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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---

    CNN carried the story with the title, “The amount of heat the Earth traps has doubled in just 15 years, study shows.” A few other news sources carried the story, but I did not see many. Clearly, the media think other things are more interesting.

    Out Of A Million Headlines, This Is The One I Find Most Frightening | CleanTechnica
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: to chodi v takych vlnach, na novinkach je teraz kazdy expert na tornada
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: Truly an astonishing amount of cable experts in this thread.
    DZODZO --- ---
    v portlande maju tak teplo ze sa im roztapaju kable :)

    XCHAOS --- ---
    It’s important to note that the temperatures being discussed here are land surface temperatures, not air temperatures. The air temperature in Verkhojansk was 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius)—still anomalously hot, but not Arizona hot.
    Ground Temperatures Hit 118 Degrees in the Arctic Circle
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Jako ve vroucím hrnci. Supertropy trápí region, kde bývá klimatizace zbytečná - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    degenerativni a destabilizujici komponent rostlinne produkce

    Estimation of methane emissions from the U.S. ammonia fertilizer industry using a mobile sensing approach | Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene | University of California Press

    2019: a study by researchers from Cornell and the Environmental Defense Fund shows that emissions of methane from the industrial fertilizer industry have been dangerously underestimated (and, it turns out, based on self-reporting) and the production of ammonia for fertilizer may result in up to 100 times more emissions than previously estimated for this sector.

    The study suggests total annual methane emissions of 28 gigagrams, which is 100 times higher than the fertilizer industry’s self-reported estimate of 0.2 gigagrams per year. In addition, this figure far exceeds the EPA’s estimate that all industrial processes in the United States produce only 8 gigagrams of methane emissions per year.
    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: ale aspoň se na půdě bude dobře sušit seno :-D
    DZODZO --- ---
    PAD: nevyhoda bude asi chladenie, ked to mas na konzoli nad taskami, tak je tam aspon skvirka, ktorou prefukuje trochu vzduch a chladi ti to, takto priamo pod strechou leda zeby si si tam dal nejake vetracky :)
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: diky. vyhoda je estetika a asi trochu vetsi odolnost proti vetru, nevyhoda pripadny narocnejsi servis (vymenit panel bude znamenat opravovat tu hydroizolaci). ale je to takto z fotky opravdu mene hnusne.

    jine reseni te osklivosti je ty panely dat na jinou strechu - garaz, kolnu, drevnik, atp. tady: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lauriewinkless/2021/04/20/solar-city-turning-buildings-into-power-plants/?sh=7d8105b72d32 jsou fakt uz hezke formy panelu, ale cena bude asi dost vysoka ...
    TADEAS --- ---
    PAD: dela to firma t-power

    Rám se dává pod panely místo kotvících háků přímo na střešní latě a vytvoří tak s panely povětrnostním podmínkám odolnou krytin. Panely budou kladeny na výšku a budou integrovány pomocí speciálních hydroizolačních modulů přímo do střešního pláště, kde nahradí stávající krytinu

    DZODZO --- ---
    PAD: u tych krup bude asi zalezat aj ako na strechu dopadaju ci pod uhlom alebo kolmo na panel, proti tornadu ale nevydrzia nic

    Záběry z dronu: Tornádo se prohnalo i přes solární elektrárnu - Novinky.cz
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: jak to v praxi vypada? ty panely pak tvori vlastne krytinu, tj. pod nimi uz je jen pojistna hydroizolace? jde mi o to, jak pak probiha vymena nebo servis.
    PAD --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ke svym (AIXTEC) jsem ten udaj nenasel, ale ted uvazuju o techto k rodicum na chalupu a tam uvadi vydrz uderu krup do prumeru 45mm a rychlosti 30m/s (pokud se jim da verit, ze ..). Jinak bezna odolnost k stalemu zatizeni (=snih) je 2400pa, coz by nemel byt problem na drtive vetsine strech v CR (vyjimkou by byly jen velmi malo sklonene nebo ploche nekde v horach).

    Takze tyhle tenisaky velke jak dlan by tu FVE asi rozbily. Nebo by to ty panely odfouklo, nebo by to rozbila prilitnuta vetev nebo auto ... Kazdopadne ja tohle neresim, asi nejvice se bojim pripadneho spadleho stromu, ktere v sousedstvi mam.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Asi v tom bude mit oteplovani taky prsty

    Dramatic images capture rapid slide of Antarctic glacier | Live Science
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Ještě jedno bitechnologický hOPIUM :)

    Is Mycelium Fungus the Plastic of the Future?
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    A budou masový reaktory taky sekvestrovat uhlík???

    V Izraeli otevřeli továrnu pro výrobu kuřecího i vepřového z bioreaktorů
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: mas pravdu, ted ctu vyjadreni klimatologu o situaci s tornadama v evrope (lapin, metelka, pecho) a ty tvrdi, ze tu jednak je souvislost teoreticky a jednak i v narustajici cetnosti...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Unexpected: Desert Plants Are Struggling in Higher Heat - Scientific American


    Even desert plants have their limits.

    As dryland ecosystems experience stronger heat waves and droughts, scientists have wondered how climate change might affect the hardy plants that thrive in harsh deserts or dry mountains.

    With about 40% of the world covered in dry land, the question carries enormous weight for conservation policy: Will the natural toughness of those plants prepare them for even more extreme conditions? Or have they already reached the limits of what they can endure?

    Recent research suggests dry lands are at a breaking point — and it's more closely tied to temperature than previously thought.

    Dryland ecosystems "may be more susceptible to climate change than expected," a group of University of California, Irvine, researchers wrote in a recent study based around Anza-Borrego Desert State Park near the Mexican border.

    "Our analysis suggests these ecosystems may have crossed an ecological threshold," they said, describing a breakdown in the relationship between precipitation and vegetation cover beginning around 1999.

    In the Sonoran Desert and nearby landscapes, the scientists found, vegetation cover declined much more sharply than drought or wildfires alone could explain. Satellite observations between 1984 and 2017 showed "widespread" declines in perennial vegetation cover, the researchers wrote, especially in lowland deserts.

    In the lowlands, modeling revealed that temperature explained much of the desert's vegetation change, according to the study. Rising heat was also the best explanation for vegetation declines over the long term, as precipitation and wildfires have swung wildly from year to year.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The weekend read: New support for Europe’s green energy transition – pv magazine International
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