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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: Cesko ma podil 44.7% ciste elektriny (OZE + jadro). Vzhledem k tomu ze je elektrina vyvozni artikl by stacilo presta vyvazet a vypnout vetsinu uhelek. Pak bysme se dostali nekam na 70-80% ciste energie. A to nemaji a nebudou mit ani nemci, protoze spolehaji na plyn.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    TADEAS: chjoo, kdyby ekoteroristi neblokovali jadernou energii...
    TADEAS --- ---

    Česko bude druhým největším producentem „špinavé“ elektřiny v EU, upozornila studie – Deník N
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: almost best in covid, last in renewables!

    V roce 2030 bude většina elektřiny v EU z obnovitelných zdrojů. Česko bude na posledním místě
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Chinese Glaciers Melting At 'Shocking' Pace, Scientists Say - Slashdot
    DRSH --- ---
    My změny klimatu ještě přežijeme, ale naše praprapravnoučata mohou mít velký problém, varuje meteorolog Dvořák | Plus
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jen u nas nesviti a nefouka...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    IEA: Wind and solar capacity will overtake both gas and coal globally by 2024

    Electricity demand increases (red) and renewable energy generation growth (light blue, dark blue, green and yellow) between 2019-2025. Source: IEA.

    In the US and Europe, renewable increases are expected to far exceed demand as they are brought in to replace ageing fossil fuel infrastructure.

    However, in Asian nations renewables will only cover some of the future demand, with the remainder covered by fossil fuels.

    ‘Defying Covid’
    Global energy demand is set to decline by 5% in 2020 due to Covid-19 and electricity demand by 2%. The IEA has previously noted that the crisis is accelerating the closure of older fossil fuel infrastructure.

    However, according to the report, electricity generated by wind, solar, hydro and biomass is expected to increase by 7% globally in 2020

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    v cestine ted vyslo

    tak jsem na libgen pro original klikla za vas (epub)

    SHEFIK --- ---
    EU uvažuje o výrazném růstu větrných elektráren na moři - Ekolist.cz

    Evropská unie zvažuje, že by v rámci plánu, který počítá s klimatickou neutralitou do poloviny století, zvýšila do konce tohoto desetiletí kapacitu větrných elektráren na moři pětinásobně a do roku 2050 až 25násobně. Uvedla to agentura Reuters s odvoláním na návrh strategie Evropské komise, do kterého měla možnost nahlédnout. Splnění cíle si vyžádá investice 789 miliard eur (17,6 bilionu Kč).
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PAD --- ---
    Vědci zahájili projekt Perun. Má pomoci zlepšit predikci dopadů klimatických změn na Česko | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    David and Greta in Conversation: The Planetary Crisis | Wildscreen Festival 2020
    SHEFIK --- ---
    palec nahoru, circular carbon economy pro tezlej prumysl

    thyssenkrupp produces ammonia from steel mill gases; Carbon2Chem - Green Car Congress

    The production represents a further milestone in the Carbon2Chem project, which is being funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to the tune of around €60 million ($69 million). In September 2018, thyssenkrupp succeeded for the first time in producing methanol from steel mill gases.


    Carbon2Chem is a major project coordinated by thyssenkrupp together with institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Max Planck Society and involving 15 other partners from research and industry. Implemented on an industrial scale, the technology could make around 20 million tons of the annual CO2 emissions of the German steel industry commercially utilizable.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Green New Deal Is Dead In A Republican Senate, But Biden Has Options To Fight Climate Change

    Barring an unlikely double sweep of the runoff elections in Georgia, Democrats will find themselves with a minority position in the Senate, unable to advance their most ambitious policy goals. Many went from dreams of passing the green new deal to fears of passing nothing at all. This skepticism is well warranted: the green new deal is dead-on-arrival in Mitch McConnell’s Senate and forceful action is now off the table. But that doesn’t mean Biden won’t have options, and progress on a green agenda is still possible, even if that progress is more incremental than hoped.

