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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Kateřina Pazderů: Pár rozdílů mezi ekologickým a konvenčním zemědělstvím - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Can Soil Replace Oil as a Source of Energy? [Excerpt]
    William McDonough and Michael Braungart suggest moving beyond sustainability and into practical design that can result in energy abundance

    Can Soil Replace Oil as a Source of Energy? [Excerpt] - Scientific American
    TUHO --- ---
    Spanelsky startup Bioo experimentuje se zachytavani elektriny z mikrobialni aktivity v pude.

    In a park on the Spanish island of Ibiza, a prototype for new renewable energy isn’t a huge spinning turbine or a field of solar panels. Instead, it’s partially hidden underground: a biological battery that is generating energy from the soil itself.
    Pablo Vidarte, the 24-year-old founder of Bioo, the biotech startup developing the panel, started thinking about the concept in a dream. “In the dream, I asked, is it possible to treat the leaves of a plant as a solar panel?” he says. “The short answer is no. But there are ways in which you can actually treat nature as a battery to produce energy for yourself without harming [the environment].”

    Bioo's biological batteries generate energy from the ground
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rise: From One Island To Another


    By Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner and Aka Niviâna

    Sister of ice and snow
    I’m coming to you
    from the land of my ancestors,
    from atolls, sunken volcanoes–undersea descent
    of sleeping giants

    Sister of ocean and sand,
    I welcome you
    to the land of my ancestors
    –to the land where they sacrificed their lives
    to make mine possible
    –to the land
    of survivors.

    I’m coming to you
    from the land my ancestors chose.
    Aelon Kein Ad,
    Marshall Islands,
    a country more sea than land.
    I welcome you to Kalaallit Nunaat,
    the biggest island on earth.

    Sister of ice and snow,
    I bring with me these shells
    that I picked from the shores
    of Bikini atoll and Runit Dome

    Sister of ocean and sand,
    I hold these stones
picked from the shores of Nuuk,
    the foundation of the land I call my home.

    With these shells I bring a story of long ago
    two sisters frozen in time on the island of Ujae,
    one magically turned into stone
    the other who chose that life
    to be rooted by her sister’s side.
    To this day, the two sisters
    can be seen by the edge of the reef,
    a lesson in permanence.

    With these rocks I bring
    a story told countless times
    a story about Sassuma Arnaa, Mother of the Sea,
    who lives in a cave at the bottom of the ocean.

    This is a story about
    the guardian of the Sea.
    She sees the greed in our hearts,
    the disrespect in our eyes.
    Every whale, every stream,
    every iceberg
    are her children.

    When we disrespect them
    she gives us what we deserve,
    a lesson in respect.

    Do we deserve the melting ice?
    the hungry polar bears coming to our islands
    or the colossal icebergs hitting these waters with rage
    Do we deserve
    their mother,
    coming for our homes
    for our lives?

    From one island to another
    I ask for solutions.
    From one island to another
    I ask for your problems

    Let me show you the tide
    that comes for us faster
    than we’d like to admit.
    Let me show you
    airports underwater
    bulldozed reefs, blasted sands
    and plans to build new atolls
    forcing land
    from an ancient, rising sea,
    forcing us to imagine
    turning ourselves to stone.

    Sister of ocean and sand,
    Can you see our glaciers groaning
    with the weight of the world’s heat?
    I wait for you, here,
    on the land of my ancestors
heart heavy with a thirst
    for solutions
    as I watch this land
    while the World remains silent.

    Sister of ice and snow,
    I come to you now in grief
    mourning landscapes
    that are always forced to change

    first through wars inflicted on us
    then through nuclear waste
    in our waters
    on our ice
    and now this.

    Sister of ocean and sand,
    I offer you these rocks,
the foundation of my home.
    On our journey
    may the same unshakable foundation
    connect us,
    make us stronger,
    than the colonizing monsters
    that to this day devour our lives
    for their pleasure.
    The very same beasts
    that now decide,
    who should live
    who should die.

    Sister of ice and snow,
    I offer you this shell
    and the story of the two sisters
    as testament
    as declaration
    that despite everything
    we will not leave.
    we will choose stone.
    We will choose
    to be rooted in this reef

    From these islands
    we ask for solutions.
    From these islands

    we ask
    we demand that the world see beyond
    SUV’s, ac’s, their pre-packaged convenience
    their oil-slicked dreams, beyond the belief
    that tomorrow will never happen, that this
    is merely an inconvenient truth.
    Let me bring my home to yours.
    Let’s watch as Miami, New York,
    Shanghai, Amsterdam, London,
    Rio de Janeiro, and Osaka
    try to breathe underwater.
    You think you have decades
    before your homes fall beneath tides?
    We have years.
    We have months
    before you sacrifice us again
    before you watch from your tv and computer screens waiting
    to see if we will still be breathing
    while you do nothing.

