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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Saharan Mega-Lakes during the Holocene Wet Phase - Vivid Maps
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    A few common bacteria dominate soil's carbon cycle - UPI.com

    Previously, scientists were only able to make general assumptions about how communities of soil bacteria were behaving -- the equivalent, according to Hofmockel, of reporting that a state went red or blue in an election.

    "Now, with qSIP, we can see who is driving that larger pattern -- the 'election results,' if you will -- at the level of individual microbial neighborhoods, city blocks," Hofmockel said. "In this way, we can start to identify which soil organisms are performing important functions, like carbon sequestration, and study those more closely."


    Better understanding how individual organisms contribute to carbon cycling has important implications for managing soil fertility and reducing uncertainty in climate change projections


    The planet's soil hosts twice as much carbon as its vegetation. As such, understanding the soil carbon cycle is key to modeling the planet's broader carbon cycle and predicting how it will be affected by climate change.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Opinion | Six Months to Prevent a Hostile Takeover of Food Systems, and 25 Years to Transform Them | Nick Jacobs

    the "4th industrial revolution" is already sweeping through food systems. For proof, we need look no further than the changing complexion of the agri-food sector, where mergers and market disruptions are occurring at a dizzying pace. E-commerce platforms like Amazon and China's JD.com are now among the top ten retailers globally. With agribusinessesincreasingly reliant on cloud, AI, and data processing services, big tech firms like Amazon, Alibaba, Microsoft, Google, and Baidu are moving into food production. Meanwhile, Blackrock and 4 other asset management companies own 10–30% of the shares of the top agri-food firms.

    With climate change, environmental breakdown, and pandemics wreaking havoc on food systems over the coming years, the "silver bullet" solutions offered by the new agri-food giants may prove irresistible to panicking policymakers. This year's UN Food Systems Summit—arising from a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum—will be a showcase for corporate-led "solutions."

    In other words, the keys of the food system are already being handed over to data platforms, e-commerce giants, and private equity firms. This could mean dismantling the diversified food webs that sustain 70% of the world's population and provide environmental resilience. It could mean putting the food security of billions of people at the mercy of high-risk AI-controlled farming systems and opaque supply corridors.

    And yet, there is nothing inevitable about this dystopian future. In reality, divisions will grow among corporations and between companies, workers, and consumers, as ecosystems refuse to be tamed, people refuse to be nudged, technologies malfunction, and environmental and social tipping points draw closer.

    Farmers, food workers and their allies have recognized the crossroads we are at. They are already organizing in new ways to defend their spaces, their livelihoods, and their future—starting with mobilization around the Food Systems Summit.

    In scanning the landscape for clues about the next quarter century, we found that what could be achieved by civil society and social movements is just as "disruptive" as the plans of the agri-food giants. A "Long Food Movement"—bringing together farmers, fishers, cooperatives, unions, grassroots organizations and international NGOs—could shift $4 trillion from the industrial chain to food sovereignty and agroecology, cut 75% of food systems' GHG emissions, and deliver incalculable benefits to the lives and livelihoods of billions of people over the next 25 years
    TADEAS --- ---
    World-first discovery could fuel the new green ammonia economy

    The production of each metric ton of ammonia contributes to the emission of roughly 1.9 metric tons of carbon dioxide, and accounts for roughly 1.8 percent of global carbon emissions.

    A team of Monash University scientists, led by Professor Doug MacFarlane, Dr. Bryan Suryanto and Dr. Alexandr Simonov, have discovered a process based on phosphonium salts that represents a breakthrough in overcoming this carbon-intensive problem.

    The research, published in the prestigious journal Science, unlocks the potential to produce ammonia and fertilizers from renewable energy in reactors, as small as a refrigerator, that could be rolled out at the individual farm or community level.

    Direct, zero-carbon ammonia synthesis methods currently being explored include the electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction, which can produce ammonia at room temperature and pressures from nothing more than air, water and renewable energy.


    Professor MacFarlane, an internationally renowned chemist, believes the use of carbon-neutral production technologies could also see ammonia used as a fuel and replace fossil fuels by 2050.

    Ammonia is already widely considered to be the ideal zero-carbon fuel for international shipping in the future, a market predicted to be worth more than USD$ 150 billion by 2025.

