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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    RADIQAL --- ---
    JIMIQ: mmh, interesant:
    “China accounts for around 65% of all bitcoin mining globally — Inner Mongolia alone accounts for about 8%, due to its cheap energy. In comparison, the United States accounts for 7.2% of global bitcoin mining.”
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: potesilo :) neni to sice moc demokraticky, ale lepsi obetovat bitcoin mining nez nejaky bolestnejsi zalezitosti
    SHEFIK --- ---
    opet potvrzeno, vcetne miningu/full lifecycle

    Mining for electric car batteries 'hundreds of times' better than petrol car emission cycles - Electrek
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SEJDA: bude zajmavy sledovat, jak to nakopne low carbon technologie, transformaci jejich energetickyho sektoru vs. dopad na nejchudsi vrstvy obyvatel - pokud to uridej, tak se muzou stat po dlouhy dobe zase "vzorem" pro ostatni zeme a budou z toho ekonomicky tezit desetileti
    SEJDA --- ---
    Plyn v USA stoji asi 2.78 $/MMBtu ~ 2.78 $/Mcf ~ 0.1 $/m3.
    Podle prevodu je vyprodukovano 0.0053 t CO2 / Mcf ~ 186 g CO2/ m3 tj. cena spolecenskych nakladu je 0.001 $/m3 zemniho plynu.

    Greenhouse Gases Equivalencies Calculator - Calculations and References | Energy and the Environment | US EPA
    SEJDA --- ---
    SHEFIK: asi nemaji moc strach, z toho, ze by se Trump vratil, jinak by nastavili cenu 2x tak vysoko, aby se to hezky zprumerovalo. Pak by sice stale zili lide v nestabilnim prostredi, nicmene pri vyhledu na 10 let by museli pocitat s prumernou cenou.
    Kazdopadne, to ze to zdrazi uhli je fakt pekne az 7 nasobne, ale kam to pousouva zemni plyn?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Bill Gates: Můj zelený manifest – Deník N

    Při výzkumu jsem narazil na příjemná překvapení. Například ve Spojených státech by přechod na čistou elektrickou energii využívající stávající technologie (větrníky, solární panely, vodní turbíny a jaderné reaktory) zvýšil ceny elektřiny zhruba o 15 procent. To je pro mnoho lidí malý nárůst – zhruba o 18 dolarů měsíčně –, ovšem museli bychom se postarat, aby tím nebyly nadměrně zatíženy nízkopříjmové rodiny. Evropa je se svými bohatými zdroji obnovitelné energie v obdobném postavení.

    Mnoho zemí bohužel nemá tolik větru a slunečního záření jako USA či Evropa. V těchto státech bude zelená přirážka o dost vyšší a k vyrovnání tohoto rozdílu budou potřebovat inovace.

    Například nákladní lodě jezdí na palivo, které v USA stojí zhruba 1,29 dolaru na galon (tedy 3,78 litru). Čistá alternativa tohoto paliva stojí podle způsobu jeho výroby mezi 5,5 a 9,05 dolary na galon – což je nárůst o 300 až 600 procent. Žádná lodní dopravní společnost si dobrovolně nezvýší náklady na palivo o tak obrovskou marži.

    Proč je většina zelených přirážek tak vysoká? Protože zelené produkty čelí tvrdé konkurenci svých znečišťujících protějšků. Fosilní paliva jsou snadno k mání a my již celá desetiletí budujeme infrastrukturu na jejich těžbu, zpracování a dopravu po celém světě. V jejich ceně se navíc neodráží jejich negativní dopady na lidi či životní prostředí. A svou práci zastanou velmi efektivně – v jednom litru benzinu je například stejně energie jako v 34 válečcích dynamitu. Prakticky všechny čisté alternativy jsou slabší.


    Kdybyste chtěli pohltit celoživotní emise, které vyprodukuje každý Američan, který je dnes naživu – tedy pouhá čtyři procenta globální populace –, potřebovali byste vysázet a ustavičně opečovávat stromy na více než 16 miliardách akrů, což představuje zhruba polovinu pevninské plochy na celém světě.


    Ze zkušenosti vím, že se jen vzácně najde cíl, na jehož naplnění se bude chtít podílet celý svět. Jsem zvyklý pracovat na globálním boji proti nemocím, kde je občas potřeba vládám bohatých států i firmám připomenout, proč by jim na tom mělo záležet.