    My sister,
    From one island to another
    I give to you these rocks
    as a reminder
    that our lives matter more than their power
    that life in all forms demands
    the same respect we all give to money
    that these issues affect each and everyone of us
    None of us is immune
    And that each and everyone of us has to decide
    if we
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: na wordpressu se ty clanky zobrazujou ve feedu podle ruznejch kriterii ostatnim bloggerum/navstevnikum, nebo za pomoci vyhledavani. taky muzes pridavat keywords jako zaklady pro seo, i kdyz si nedelam iluze, ze bych byl videt na climate change na googlu :) plus pokud mas zajmavej content, tak te uzivatele sledujou a prijde jim upozorneni na kazdej vydanej clanek

    moc clanku tam nemam, a ani sem nemel poslednich pul roku cas neco updatovat, tak me prekvapilo, ze tam tenhle mesic bylo za jeden den treba 26 navstev.

    hned jak sem tenhle post sepsal, byly do 10ti minut 2 likes od wordpress uzivatelu...

    tak me to nakoplo a prihodil sem dalsich par.. je to imho lepsi nez tady na nyxu, protoze tady i ty zajmavy linky po par dnech zapadnou a nikdo uz je necte
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: muj feedback je, jak zajistujes aby tvuj blog vubec nekdo cetl?

    v ramci ty bezradnosti ze to je hezky ze mi tady co spolu mluvime neco chapem

    jinak s nordhausem souhlas, taky jsem si myslela ze nobelova komise je nejakou zarukou kvality a desne me to vytocilo loni. asi jako deloitte letos, ale ti pry tu studii stahli a uz ji neuvadeji
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Eta forms, tying Atlantic record for most tropical systems in a season | Ars Technica

    This is the 28th named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, and ties 2005 for the most tropical storms and hurricanes to be recorded in a single season. The Atlantic "basin" covers the Atlantic ocean north of the equator, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.
    Another measure of overall activity is Accumulated Cyclone Energy, which factors in the longevity and overall intensity of storms. The years 1933 and 2005 rank atop this list over the last 150 years, with ACE values above 250. The 2020 season has a value of about 140, nearly 40 percent above a "normal" Atlantic season.
    Climate scientists will be studying this season for some time. Generally, scientists think that although there may not necessarily be more tropical storms and hurricanes in a warmer world, the storms that do form will be more intense, and produce more rainfall. They also expect that with warmer seas, hurricane seasons may expand beyond their traditional start and end dates.
    TADEAS --- ---

    On Wednesday, a nonprofit organization called SilverLining announced $3 million in research grants to Cornell University, the University of Washington, Rutgers University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research and others. The work will focus on practical questions, such as how high in the atmosphere to inject sunlight-reflecting aerosols, how to shoot the right size particles into clouds to make them brighter, and the effect on the world’s food supply


    growing body of work already underway. In December, Congress gave the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $4 million to research the technology. NOAA will also start gathering data that will let it detect whether other countries start using geoengineering secretly. And Australia is funding experiments to determine whether and how the technology can save the Great Barrier Reef.

    “Decarbonizing is necessary but going to take 20 years or more,” Chris Sacca, co-founder of Lowercarbon Capital, an investment group that is one of SilverLining’s funders, said in a statement. “If we don’t explore climate interventions like sunlight reflection now, we are surrendering countless lives, species, and ecosystems to heat.”

    One way to cool the earth is by injecting aerosols into the upper layer of the atmosphere, where those particles reflect sunlight away from the earth. That process works, according to Douglas MacMartin, a researcher in mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell University whose team received funding. “We know with 100 percent certainty that we can cool the planet,” Dr. MacMartin said in an interview.

    What’s still unclear, he added, is what happens next.

    Temperature, Dr. MacMartin said, is a proxy for a lot of climate effects. “What does it do to the strength of hurricanes? What does it do to agriculture yields? What does it do to the risk of forest fires?”

    To help answer those questions, Dr. MacMartin will model the specific weather effects of injecting aerosols into the atmosphere above different parts of the globe, and also at different altitudes. “Depending on where you put it, you will have different effects on the monsoon in Asia,” he said. “You will have different effects on Arctic sea ice.”


    Injecting aerosol into the stratosphere isn’t the only way to bounce more of the sun’s rays back into space. The Australian government is funding research into what’s called “marine cloud brightening,” which is meant to make clouds more reflective by spraying saltwater into the air. The goal is to get salt particles to act as nuclei in those clouds, encouraging the formation of many small water droplets, which will increase the brightness of the clouds.