    "The technology that we have developed also opens up a broad range of possibilities for future scale up to very large production facilities for export, attached to dedicated solar and wind farms," Professor MacFarlane said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    tipping as usual

    Brazil’s Amazon deforestation surges 67% in May as Bolsonaro pledges fall flat | Reuters

    Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest rose for a third consecutive month in May, preliminary government data showed on Friday, with President Jair Bolsonaro yet to follow through on his April pledge to boost funding for environmental enforcement.

    Deforestation soared 67% in May from the same month last year, according to Brazil's national space research institute Inpe, with much of the land targeted for cattle ranches, farms and logging.

    For the first five months of the year, the data show deforestation was up 25% compared with a year earlier, with 2,548 square km destroyed - an area more than three times the size of New York City.

    Deforestation peaks during the dry season from May to October, when it is easier for illegal loggers to access the forest.

    Bolsonaro pledged at an Earth Day summit in April to double funding for environmental enforcement. The next day, he signed the 2021 federal budget that slashed environmental spending.
    SLL_QUY --- ---
    neumi nekdo prosim odemknout?

    Sen Sokolovské uhelné: místo těžby rajčata, gigafactory a nové Zell am See | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)
    TADEAS --- ---
    World's most powerful tidal turbine : Launched April 2021
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: :D
    "The ancient creature began eating and even reproducing after it was pulled out of the ice"
    TUHO --- ---
    Mikroskopický mnohobuněčný organismus nalezený na Sibiři se probral k životu po 24 tisících letech, které strávil zmražený v tamní řece. Popsali to vědci v nové studii zveřejněné v odborném časopise Current Biology. Odborníci si dosud mysleli, že podobné organismy dokáží v zamrzlém stavu strávit kolem deseti let, nyní se však domnívají, že je jejich schopnost přežít v podstatě neomezená.

    Vědci našli na Sibiři tvora, který se probudil ze spánku v permafrostu po 24 tisících letech — ČT24 — Česká televize
    PER2 --- ---
    After accounting for all food system activities, food system emissions may be as large as 20%–40% of total anthropogenic emissions.

    Greenhouse gas emissions from food systems: building the evidence base - IOPscience
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #balanced #fullread

    Polská strana teď snad bude ochotnější. Dohoda je lepší než soud, říká Půta o Turówu - Aktuálně.cz

    Protože Česko se s Polskem soudí o povolovacím procesu na důl, ne o tom, jak blízko hranic se bude těžit nebo jestli bude Polsko dodržovat nějaká pravidla, co se týče hluku nebo prašnosti. V tom dole se těží 50 let a celou dobu to negativně ovlivňovalo okolí. Až dosud ale neexistovala reálná možnost vytvořit například nějakou společnou komisi, která by hluk a prašnost a jejich měření pravidelně posuzovala.

    Soudní žalobou nejsme schopni donutit Polsko k tomu, aby postavilo na hranicích zemní val a dalo na něj zeleň. Oni úplně v klidu budou tvrdit, že žádný vliv na české území není, a od nás budou vyžadovat, abychom ho prokázali. A to by podle mého bylo velmi náročné.
    Já si myslím, že to do roku 2044 určitě nebude. Když se člověk baví s lidmi, kteří v Polsku energetice rozumí, tak oni jsou v podobné pozici jako my: ceny emisních povolenek tlačí cenu energie z uhlí do pásma, kde nebude ekonomicky udržitelná. V Polsku je to spíš politický problém. Těžko někdo dva roky po spuštění nového bloku elektrárny Turów (v provozu je od letošního května, pozn. red.) řekne, že bude fungovat jen deset let.
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO: kdyz za tech dest roku postavis nejaky ty obnovitelny zdroje, tak uhli muzes palit porad stejne, pac podil na celkovy vyrobe z uhli vlastne diky tomu klesne ;)
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: to je to same jako #cistaenergiezitrka, nemysli tim, hned, ale zitra, ale ne zitra, ale zitra za 50 let :D
    DZODZO --- ---
    hm to mi nevychadza 12,5% uhli a #bezemisi :) ale tak 10 rokov je dlha doba, este sa moze vselico zmenit
    TUHO --- ---
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    Businesses bidding for major govt contracts will have to sign pledge to be net zero by 2050 | Climate News | Sky News
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: Jediný co mě napadá s tím slizem nebo co to je, je ho lovit nakládat a buď tím hnojit pole nebo to prohnat bioplynkou, ale to taky může být úplná blbost :-D
    TUHO --- ---
    Martin Marek
    Skupina aktivistek Kolektiv Pod zem! v dnešních brzkých ranních hodinách obsadila rypadla v uhelných dolech Bílina a Nástup-Tušimice.

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