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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    kanada dupne na carbon dividendu, obyvatelum se libi

    A Carbon Price In Canada Of $170 CAD By 2030 Is Great Climate News

    The price of $50 CAD per ton was interesting and would have been nudging people to change. The average household that was heating with natural gas would spend a bit more than $200 extra per year, or about $3,300 over the life of a typical residential gas furnace. If they bought a heatpump instead, they’d be spending less than that for electricity for it, and if they replaced the furnace and their air conditioner with the heatpump, they’d be far ahead financially.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tady to neprobehlo... relatine velkej progress v recyklaci vte + win win win pro cementovej prumysl a klima

    Concrete Benefits: Recycling Old Wind Turbine Blades Could Help Cement Industry Cut CO2 Emissions | GE News

    On average, a single wind turbine operating in the U.S. reduces emissions to the tune of 4,600 metric tons of CO2 each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In 2019 alone, the electricity generated from wind turbines around the world avoided the equivalent of roughly 42 million cars’ worth of CO2 emissions.

    Now, however, there’s a new way to give old blades a more eco-friendly ending — one that not only recycles the material but puts it to a truly efficient use helping the cement industry dial back its own significant CO2 emissions. “It’s a very elegant solution, because it addresses several requirements for the cement production process, making it more sustainable from multiple perspectives,” says Michelle Simpson, a productivity and technology leader at GE Renewable Energy. “Firstly, it provides energy for the manufacture of cement by replacing coal. It also replaces some of the raw materials that are part of the cement recipe, such as sand and clay, that would otherwise have to be mined or sourced from other locations.”
    When fed into the crucible of the cement kiln, the material could help cement manufacturers lower CO2 emissions by as much as 27% compared to the traditional manufacturing process, according to Simpson. She says the new initiative will reuse nearly 90% of the blade material by weight. More than 65% of the blade weight will replace the sand, clay and other raw materials that would otherwise be added to the kiln to create the cement. Approximately 28% of the blade weight takes over the role of coal: providing energy for the chemical reaction in the cement kiln.
    An environmental impact analysis conducted by Quantis U.S., a sustainability consulting group, has found that recycling a single 7-ton blade in this way enables the cement kiln to avoid consuming nearly 5 tons of coal, 2.7 tons of silica, 1.9 tons of limestone, and nearly a ton of additional mineral-based raw materials. 
    GOJATLA --- ---
    KEB: Vidím to jinak. XR není o ekologii, je to spíš zoufalý pokus, jak se vyhnout nebo zmírnit blížící se katastrofu. Jestli podle tebe průtahy se stavbou dálnice XR poškozují, tak asi nevíš o co XR usiluje nebo nechápeš podstatu problému. Zkus si pustit Neobyvatelnou Zemi.
    KEB --- ---
    KEB: ymladris, co si o tom myslíš? Ty se skrze XR snažíš lidi aktivizovat k zájmu o ekologii a ochranu klimatu. To chápu. Nemáš pocit, že ti do toho DUHA aktivitama jako je tahle nebo dětičky země v Přerově hazí vidle do tvého snažení?
    RADIQAL --- ---
    David Wallace-Wells: Neobyvatelná Země. Je to mnohem horší, než jsme si mysleli | Plus
    DZODZO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: primarne som chcel urobit joke s tou hlinou a potom kvalita pody sa tu prebera dost casto
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    DZODZO: Četl jsi to pořádně? Ta ornice nezmizela. Navezli si ji tam nájemci a po skončení nájmu si ji odvezli. Ten článek by měl být spíš v nějakém auditku o justici. Protože to srovnání s podlahou v článku poněkud kulhá. Když si najmeš byt, na stávající podlahu si koupíš koberec a ten po skončení nájmu odvezeš, taky budeš tvrdit, že jsi ho ukradl? A nechápu, proč jsi to dal do tohoto auditka.
    DZODZO --- ---
    uz sa kradne aj ornica, tak to je hlina...