    Australian researchers say they hope the technique can save the Great Barrier Reef.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    po dlouhy dobe sem pridal clanek na blog, ohledne Keena X Nordhause. porad mi nejde dostat z hlavy, jak moh dostat Nobelovku, tak sem to musel nekam hodit :)

    Nobelist totally wrong on climate prediction and economic impact – Game Changer

    budu rad za feedback... ale umerne blogu, dik .)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    snad nebylo

    The Secrets of Capturing Carbon with Soils
    TADEAS --- ---
    Elektrárny na zemní plyn nejsou vhodnou náhradou za uhlí, ukazují studie

    Elektrárny na zemní plyn tedy stále nabízejí úspory skleníkových plynů oproti elektrárnám na uhlí, tyto úspory jsou však v současnosti značně menší, než se předpokládalo. Evropská komise na tato zjištění reaguje novým nařízením, kdy od roku 2021 budou muset všichni dovozci zemního plynu do EU měřit a dokládat úniky zemního plynu při těžbě a budou mít povinnost tyto úniky snižovat na přijatelnou úroveň. Podle letošní zprávy International Energy Agency (IEA) je možné za použití současných technologií úniky zemního plynu na světě snížit až o 75 %.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Kvůli tající Antarktidě bude nezvratně stoupat hladina moří i dlouho po zastavení globálního oteplování, ukazuje studie
    TADEAS --- ---
    Green bonds fall short in biodiversity and sustainable land-use finance

    How can Green Bonds catalyse investments in biodiversity and sustainable land-use projects? - Global Landscapes Forum

    Despite their significance to life on Earth, biodiversity and sustainable land-use sectors attracted a mere three percent of the USD 257.7 billion raised through green bonds issued last year, says a new paper. Dominant sectors, including energy and transportation, absorbed almost 80 percent of green bond proceeds in the past three years.


    Overall, the green bond market is “rapidly scaling up” in value, according to the paper, but biodiversity and sustainable land use have been less appealing to investors because these can be under-developed in terms of information reporting, measurement and impact metrics. Yet the need is great: some 2 billion hectares of degraded land worldwide require restoration – a figure growing by about 12 million hectares annually, says the paper, citing figures from the World Resources Institutes (WRI) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Forest and landscape restoration will require no less than USD 40 billion annually in each of the next 10 years to achieve the world’s commitments made through the Bonn Challenge, Initiative 20×20, AFR100 and the New York Declaration on Forests.


    There is a significant need for finance for the landscape approach and for biodiversity protection,” says Chahine. Landscape approaches balance competing land use demands in a way that is best for human well-being as well as the environment.

    “Green bonds might represent a good, innovative tool for these sectors, which hasn’t been receiving much attention within the broader green bond allocation,” he says.

    Furthermore, the European Union Sustainable Finance Taxonomy, now in development, could be a “game-changer” in terms of boosting interest in green bonds, by setting clear definitions of what economic activities and investments can be sold as genuinely “green” and that contribute to sustainable land use, biodiversity and other critical sectors, says Liagre.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tohle bude zajmavy cteni. mckinsey a metodika pro vycisleni hodnoty ochrany prirody

    Nature Has Economic Value That Needs To Be Valued

    McKinsey & Company released a new report, Valuing Nature Conservation: A methodology for quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet’s natural capital.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    zpatky k plastum. ktery klima sice nezachrani, ale aspon se usetri naka ropa a skladkovani

    Můžeme se nějak zbavit záplavy jednorázových plastových obalů? Britský startup sází na překvapivý materiál - Ekolist.cz

    Výhodou takových obalů je, že se po vyhození rozloží za 4-6 týdnů. V porovnání s normálním plastovým obalem, kterému to trvá několik set let, jde o zanedbatelný čas. Chaluhy jsou oproti jiným alternativám klasického plastu založených například na škrobu ekologičtější – na jejich pěstování není zapotřebí žádná půda a rostou velmi rychle.
    „Je to jeden ze zdrojů, kterého je opravdu hodně,“ říká spoluzakladatel společnosti Rodrigo Garcia. „Jedna z chaluh, kterou používáme, roste metr za den. Dokážete si představit něco takového? Přitom nepotřebujete žádné hnojivo. A navíc je to zdroj, který můžete používat opravdu dlouhodobě.“
    DZODZO --- ---
    tento "navod" ma pobavil:

    "While it is clear that paper towels are not the best for those wanting to live with less waste, the good news is that paper towels are, for the most part, entirely optional. There are many viable alternatives to traditional paper towels that will still help you wipe, dry, and clean without all the negative impacts on the environment."

    take objavovanie kolesa :)

    Reduce The Carbon Footprint of Your Paper Towels
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: tady jeste jeden katastrofictejsi. tyhle zmeny uz se musi promitnout do nejakejch civilizacne hmatatelmejch nasledku pristi rok


    As of Oct. 29th, sea ice extent was 1.3 million square miles less than the median extent for the years 1981 through 2010. That area of 'missing' ice is about a third again as large as all of the U.S. states east of the Mississippi River.


    In September, sea surface temperatures in the Laptev Sea off Siberia climbed higher than 5 degrees C, or 41 F. "That’s insanely warm for the Arctic Ocean, especially in that region, far away from any warmer inflow from the Atlantic or Pacific."


    Here, temperatures are forecast to be 10 degrees C, and even more, above normal. This, according to Meier, is a result of all the heat escaping from open Arctic waters into the atmosphere.
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