    Tak tomu u klimatické změny není. Lidé z celého světa a všech profesí chtějí nějak smysluplně přiložit ruku k dílu. Nyní po letech nejistoty konečně vidíme, jak pro vrcholné představitele korporátního světa vypadá smysluplná akce. Stačí mít odvahu riskovat.
    SEJDA --- ---
    JIMIQ: Fabia ma asi 2,5 m2, tj. kra je velka jako pul miliardy Fabii. Skodovka jich proda podle roku 100 tis. - 200 tis. ks, takze nekdy o kolo roku 3400 budou mit plan splneny.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Od Antarktidy se odtrhla kra větší než dvě Prahy - Novinky.cz

    Nevi nekdo kolik je to Fabii?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    ČR podala žalobu na Polsko kvůli rozšiřování těžby v dole Turów - Ekolist.cz

    Česko podalo k Soudnímu dvoru EU žalobu na Polsko kvůli rozšiřování těžby v hnědouhelném dole Turów, oznámilo ministerstvo životního prostředí (MŽP). Praha Varšavě vytýká to, že v souvislosti s rozšířením těžby porušilo unijní právo, součástí žaloby je také žádost o zastavení těžby uhlí v dole do doby, než unijní soud rozhodne. Polské ministerstvo ovzduší a životního prostředí vyjádřilo nad rozhodnutím české strany údiv.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tak nejak to s klimatem bude souviset cim dal vic

    How to produce clean water in arid areas

    The Osmosun is a 100 per cent solar-powered solution that can deliver up to 1500 litres of fresh water a day, converting saltwater or brackish sources into pure and clean drinking water. With all supply able to be used immediately, this could be the answer to many prayers across the globe.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    texas potreti, rozuzleni

    Natural Gas Performed Heroically In Texas, Until It Didn’t

    Texas governor Gregg Abbott followed that up with an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show, stating “'This shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America. Our wind and our solar got shut down, and they were collectively more than 10 percent of our power grid, and that thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power on a statewide basis.”'

    Democratic Representative and Green New Deal supporter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fired back on Twitter with “The infrastructure failures in Texas are quite literally what happens when you *don’t* pursue a Green New Deal.”


    Hence, one could point to this graphic as evidence that between February 8 and February 10, wind power dropped dramatically while power from natural gas came to the rescue. If you only look at this graphic, then natural gas is the hero of the story.

    So natural gas was carrying a heavy load during the early stages of the storm, and that is the source of that particular narrative. Natural gas undoubtedly saved lives early in the storm. Of course, that’s what natural gas is meant to do — supply power when needed.

    On February 15th, one of the reactors at the South Texas Nuclear Generating Station tripped offline. At the same time, the freeze began to impact natural gas production sites. According to the Energy Information Administration, natural gas production in Texas fell almost 45% during the freeze.

    Many utilities began to lose natural gas supplies just as power demand was reaching record highs. The result was that the power that natural gas was expected to supply simply wasn’t there when needed, and therefore power outages ensued.


    The takeaway for me is that grids need plenty of backup power that is available on demand. This will become increasingly important as more intermittent sources of power are added to the grid. Unless we can ensure that battery backups can survive an outage that could last days — and could substantially increase demand for home heating at the same time — we need firm power sources that are ready to step up and fill the gaps
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: je myslim vic reakci na gatese, ze podcenuje renewables. on ale rika, ze elektrina neni reseni, protoze 30 % je ocel, cement, plast... 3. svet bude chtit rust a tyto sektory nejde resit elektrinou. nebo aspon takhle jsem to strucne pochopila, muzu to chapat blbe, nikde jsem ale nevidela odpoved "gates rika, ze problem je ocel, cement, ja na to rikam to-a-to", vzdy je to jen solary, solary.

    nestudovala jsem nijak hluboce, jen predavam svuj pocit, ze se v tomto mijeji
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climatologist Michael E Mann: 'Good people fall victim to doomism. I do too sometimes' | Climate change | The Guardian

    (az na curackej kopanec do wikileaks dobrej rozhovor)

    The youth climate movement has galvanised attention and re-centred the debate on intergenerational ethics. We are seeing a tipping point in public consciousness. That bodes well. There is still a viable way forward to avoid climate catastrophe.

    You can see from the talking points of inactivists that they are really in retreat. Republican pollsters like Frank Luntz have advised clients in the fossil fuel industry and the politicians who carry water for them that you can’t get away with denying climate change any more. It doesn’t pass the sniff test with the public. Instead they are looking at other things they can do.