    Na Pardubicku zmizela zemědělci kvalitní ornice, policie obvinila dva muže - Novinky.cz
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    KEB: Tak Hnuti Duha ma na tomhle zalozeny byznys. Oni vyuzivaji deraveho zakona. [ PETER_PAN @ Věci Veřejné - Vláda zakázala i prodej kávy s sebou ]
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    V Ostravě hoří jedovatá halda. Na státní Diamo míří miliardová žaloba - Seznam Zprávy
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Ocean Cleanup Sets its Sights on World's Most Polluted Rivers

    After a little over a year of successfully dragging literal tons of plastic waste and pollution out of the world’s oceans, The Ocean Cleanup company has decided to tackle the primary source of ocean pollution: polluted rivers. What’s more, they’ll be doing so with an all-new, state-of-the-art river vessel called the Interceptor.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Initiative for Leadership and Sustainability: International Scholars Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse
    If you are a scientist or scholar you can still sign the letter before the end of 2020, and a final list will be published in January.
    KEB --- ---
    Hnutí Duha podalo rozklad k části D3, stavbu to může zdržet - Ekolist.cz

    Tohle hodně nahrává podpoře ekologických hnutí. Za tohle bude duha určitě populární.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The world’s rich need to cut their carbon footprint by a factor of 30 to slow climate change, U.N. warns

    Wealthy people are more likely to travel frequently by car and plane and to own large, energy-intensive homes. They tend to have meat-rich diets that require large amounts of greenhouse gases to produce. They buy the bulk of carbon-costly appliances, clothing, furniture and other luxury items.

    Residents of the United States — the world’s largest historical source of planet-warming emissions — have some of the most carbon-intensive lifestyles. The carbon footprint of the average American is about 17.6 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents a year, about twice the footprint of a person living in the European Union or the United Kingdom, and almost 10 times that of the average Indian citizen’s 1.7 tons annually.

    If the world is to achieve the kind of sweeping societal transformation needed, limiting consumption “will be really important,” said Surabi Menon, vice president of global intelligence at the ClimateWorks foundation and a member of the report’s steering committee.
    TADEAS --- ---


    I když se to ztratí v informačním šumu za 2 hodiny, globální emise skleníkových plynů byly v roce 2019 opět rekordní, včetně spotřeby fosilních paliv. Aktuální emise skleníkových plynů např. v Číně jsou už vyšší než před pandemií.


    PAD --- ---
    Státní železnice čtyř evropských států v úterý slíbily rozšíření sítě spacích vozů, mají v plánu propojit 13 měst. Jedná se o nejrozsáhlejší rozšíření této sítě za řadu let, napsala agentura Reuters. Investici 500 milionů eur, tedy 13,3 miliardy korun, oznámily Německo, Rakousko, Francie a Švýcarsko. Berlín minulý rok informoval, že zásadní roli v jeho plánu snížit emise uhlíku z dopravy hraje na úkor letectví právě osobní železniční doprava.
    DZODZO --- ---
    najdolezitejsie tam je asi toto:

    Safety: QuantumScape’s solid-state separator is noncombustible and isolates the anode from the cathode even at high temperatures.

    to bude rana pre vsetkych posmievacov co si honia triko hned jak niekde hori nejaky elektromobil :)
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PETER_PAN: 350 nejlepsi
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: 2000+ Wh/kg je velice pravdepodobne v ramci nekolika nasledujicich let (dneska 260-300 produkcne). [ PETER_PAN @ Elektromobily ]
    TUHO --- ---
    a mezitim v australii prijemne jaro

    Australia’s hottest spring on record, which saw temperatures more than 2C above average, would have been “virtually impossible” without human-caused climate change, new analysis has found.

    A spring as hot as the one Australians just experienced would come along only once every half a million years without the extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, climate scientist Dr David Karoly told the Guardian.

    Australia's record spring heat one-in-500,000 without climate change: analysis | Environment | The Guardian
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