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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    "We are currently, in a systematic manner, exterminating all non-human living beings," Anne Larigauderie, IPBES executive secretary, told AFP."

    World missing all targets to save nature, UN warns - France 24

    ten mestskej zivot uz je natolik ochuzenej z hlediska biodiverzity a non-human beings, ze to nejsme ani schopny vnimat, protoze to s cim jsme nejtesneji spojeny je ta degradovana prumyslove-zemedelska krajina, v tom smyslu mestsky populace uz prodelaly kolaps schopnosti vnimani v dusledku (castecne uspesny) snahy decouplovat se jakozto civilizovana (mestska) bytost od ekosystemu.
    TUHO --- ---
    WOODMAKER: taky mi to nejede:(
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    TADEAS: ja jsem si to vcera poustel, ale nekde v patnacte minute mi to prestalo delat zvuky. Slo ti to prehrat cely?
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: Může být, že tohle oteplování způsobil člověk, zatímco minulá oteplování člověk pálením fosilních paliv nepůsobil.

    TADEAS --- ---
    petr pokorny varuje

    Zažíváme kolaps fosilní civilizace, jak bolestivě jím projdeme? Paleoekolog varuje před ekoradikalismem | Radio Wave
    DZODZO --- ---
    kvalita ovzdusia na americkom zapade nic moc

    Fire and Smoke Map
    TUHO --- ---
    „Je zcela zachovaný, má všechny vnitřní orgány, dokonce i nos,“ přiblížila vědkyně Lena Grigorjevová ze Severovýchodní federální univerzity v Jakutsku s tím, že jde o zcela ojedinělý nález dospělého jedince, u něhož se zachovaly i měkké tkáně. „Je to nesmírně důležitý objev pro celý svět,“ dodala.

    V minulosti se vědcům povedlo objevit pouze kosti medvěda jeskynního. Předběžná analýza naznačuje, že nalezený medvěd žil před 22 tisíci až 39 500 lety. „Je nezbytné provést radiokarbonovou analýzu, abychom určili medvědovo přesné stáří,“ podotkl vědec Maxim Čeprasov ze stejné univerzity.

    Sibiř vydala tělo pravěkého medvěda. Dochoval se i čumák — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TUHO --- ---
    She said she sees climate change through the lens of her military training,
    “This is a national security issue,” she said. “This is an international security issue.”
    She added, “We are already seeing weather patterns like we have never seen before. Wildfires we’ve never seen, desertification. We are going to see mass migrations.”
    Low-lying military bases are being flooded from sea level rise, McGrath said. “We have to plan for this. McConnell does not have a plan.”

    Kentucky Senate race: Mitch McConnell, McGrath spar on climate change
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden, Its First Presidential Endorsement In 175-Year History - NowThis
    TUHO --- ---
    PAD: Ja tu analyzu teda necetl, ale podle toho co rikas, tak to vypada na podobnej mindfuck debilitu, kterej dela Nordhaus (a dostal za ni Nobelovu cenu za ekonomii, lol)...

    Steven Keen - '4°C of Global Warming is Optimal' – Even Nobel Prize Winners are Getting Things Catastrophically Wrong | Brave New Europe
    PAD --- ---
    TUHO: dobry, dik:) Ja to prestal cist hned v uvodu, kdy jsem se dozvedel, ze proste extrapolovali na zaklade vztahu teploty a hospodarstvi pozorovaneho v minulosti. To je jakobych si odhadl u cloveka, ze spokojenost s pokojovou teplotou roste na intervalu -20 az +30, takze +50 bude jeste lepsi. Neuveritelne...
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: za pozarama v kalifornii muze i to, ze se tam dlouho uklada dost masy, ktera by bez lidi shorela, svadet to jen na klima imho nemuzeme

    TADEAS: "Americans have been conditioned not to respond to geographical climate threats as people in the rest of the world do. It is natural that rural Guatemalans or subsistence farmers in Kenya, facing drought or scorching heat, would seek out someplace more stable and resilient. Even a subtle environmental change — a dry well, say — can mean life or death, and without money to address the problem, migration is often simply a question of survival."
    TUHO --- ---
    Jinak uz se vi, kdo muze za pozarama v Kalifornii. Zadny rekordni oteplovani. Antifa! :))

    Laura Ingraham claims antifa arsonists are responsible for California wildfires | Media Matters for America
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate change: Major energy companies lag in green shift

    A global analysis of the progress and failure of electric utilities to adapt their portfolios of power-generation assets to the energy transition

    The study, published in research journal Nature Energy, found that of the 3,000 utilities studied most remain predominantly invested in fossil fuels. And of those prioritizing renewable energy growth, 60% had not halted expansion of their fossil fuel portfolios.

    The companies with the slowest transition tended to be larger and from outside Europe, Alova told DW. "The renewables-prioritizing cohort of utilities that I identified comprises companies that are overall larger and own a larger market share in the countries where they operate, compared to the other companies," she said. "The key issue is that the majority of these companies continue in parallel to expand their fossil fuel-based capacity, although they do so at a slower rate."


    Her research highlights a gap between what is needed to tackle the climate crisis and "the actions being taken by the utility sector," she added. These companies face the risk of carbon lock-in, given that a third of their fossil fuel capacity has been added in the last 10 years, so is here to stay for decades. "Unless it is retired early, it will render significant shares of their portfolios stranded," Alova said.

    "Although there have been a few high-profile examples of individual electric utilities investing in renewables, this study shows that overall, the sector is making the transition to clean energy slowly or not at all," she said.


    "Renewables and natural gas often go hand in hand," Alova said, adding that companies often choose both in parallel. "So, it might be just in media reports we are getting this image of investing in renewables, but less coverage on continued investment in gas."

    It might also be the case that gas is viewed as a transition fuel, relatively less carbon emitting and providing load-balancing services to intermittent renewables generation, Alova said.


    With many projects delayed by the pandemic, the global capacity to produce electricity from renewable sources is predicted to drop by up to 13% overall this year according to the International Energy Agency.
    TADEAS --- ---
    fnuky fnuk

    INFO.CZ | Nemám nic proti ekologickým ambicím. Ale Česko musí být energeticky soběstačné, říká Havlíček

    Podle Havlíčka nakonec nejsou natolik podstatné konkrétní procentní limity a roky plnění, ale především přístup. „Důležité je to, že za těmi cíli jdeme,“ uvedl ministr, který rovněž zkritizoval Evropskou komisi, jež je podle něj v otázce zelené politiky více ideologická než technokratická. „Na Evropské komisi mi vadí ta neracionalita. Že odpovídá frázemi, že musíme zařadit víc obnovitelné energie, že se musíme víc snažit. Osobně mi to přijde trochu jak v Postřižinách. Jenže když nad jádrem Komise zvedá jeden prst, nad uhlím dva prsty a OZE není dostatečné řešení, tak co nám zbývá?“ zafnukal vicepremiér Havlíček.
    TADEAS --- ---

    What Does It Mean When Google Says It’s Carbon Neutral? And How?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Future of the human climate niche | PNAS

    We show that for thousands of years, humans have concentrated in a surprisingly narrow subset of Earth’s available climates, characterized by mean annual temperatures around ∼13 °C. This distribution likely reflects a human temperature niche related to fundamental constraints. We demonstrate that depending on scenarios of population growth and warming, over the coming 50 y, 1 to 3 billion people are projected to be left outside the climate conditions that have served humanity well over the past 6,000 y. Absent climate mitigation or migration, a substantial part of humanity will be exposed to mean annual temperatures warmer than nearly anywhere today.
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