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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    EU se cini

    Why Poland is finally giving up its dirty coal habit - Electrek

    Poland generates a huge 74% of its electricity from coal — second only to Germany in Europe, and it’s the ninth-largest coal producer in the world. It has been the only country in the European Union to refuse to agree to reach net zero by 2050. It claimed it needed more time and money to make the shift.
    But its hand has been forced by the rising costs of emissions permits required by the European Union’s cap-and-trade system, the EU’s other increasingly ambitious climate policies, and the pandemic, which caused a fall in the use of power. Reuters reports:

    In an update of its energy strategy by 2040, the climate ministry said Poland plans to invest 150 billion zlotys ($40 billion) to build its first nuclear power plants, with 6-9 GW of capacity eventually. The first 1-1.6 GW facility would be up and running by 2033.
    It also plans to build 8-11 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind capacity by 2040 with investment estimated at 130 billion zlotys ($35 billion). The development of renewable and nuclear energy facilities will create 300,000 jobs, it said.

    The climate ministry said that coal’s share in electricity production will fall to 37%-56% in 2030 and to 11-28% in 2040, depending on the carbon emission costs.

    Compare this to November 2019, when Poland had expected the share of coal at 56%-60% in 2030 and at 28% in 2040.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Ropný gigant BP vstupuje do odvětví větrných elektráren na moři - Ekolist.cz

    Společnost BP během příštího desetiletí plánuje zdvacetinásobit své kapacity pro výrobu elektřiny z obnovitelných zdrojů na 50 gigawattů. Tento plán je klíčovou součástí strategie podniku snižovat emise oxidů dusíku. "Je to důležitý první krok v realizaci naší nové strategie," řekl k dohodě s Equinorem šéf BP Bernard Looney.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    France wants 6.5 GW of hydrogen capacity by 2030 – pv magazine International

    The ministers reminded their audience the hydrogen strategy has been allocated €7.2 billion to 2030 under the France Relance plan, including €2 billion up to 2022.

    The government defined three hydrogen priorities. Firstly, it wants to decarbonize the industry with a pathway to electrolysis for carbon-free fuel, rather than the generation of hydrogen from fossil fuels. In line with that aim, France will launch an Important Project of Common European Interest for hydrogen similar to the European sustainable battery manufacturing ambition. “This, notably, involves the planning of gigawatt-sized electrolyzer projects in France, according to a scheme similar to the battery plan which provides for the development of the Nersac and Douvrin factories by ACC, a joint venture of [carmaker stable] PSA and [energy company] Total/[and battery subsidiary] Saft (soon to be joined by Renault),” the hydrogen strategy stated.

    The second priority is the development of hydrogen-fueled public transport and commercial goods vehicles – including trains and bin lorries – across large territories. A €350 million tender for innovative projects in that area will be held this year and a €275 million exercise has also been planned to procure ‘innovative large-scale industrial ecosystem’ facilities. The latter, which will attempt to encourage economies of scale, will be conducted by the Environment and Energy Management Agency.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Climate change will ultimately cost humanity $100,000 per ton of carbon, scientists estimate
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JAZZZ: jo, spatne sem si interpretoval ten konec grafu, myslel jsem, ze je to do 2007, ale mas pravdu, ze je to do nuly. porad v roce 1950 byla koncentrace 300 az 310 ppm, takze za poslednich 70 let jsme na 32% narust.

    a 30% nad 800.000 letym maximem nez se clovek na zemi rozrost :)

    ...chyb jak maku, uz sem unavenej...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Can A New Kind Of Capitalism Effectively Confront The Climate Crisis?

    McAfee is a principal research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who focuses on digital transformation. He says that today’s environmental degradation and growing inequality, which were originally grounded in colonialism, can be held in check by what he calls the “four horsemen of the optimist,” namely:

    - capitalism
    - technological progress
    - public awareness
    - responsive government

    He says we can’t let one of these “horsemen” overpower the others. If it is in capitalism’s nature to increase inequality, then a responsive government should reign in that excess. If capitalists have incentives to shape regulations to maximize their profits, the government should legislate in ways that ensure equity for all.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    s dovolenim si odlozim argumenty k realnosti oteplovani pro neverici

    800.000 let vzorek, prokazana korelace co2 a teploty. lepsi dukaz uz byt nemuze

    Earth's CO2 Home Page
    aktualni co2 koncentrace, jen za poslednich 12 let vzestup o 50%. Aktualne o 30% nad 800.000 letym prumerem .)
    PER2 --- ---
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Humans exploiting and destroying nature on unprecedented scale – report | Environment | The Guardian

    Robin Freeman, who led the research at ZSL, said: “It seems that we’ve spent 10 to 20 years talking about these declines and not really managed to do anything about it. It frustrates me and upsets me. We sit at our desks and compile these statistics but they have real-life implications. It’s really hard to communicate how dramatic some of these declines are.”

