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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    I'm thrilled to share my new article on NYC's climate politics after Hurricane Sandy.

    Core claim: Weather can't do the work of politics. After the storm, elite + grassroots actors agreed, climate made Sandy worse. Then they sidelined low-carbon policy.

    New York City as ‘fortress of solitude’ after Hurricane Sandy: a relational sociology of extreme weather’s relationship to climate politics

    I develop a relational sociological approach focused on mobilized actors, political economy, and event theory. Drawing on interviews and document analysis, I show how senior disaster officials, New York’s Mayor Bloomberg and his Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, community groups and Occupy Sandy activists responded to Hurricane Sandy. Actors maintained outlooks and practices consistent with their position in the city’s power relations. This selective continuity shifted New York’s climate policy from decarbonization-focused tentative cosmopolitanism to adaptation-focused defensive parochialism. I term this convergent prioritization of adaptation a ‘fortress of solitude’ social logic. Only subsequent events explain New York’s 2019 low-carbon legislation.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dalsi palec pro EU

    Destination Earth (DestinE) | Shaping Europe’s digital future

    The objective of the Destination Earth initiative is to develop a very high precision digital model of the Earth to monitor and simulate natural and human activity, and to develop and test scenarios that would enable more sustainable development and support European environmental policies.
    Users of DestinE will be able to access vast amounts of natural and socio-economic information in order to:

    continuously monitor the health of the planet (e.g. to study the effects of climate change, the state of the oceans, the cryosphere, biodiversity, land use, and natural resources)

    perform high precision, dynamic simulations of the Earth’s natural systems (focusing on thematic domains, e.g. marine, land, coasts, atmosphere)

    improve modelling and predictive capacities (e.g. to help anticipate and plan measures in case of hurricanes and other extreme weather events and natural disasters, and contribute to analysing events with a major socio-economic impact)

    support EU policy-making and implementation (e.g. to assess the impact and efficiency of environmental policy and relevant legislative measures)

    reinforce Europe’s industrial and technological capabilities in simulation, modelling, predictive data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as high performance computing.

    TADEAS --- ---
    On Collapse and Hope with Clare, Caroline and Naresh | Extinction Rebellion UK
    TADEAS --- ---

    EU potopila reformu Společné zemědělské politiky. V zájmu Babiše a agrokorporací
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jo, tenhle clanek od Bronislawa Szerszynskiho jsem kdysi cetl (vysel super sbornik Geosocial formation of the Anthropocene, kde byl) a rikal jsem si, ze musim project i jeho dalsi prace .] A nedostal jsem se k tomu zatim
    TADEAS --- ---
    2015 Gods of the Anthropocene: geo-spiritual formations in the Earth’s new epoch

    In this paper I argue that we need not only to ‘decolonise’ the Anthropocene but also to ‘desecularise’ it – to be aware that in the new age of the Earth we may be coeval with gods and spirits. Drawing particularly on the work of Giles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Georges Bataille, and using concepts from both thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, I start to develop an interdisciplinary theory of planetary spirit, and use this to speak of both the ‘laminar’ high gods of time that are being invoked to summon the story of Earth’s ongoing transformation into a canonical mythos, and the turbulent lower spirits of place which manifest particular, situated dynamics on an Earth crossed by interlocking gradients and flows of energy, value, power and entropy. I suggest that what might once have been distinct territorialised ‘cultures’ or ‘natures’ in which humans engaged in particular situated patterns of interaction with animals, spirits and other beings are increasingly being convened into a global multinatural system, what we might call a ‘combined and uneven geo-spiritual formation’. Keywords: Anthropocene, religion, gods, spirits, thermodynamics, semiotics
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    How China could be carbon neutral by 2060
    When Chinese President Xi Jinping announced his country’s ambitious target to become carbon neutral before 2060, it came as a surprise even to many in China. It’s the country’s first long-term climate goal, and will require China to rein in CO2, and probably other greenhouse-gas emissions, to net zero. Several influential research groups that work closely with the government tell Nature how China might get there via cleaner power, carbon-capture technologies and carbon offsetting.