    Any time you are told a problem is your fault because you are not behaving responsibly, there is a good chance that you are being deflected from systemic solutions and policies. Blaming the individual is a tried and trusted playbook that we have seen in the past with other industries. In the 1970s, Coca Cola and the beverage industry did this very effectively to convince us we don’t need regulations on waste disposal. Because of that we now have a global plastic crisis. The same tactics are evident in the gun lobby’s motto, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is classic deflection. For a UK example look at BP, which gave us the world’s first individual carbon footprint calculator. Why did they do that? Because BP wanted us looking at our carbon footprint not theirs.


    Doom-mongering has overtaken denial as a threat and as a tactic. Inactivists know that if people believe there is nothing you can do, they are led down a path of disengagement. They unwittingly do the bidding of fossil fuel interests by giving up.

    What is so pernicious about this is that it seeks to weaponise environmental progressives who would otherwise be on the frontline demanding change. These are folk of good intentions and good will, but they become disillusioned or depressed and they fall into despair. But “too late” narratives are invariably based on a misunderstanding of science. Many of the prominent doomist narratives – [Jonathan] Franzen, David Wallace-Wells, the Deep Adaptation movement – can be traced back to a false notion that an Arctic methane bomb will cause runaway warming and extinguish all life on earth within 10 years. This is completely wrong. There is no science to support that.


    ad Bill Gates YMLADRIS

    His view is overly technocratic and premised on an underestimate of the role that renewable energy can play in decarbonising our civilisation. If you understate that potential, you are forced to make other risky choices, such as geoengineering and carbon capture and sequestration. Investment in those unproven options would crowd out investment in better solutions.

    Gates writes that he doesn’t know the political solution to climate change. But the politics are the problem buddy. If you don’t have a prescription of how to solve that, then you don’t have a solution and perhaps your solution might be taking us down the wrong path.

    TADEAS --- ---
    How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual for our Times: Servigne, Pablo, Stevens, Raphaël, Brown, Andrew: 9781509541393: Amazon.com: Books

    Book Review: How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual for Our Times - Holmgren Permaculture Design

    David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, has just published a review of the book "How Everything Can Collapse". He writes:

    "Reading this book did more than just mollify my adverse reaction to whether the term ‘collapse’ might be the best word to encompass the diversity of likely future scenarios. It generated a personal acceptance that I am, along a diversity of thinkers and writers acknowledged in this extensively referenced work, a collapsologist.... Servigne and Stevens have provided a great introduction to a field of study that cannot be investigated without that investigation dispelling the illusion of separation of subject and observer."
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tezba ropy - pousteni metanu do atmosfery, nebo paleni rovnou bez uzitku na miste

    Methane Emissions Data: Regulations Needed To Stop Atmosphere Warming In Permian Basin.

    In New Mexico, emissions from the oil and gas industry were 53% of state greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. 


    Part 2 focused on flaring of gas, which is a waste of money and harmful to the upper atmosphere. Ways to reduce flaring of gas were discussed. In general, flaring (30%) is important, but methane leakage (70%) is more serious, partly because the latter leakages are unburned which means the gas has 21 times more atmospheric warming effect than flared gas that is usually burned to form CO2.

    EDF has measured methane emissions across New Mexico by satellite which is coordinated with ground-based detectors. The following information is from their report updated in November 2020:

    ·       Methane emissions across New Mexico tally over 1.1 million metric tons per year - equivalent to global warming caused by burning fuel in 21 million cars and trucks for a year.

    $271 million worth of natural gas is wasted every year in New Mexico by leaks and venting and flaring.
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    VELADA: A Babiš chcípne hlady...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    bez proudu a plynu dobry, ale u vody uz to zacina bejt vesely

    Texas Shows Us Our Water Future with Climate Change: It Ain’t Pretty

    Earlier this week, 1 in 22 Americans didn’t have water or was on a boil water alert. Nearly 15 million people in Texas alone were without safe drinking water in the wake of the massive storm, cold snap, and power outages. Many more in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and other hard-hit Southern states also lost water or were on “voluntary” or mandatory boil water alerts. Wastewater treatment plants lost power and spewed more than a million gallons of raw sewage into frigid waters, threatening downstream users. The misery of being unable to flush your toilet, shower, or safely drink water in your own home was often compounded by the chattering teeth and sleeplessness from unbearably cold bedrooms. Low-income families and people of color were disproportionately harmed by breaking pipes and power failures, just as they are disproportionately at risk from contaminated water supplies.
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