    Tanya Steele, chief executive at WWF, said: “We are wiping wildlife from the face of the planet, burning our forests, polluting and over-fishing our seas and destroying wild areas. We are wrecking our world – the one place we call home – risking our health, security and survival here on Earth.”

    Mike Barrett, executive director of conservation and science at WWF, said: “Urgent and immediate action is necessary in the food and agriculture sector. All the indicators of biodiversity loss are heading the wrong way rapidly. As a start, there has got to be regulation to get deforestation out of our supply chain straight away. That’s absolutely vital.”
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    LINKOS: tak ignorovat hladinu oceánu jde z Děčína podstatně jednodušejc, než z nějaký aluviální pláně, co byla pod vodou ani ne pět set let zpátky.
    TADEAS --- ---

    i. restoring planetary homeostasis is the only valid strategic goal of any state actor for the foreseeable future

    ii. the scientific basis for how to carry out i. is complete

    iii. states and their constitutions must replatform around i. and ii.

    Last chance, humans!

    - https://twitter.com/mylesbyrne

    (+ ekosystemova regenerace)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Living Planet Report 2020 | Official Site | WWF

    Animal Populations Fell by 68% in 50 Years and It’s Getting Worse

    The world is losing its mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish, and with them, the security of ecosystems that have supported humanity since it first emerged.

    That’s the conclusion of the Living Planet Report 2020, a biannual assessment by World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London, which records the decline in vertebrate life. This year’s report, released Wednesday, shows that these animal communities shrunk on average 68% between 1970 and 2016. Parts of the world are much worse off. The tropical Americas have seen animal populations decline 94% in the same period. The size of observed animal communities in or near freshwater globally have fallen by 84%.

    The authors put half the blame on changes to how we use land and the sea, citing such things as clearing ecologically important forest and freshwater use. Overfishing and hunting, invasive species, pollution and climate change round out the main causes of the global animal population crash.

    The report delivers a tough overall message. It suggests that continued human abuse of the planet may lead to collapse of the very natural systems and resources that allowed global civilization and modern societies to persist in the first place. And, they say, humanity is demonstrably to blame, and the damage is unprecedented in speed and vastness within human history.
    LINKOS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: nejjednodušší řešení problémů je dělat, že o něm nevíš.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TADEAS: v tomhle brity fakt obdivuju, žádná realita jim plány kazit nebude. Že na globální oteplní nevěřej lidi v čechách, kde vyměníme smrky za borovice, ok. Ale že ho ignorujou na ostrově, kde třetina obyvatelstva bydlí doslova metry nad mořem ve vysušenejch bažinách, tomu říkám mít koule.
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: skoda ze je to zamkle, toto by ma zaujimalo :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Rising CO2 levels mean trees increasingly live fast and die young | New Scientist
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Earth may temporarily pass dangerous 1.5 C warming limit by 2024, major new report says

    jsou už vypsany nějaký kurzový sázky? že bysme si mohli vsadit
    TADEAS --- ---
    As Historic Heatwaves Cook California, Tesla Activates Its Distributed Army To Save The Grid

    Powerwall: During the heatwave, Tesla emailed Powerwall owners across the state with guidance about how to change the operating mode to optimize the Powerwall and accompanying rooftop solar systems (if applicable) to the Time of Use setting. In this mode, the Powerwall does everything it can to minimize the amount of power pulled from the grid during peak periods.


    Turning a home from a consumer to an on demand generator is a massive shift in how individual homes respond to and are impacted by grid strain events. A single home responding this way is neat. A neighborhood transforming from net consumers to net generators is impactful. Scaling intelligent, connected solar-plus-storage installations across a city, a region, a state, or a country changes how the grid works.

    Tesla’s ability to remotely activate and communicate to thousands of users based on geographical location, acts of god, weather forecasts, and current hardware state is a powerful tool that gives us a look into the future of the electrical grid. Electricity customers are increasingly transforming into microgrid managers.
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