Extremely busy hurricane season 2020 now taps into the Greek alphabet
There are still several months left until the official end of hurricane season 2020, but there has already been twice the average number of storms. With 23 storms under the belt, the traditional hurricane names are used. We are moving into the Greek alphabet. Alpha and Beta formed on Friday, but more is on the way!
What makes this season being so extreme and record-breaking, is the fact that storms with the same letters are developing weeks earlier than normally expected. And even much earlier than previously set records.
Such satellite image of numerous active storms is almost typical for 2020. While there was very active Tropical Atlantic not enough, even the Mediterranean produced a tropical storm – Medicane Ianos!
the temperatures are around 1-2 degrees Celsius warmer than the long-term average (1981-2010) across the Western Atlantic, Caribbean, and also in part of the Gulf. Seas are particularly warm along the US East Coast, even up to 3 °C warmer.