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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: jo, k tomu jsem vyhrabal článek.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Arctic Sea Ice Is Failing to Form, Raising a Huge ‘Red Flag’
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Dojednáno jest. Pozice Europarlamentu ke Společné zemědělské politice schválená. Je hodně špatná a od mojí středeční analýzy se ještě trochu zhoršila. Jediné pozitivum je zastropování dotací na jeden podnik, které jsou však příliš vysoko a navíc není jisté jestli projdou trialogem (Rada tam má jenom dobrovolné stropy). Text k tomu budu mít buď dnes večer nebo až zítra (vzhledem k Prymulagate máme jiné priority).
    Mrzí mě to

    (Radek Kubala)
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Ecology: Western Sahara and Sahel tree-count exceeds expectations | Nature | Nature Research

    More than 1.8 billion individual trees can be found in the West African Sahara, Sahel and sub-humid zone, according to a report in Nature this week. A combination of high-resolution satellite imaging and deep learning has revealed a relatively high density of tree coverage for this arid area.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Each quarter, Zeke Hausfather runs through all the latest climate data and produces a “state of the climate” report for Carbon Brief. His latest report, published this morning, concludes that “it is now more likely than not that 2020 will be the warmest year for the Earth’s surface since reliable records began in the mid-1800s” (recent decades show in chart above).
    This is already a striking statement. But what makes it more so is that 2020 will lack any major El Niño event – a factor that has contributed to most prior record warm years, including the current record-setting year of 2016.
    Furthermore, despite the impact of the global Covid-19 lockdowns, the first nine months of the year saw record concentrations of major greenhouse gases – CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide – in the atmosphere. Arctic sea ice extent has also been at record low levels for much of the year and the summer minimum recently clocked in as the second lowest on record after 2012.
    We must now wait for the year’s final three months of data to come in to know if 2020 will break the current record.

    KEB --- ---
    IMHO to sem patří

    Premiér se rozčílil ve Sněmovně. Ale co říká, nemusí být pravda - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    plotologie, konecne

    Fences dub ecological winners and losers, shape ecosystems

    In a recent paper in BioScience, a group of experts argues that it’s time for conservationists to start seriously investigating the many ways in which fences shape ecosystems— so that we can make better decisions about where (and whether) to build them. By analyzing hundreds of previous studies, they hope to lay a framework for this area of study, which they and others call “fence ecology.”

    Although fences are “often framed as a management tool,” the authors write, they are actually “a globally significant ecological feature.” If you put the world’s fences end to end, they would stretch at least as far as the distance between the Earth and the sun—much farther than the length of the world’s combined roads. And “they’re proliferating very rapidly,” with new fences added much more frequently than old ones deteriorate or are taken down,

    Fence Ecology: Frameworks for Understanding the Ecological Effects of Fences

    "Most of the time, fences produce more losers than winners,” Dr. McInturff says. Often, these winners are generalists that can handle disturbed areas—in other words, the same ones that survive other types of habitat disruption. More sensitive species tend to lose out. In some cases, fences curtail so many different species that whole ecosystems begin to collapse.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record | Arctic | The Guardian

    For the first time since records began, the main nursery of Arctic sea ice in Siberia has yet to start freezing in late October.

    The delayed annual freeze in the Laptev Sea has been caused by freakishly protracted warmth in northern Russia and the intrusion of Atlantic waters, say climate scientists who warn of possible knock-on effects across the polar region.

    Ocean temperatures in the area recently climbed to more than 5C above average, following a record breaking heatwave and the unusually early decline of last winter’s sea ice.

    The trapped heat takes a long time to dissipate into the atmosphere, even at this time of the year when the sun creeps above the horizon for little more than an hour or two each day.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Geothermal energy is poised for a breakout - Vox

    After many years of failure to launch, new companies and technologies have brought geothermal out of its doldrums, to the point that it may finally be ready to scale up and become a major player in clean energy. In fact, if its more enthusiastic backers are correct, geothermal may hold the key to making 100 percent clean electricity available to everyone in the world. And as a bonus, it’s an opportunity for the struggling oil and gas industry to put its capital and skills to work on something that won’t degrade the planet
    TADEAS --- ---
    decarbonize fracking! oh well

    This Massive Facebook Solar Project Will Power Shell’s Fracking Operations in Texas | DeSmog

    The social media corporation helped make possible the 379-megawatt Prospero I solar array, located about 18 miles west of the city of Andrews and covering an area five times larger than New York City’s Central Park. The project represents a model initiative for Facebook, which is striving to become a leader on climate change. A June 2019 Associated Press article about Prospero I repeatedly implies its energy will power Facebook’s data centers, where photos, videos, and other information is stored. The article quotes CEO Mark Zuckerberg in saying that, “These new solar projects will help us reach” a goal “for all our data centers and offices to use 100% renewable energy by 2020.”

