In-depth: The whole system costs of renewables | Carbon Brief
A more reliable way to estimate whole system costs, UKERC says, is to take a whole systems approach. This means creating a model to simulate the electricity system, then comparing versions with and without high levels of wind and solar.
Hugo Batten, senior project leader at consultancy Aurora Energy Research, tells Carbon Brief it simply isn’t possible to get accurate system integration cost estimates without modelling the different electricity markets down to half hourly resolution.
Still, if integration costs add somewhere in the order of £10/MWh to renewable costs, as the UKERC review authors tell Carbon Brief it is reasonable to assume, then onshore wind and solar will remain among the cheapest ways to generate power in the 2020s.
Casto nejde oddelit jednotlive vicenaklady na integraci OZE od jinych nakladu (napr. na rekonstrukci site), takze jediny fer zpusob je to proste nasimulovat. Nicmene odhady hovori o nakladech pri pokryti OZE kolem 30% ve vysi, ktera cini OZE stale velmi konkurenceschopnymi (v UK). Tohle +- souhlasi s tim, co jsem sem uz daval - dokud OZE predsatvuje spise mensi podil, ekonomicky uz davaji smysl dnes (samozrejme pouze pokud se zahrnuje cena povolenek).
Zajimavy je scenar, ktery uvazuje zlevneni baterii - to by mohlo celou ekonomiku OZE uplne obratit a mohly by vlaste predstavovat cisty ekonomicky prinos (pro sit) tim, ze by poskytovaly stabilizaci atp. Tak si rikam, misto staveni nesmyslnych hladovych zdi kvuli krizi, proc Evropa nenalije prachy do takoveho novodobeho projektu Manhattan, ktery by mel za ukol tohle vyresit?