    The lowest hanging fruit revolves around undoing the series of executive orders and regulatory rewrites that the Trump Administration used to ease pollution requirements and ignore climate change. Top of the list is rejoining the Paris Agreement. Biden has already pledged this action and implementation is easy: just 30 days are needed to fully rejoin. More options abound from there: restoring regulations on power sector emissions under the Clean Air Act; increasing federal fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks; restricting fracking on federal lands. If some of these sound familiar, it’s because they resemble actions that Obama took under his presidency and which squarely fall within the executive mandate.


    Already in 2020, clear majorities think the government is doing too little to address the climate problem, a number that has grown considerably over the last ten years. The impacts are getting harder to ignore, from a hurricane season that ran out of names and reached Hurricane Eta to devastating and prolonged wildfires across the American West. Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs are seeing the impacts of a changing climate, and there is little reason to think that the coming years won’t provide more evidence of our need to act.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Podmořské lesy jsou neprávem opomíjeným úložištěm uhlíku - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rebellion : The Nature of Things | CBC Canada | Extinction Rebellion

    Sparked by activist Greta Thunberg in Sweden and exploding around the world, the global climate protests have been some of the largest demonstrations in history. Rebellion, a documentary from The Nature of Things, is a vivid portrait of this extraordinary grassroots movement.

    David Suzuki joins the front lines of the protests, meeting the youth of this generational wave — often compared to the civil rights movement of the ‘60s, the Vietnam War protests, the gay rights movement, and the women’s movement. We meet Olivia Wohlgemuth from New York, age 17, as she plasters flyers on utility poles in Manhattan; Jerome Foster, who was mocked for his lonely vigil for climate justice in front of the White House when he was 16; and Sophia Mathur, of Sudbury, Ont., who at age 11 was the first Canadian student to join Thunberg’s school strike.

    Suzuki talks to veteran voices in the climate crisis: David Attenborough, famous for his BBC nature documentaries, shares his fears for the future of civilization itself; Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of the Extinction Rebellion movement that shut down the city of London, describes a tipping point in modern history; Bill McKibben — journalist, activist, and founder of the worldwide 350.org movement — reveals a 30-year conspiracy of the fossil fuel industry to tell “the most significant lie in human history.'

    First broadcast in November, 2020 on CBC (Canada)
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    TADEAS: vidím, že se teď zabýváš tímto tématem :) stíháš to všechno číst? dokázal bys vypíchnout ty zdroje, které nás aktivisty můžou nakopnout k tomu, abychom jednak překonali vlastní vyhoření, ale i změnit styl komunikace, aby např. vedení město nemělo dojem, že jsme jen nějací prudiči, ale aby sami pochopili, co je třeba dělat. Včera jsem se dívala na některé ty odkazy, ale upřímně, moc to nestíhám všechno projít. díky
    TADEAS --- ---
    Biden Considering New White House Office on Climate Change

    Democrat Joe Biden is considering creating a special White House office led by a climate “czar” to coordinate efforts to fight global warming if he is elected president, according to people familiar with the deliberations.


    Already, Biden has proposed a sweeping $2 trillion climate plan that calls for an emissions-free electric grid in 15 years, and includes a target of net-zero emissions across the entire economy by 2050.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Psychology Reading List

    Climate psychology is a relatively new field, rooted in psychotherapeutic ways of understanding human responses to the climate crisis. The writers listed below explore the nature of the human relationship to the rest of the natural world, the defences people use to avoid engaging with climate change, and the experiences of anxiety, loss, grief and mourning which people go through when they do face it properly.

    Climate psychology draws on psychoanalysis, Jungian psychology, Gestalt and other humanistic approaches and on psycho-social studies. It is a fast-developing field, aimed not just at theoretical understanding but at developing psychotherapeutic practice and at supporting the broad-based practical and professional networks who are struggling to act on climate change.
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