    But the admirable renewable energy commitments and corporate bluster belie a simple truth about the Prospero I solar project. The energy produced here will not directly power a Facebook data center; it will, in fact, be routed to Shell Energy North America to power the oil and gas giant’s fracking operations in the Permian, the nation’s most booming and polluting oil play.
    TADEAS --- ---
    I'm thrilled to share my new article on NYC's climate politics after Hurricane Sandy.

    Core claim: Weather can't do the work of politics. After the storm, elite + grassroots actors agreed, climate made Sandy worse. Then they sidelined low-carbon policy.

    New York City as ‘fortress of solitude’ after Hurricane Sandy: a relational sociology of extreme weather’s relationship to climate politics

    I develop a relational sociological approach focused on mobilized actors, political economy, and event theory. Drawing on interviews and document analysis, I show how senior disaster officials, New York’s Mayor Bloomberg and his Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, community groups and Occupy Sandy activists responded to Hurricane Sandy. Actors maintained outlooks and practices consistent with their position in the city’s power relations. This selective continuity shifted New York’s climate policy from decarbonization-focused tentative cosmopolitanism to adaptation-focused defensive parochialism. I term this convergent prioritization of adaptation a ‘fortress of solitude’ social logic. Only subsequent events explain New York’s 2019 low-carbon legislation.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dalsi palec pro EU

    Destination Earth (DestinE) | Shaping Europe’s digital future

    The objective of the Destination Earth initiative is to develop a very high precision digital model of the Earth to monitor and simulate natural and human activity, and to develop and test scenarios that would enable more sustainable development and support European environmental policies.
    Users of DestinE will be able to access vast amounts of natural and socio-economic information in order to:

    continuously monitor the health of the planet (e.g. to study the effects of climate change, the state of the oceans, the cryosphere, biodiversity, land use, and natural resources)

    perform high precision, dynamic simulations of the Earth’s natural systems (focusing on thematic domains, e.g. marine, land, coasts, atmosphere)

    improve modelling and predictive capacities (e.g. to help anticipate and plan measures in case of hurricanes and other extreme weather events and natural disasters, and contribute to analysing events with a major socio-economic impact)

    support EU policy-making and implementation (e.g. to assess the impact and efficiency of environmental policy and relevant legislative measures)

    reinforce Europe’s industrial and technological capabilities in simulation, modelling, predictive data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as high performance computing.

    TADEAS --- ---
    On Collapse and Hope with Clare, Caroline and Naresh | Extinction Rebellion UK
    TADEAS --- ---

    EU potopila reformu Společné zemědělské politiky. V zájmu Babiše a agrokorporací
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jo, tenhle clanek od Bronislawa Szerszynskiho jsem kdysi cetl (vysel super sbornik Geosocial formation of the Anthropocene, kde byl) a rikal jsem si, ze musim project i jeho dalsi prace .] A nedostal jsem se k tomu zatim
    TADEAS --- ---
    2015 Gods of the Anthropocene: geo-spiritual formations in the Earth’s new epoch

    In this paper I argue that we need not only to ‘decolonise’ the Anthropocene but also to ‘desecularise’ it – to be aware that in the new age of the Earth we may be coeval with gods and spirits. Drawing particularly on the work of Giles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Georges Bataille, and using concepts from both thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, I start to develop an interdisciplinary theory of planetary spirit, and use this to speak of both the ‘laminar’ high gods of time that are being invoked to summon the story of Earth’s ongoing transformation into a canonical mythos, and the turbulent lower spirits of place which manifest particular, situated dynamics on an Earth crossed by interlocking gradients and flows of energy, value, power and entropy. I suggest that what might once have been distinct territorialised ‘cultures’ or ‘natures’ in which humans engaged in particular situated patterns of interaction with animals, spirits and other beings are increasingly being convened into a global multinatural system, what we might call a ‘combined and uneven geo-spiritual formation’. Keywords: Anthropocene, religion, gods, spirits, thermodynamics, semiotics
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