from net consumers to net generators is impactful. Scaling intelligent, connected solar-plus-storage installations across a city, a region, a state, or a country changes how the grid works.

    Tesla’s ability to remotely activate and communicate to thousands of users based on geographical location, acts of god, weather forecasts, and current hardware state is a powerful tool that gives us a look into the future of the electrical grid. Electricity customers are increasingly transforming into microgrid managers.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Climate crisis could displace 1.2bn people by 2050, report warns | Climate change | The Guardian

    Ecological Threat Register – Vision of Humanity

    The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), a thinktank that produces annual global terrorism and peace indexes, said 1.2 billion people lived in 31 countries that are not sufficiently resilient to withstand ecological threats.

    “This will have huge social and political impacts, not just in the developing world, but also in the developed, as mass displacement will lead to larger refugee flows to the most developed countries,” Steve Killelea, the institute’s founder, said.


    The study uses United Nations and other data to assess 157 countries’ exposure to eight ecological threats, then assesses their capacity to withstand them. It found that 141 countries faced at least one ecological threat by 2050, with sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa the regions facing the largest number.

    Some countries, such as India and China, are most threatened by water scarcity, it concluded, while others such as Pakistan, Iran, Kenya, Mozambique and Madagascar face a combination of threats and a growing incapacity to deal with them.

    “Lack of resilience will lead to worsening food insecurity and competition over resources, increasing civil unrest and mass displacement,” the report said.

    It judged Pakistan to be the country with the largest number of people at risk of mass migration, followed by Ethiopia and Iran, adding that in such countries “even small ecological threats and natural disasters could result in mass population displacement”.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Where has the extra energy accumulated in the Earth system (1971–2018):
    → Ocean: 89%
    ⟶ Upper (0–700m): 52%
    ⟶ Intermediate (700–2000m): 28%
    ⟶ Deep (>2000m): 9%
    → Land: 6%
    → Cryosphere melting: 4%
    → Atmosphere (low heat capacity): 1%

    ESSD - Heat stored in the Earth system: where does the energy go?

    TADEAS --- ---
    The Sociology of Climate Change as a Sociology of Loss | European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie | Cambridge Core

    TADEAS --- ---
    For covid, what we see is two weeks in the past. For climate, we live two decades in the past (where lots of folks wanna return to anyway, so on the surface that sounds like good news—until we realize we need to govern decades to centuries *ahead.* https://t.co/NM4dGz2ah8
    TADEAS --- ---
    Nobel prize-winning economics of climate change is misleading and dangerous – here's why

    TADEAS --- ---
    2020 Past world economic production constrains current energy demands: Persistent scaling with implications for economic growth and climate change mitigation

    This article identifies a persistent relationship between global energy consumption and cumulative economic production. It implies that a surprisingly simple description of the human system is sufficient to explain past global trends and make robust projections of the aggregated world economy and its waste products. Humanity grows when more energy is available than it requires for its daily needs. Then work can be done not just for sustenance but for expansion. Because current sustenance demands emerge from past growth, inertia plays a much more important role in determining future societal and climate trajectories than has been generally acknowledged, particularly in the physically unconstrained models that are widely used to link the economy to climate [46, 47]. We have accumulated over history a long series of innovations in efficiency that continue to propel us forward. Without forgetting these advances, we will maintain a continued ability to expand our interface with the primary resources we consume.


    Eventually, of course, the interwoven networks of civilization will unravel and emissions will decline, whether it is through depletion of resources, environmentally forced decay or—as demonstrated recently—pandemics [48]. But the cuts will have to be deep, continuous, and cumulative to overcome the tremendous accumulated growth we have sustained up to this point.

    The formulations presented here are intended to help constrain the problem by reducing the number of available targets that can reasonably be expected to lead to avoidance of extreme climate change. Notably, gains in energy efficiency play a critical role in enabling increases in population and prosperity, and in turn growth of energy demands and carbon dioxide emissions, contrary to what would reasonably be assumed if civilization did not grow [33, 49, 50]. What seems to be required is a peculiar dance between reducing the production efficiency of civilization while simultaneously innovating new technologies that move us away from combustion.


    For example, Fig 4 shows that stabilizing concentrations at a nominal value of 350 ppm would require that the current world cumulative production shrink by two thirds to a value not seen since 1960.

    It is probably safe to assume that civilization will not willingly engage in such drastic pruning. Looking to the future, Fig 4 shows that without rapid decarbonization, we have already committed ourselves to CO2 concentrations above 500 ppmv, well in excess of the 450 ppmv threshold that has been deemed “dangerous” [44]. At current growth rates, the commitment is to a doubling of pre-industrial levels by 2030, and to eventual levels close to 650 ppmv by 2040.

    It should also be noted that CO2 uptake is not in fact linear over timescales much longer than decades. The values for [CO2]eq presented here do not reflect important non-linearities that might arise from e.g. increasing ocean acidification, and that would allow for concentrations to continue to slowly rise even as energy consumption rates stall [37]. With respect to globally-averaged surface temperature anomalies, it has been argued that they have a linear relationship with cumulative emissions of carbon. This sensitivity depends only weakly upon whether emissions are rising and falling, and the maximum CO2 concentration that is reached. A value of 1.6°C per Tt C [45] can be used as a rough guide, in which case persistence of current 10 Gt C yr−1 emissions rates would imply a further temperature rise of about 0.5°C by 2050. Assuming persistence in current 2.4% yr−1 energy consumption growth rates, and no further decarbonization, the increase is 0.7°C.


    the specific value of λ that was identified is 5.9±0.2 gigawatts per trillion 2010 US dollars, ... Any evidence of a sustained downward trend in λ may help pinpoint decoupling of economic production from civilization’s metabolic needs.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Mikuláš Torrent Ferjenčík
    Vládní koalice dnes schválila snížení spotřební daně na motorovou naftu. Hlavně, že na zvýšení základní daňové slevy na poplatníka nejsou peníze. Ochrana klimatu po Česku.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Podle nejhoršího scénáře: Ledovce tají mnohem rychleji, než si vědci mohli představit
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: "selfish minority must be stopped" oh well, pekne to shrnula, jak to ve svete je a bude
    GOJATLA --- ---
    How SUVs conquered the world – at the expense of its climate | US news | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Priti Patel "eco-crusaders turned criminals attacking our way of life" | Extinction Rebellion UK
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Uber pledges to shift to ‘100 percent’ electric vehicles by 2030 - The Verge

    Uber announced Tuesday that “100 percent” of rides will take place in electric vehicles by 2030 in the US, Canada, and Europe, and by 2040 for the rest of the world. 
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---

    Three of the four worst fires in California history are still burning. A fourth has quickly burned well over 100,000 acres. Offshore winds, typically the drivers of major fires, are just arriving. There are three more months in the fire season, already the worst in history.
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