    Nature | 6 min read

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: 40 procent rozpoctu je prilis velkej balik, o regenerativite si muzem nechat leda zdat.

    collapse is the solution. accelerate!

    EU Parliament signs death sentence for small farms and nature, Greenpeace - Greenpeace European Unit

    The European Parliament adopted a deal agreed between the EPP, Renew and S&D groups, rejecting proposals by the Parliament’s environment committee to cut subsidies for factory farming of animals or to substantially raise the share of funding for environmental measures
    SHEFIK --- ---

    The Epitome Of Stupidity: Oil Companies Chill The Ground In Alaska So They Can Keep Drilling
    TADEAS --- ---
    Roger Hallam
    Roger Hallam - The Manchester deadline:As the ecological... | Facebook

    The Manchester deadline:

    As the ecological crisis goes exponential there will be a three step development:

    -Step one: the neoliberal establishment will push the costs of elite recklessness onto the poor.

    -Step two: the fiscal crisis of the state leads to the revolt of the poor – Revolution.

    -Step three: degradation into nihilistic authoritarianism or transition to radical democracy.

    Either way, the elites are now toast.

    Burning Pink is preparing for radical democracy.

    Get ahead of the curve: join here:


    SHEFIK --- ---
    Vědci: Varujeme před ustupováním lobby velkých agropodniků v evropské zemědělské politice - Ekolist.cz
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Kvůli tající Antarktidě bude nezvratně stoupat hladina moří i dlouho po zastavení globálního oteplování, ukazuje studie

    Druhým poznatkem je setrvačnost tání antarktických ledovců. Při zvýšení globální teploty o 2 stupně Celsia nad předindustriální teploty, což je svrchní hranice stanovená Pařížskou dohodou, dojde k nastartování kolapsu západoantarktického ledovce, který nakonec sám o sobě způsobí zvýšení hladiny moří o 2,5 metru. Toto tání však bude pozvolné a bude trvat stovky let.

    Podle meta-analýzy vydané letos ve vědeckém časopise Climate and Atmospheric Science je při dodržení Pařížské dohody pravděpodobné, že do roku 2100 stoupne hladina moří zhruba o půl metru a do roku 2300 o více než metr. V případě scénáře nadále se zvyšujících emisí skleníkových plynů (RCP8.5) pak pravděpodobně dojde do roku 2100 ke zvýšení hladiny moří o necelý metr a do roku 2300 o více než tři metry.

    // ledovce jsem nikdy uplne nepochopila, asi jak nejsem fixovana na misto, kde bydlim. zveda se to pomalu, tak myslim ze chudaci se proste zvednou a presunou se do vnitrozemi, bohaci problem nemaji. ale tak porad se to zminuje jako zmena klimatu = zveda se hladina, tak asi je to dulezity
    KEB --- ---
    SHEFIK: ta skrývka je blbost ne? Proč by to kdo dělal?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dopad fotovoltaik instalovanych mimo zastavbu

    Jak na solární budoucnost odpoví půda? Zkoumají to badatelé z NREL - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    David Attenborough: Život na naší planetě | Oficiální trailer | Netflix

    ‚Tohle je mé životní svědectví.‘ David Attenborough varuje v novém filmu před devastací planety | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    TADEAS: bych si s dovolenim pro Kladno objednal nahradu kotle za reaktor;)
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TUHO: kdyby někomu připomínal jistého mladého regionálního politika, tak to není náhoda
    TUHO --- ---
    Stinova uhelna komise vydala obsahly clanek fyzika Jana Hollana, mapujici jak se dostat k nefosilnimu Cesku. Co nejrychleji (vcas to asi nestihnem). Urcite must read pro vsechny, ktere zajimaji reseni v regionu.

    K „nefosilnímu Česku“ a ústupu od využívání uhlí – Stínová uhelná komise
    TADEAS --- ---
    Chováme se jako kapři, kteří si vypustí rybník. Věřte klimatologům, apeluje Svěrák
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam