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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Čech vytvořil novou virtuální měnu. Smažete s ní svou uhlíkovou stopu

    Nákupem měny stahují uživatelé povolenky z trhu. Díky tomu jich méně zbude na továrny a elektrárny a jejich koupě je vyjde dráže. To by je ve výsledku mělo motivovat k rychlejšímu přechodu na udržitelnější technologie. Uživatelé aplikace tak nepřímo omezují vypouštění skleníkových plynů do ovzduší.


    Má to však ještě jeden přínos. „Výnosy z povolenek putují do národních fondů, jako je například český Modernizační fond, které je investují do obnovitelných zdrojů. Díky vyšším cenám tak jde na tyto účely více peněz,“ vysvětluje Palaščák.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Skandinávie zažívá vlnu veder. "Asi to je náhoda," komentuje ironicky Greta - Aktuálně.cz

    V Norsku meteorologický ústav v neděli naměřil 34 stupňů Celsia v Saltdalu poblíž polárního kruhu, což je nejvyšší teplota zaznamenaná v celé zemi v letošním roce. A také je to pouze o 1,6 stupně méně než maximum zaznamenané v Norsku. Několik míst v království sužují tropické noci, kdy teploty neklesají pod 20 stupňů Celsia.
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Studie: Kvůli biopalivům zmizely pralesy o rozloze Nizozemska, je z nich více emisí než z ropy - Zdopravy.cz
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Business Daily - Tapping the sun beneath our feet - BBC Sounds

    Could geothermal energy provide a big missing piece in the puzzle of how to decarbonise the world economy? And do we need the help of oil companies to make use of it?

    Laurence Knight visits the UK's first ever geothermal power project at United Downs in Cornwall. The project's managing director Dr Ryan Law says it could provide the perfect complement to solar and wind energy, while the resident geologist Hazel Farndale explains how and why they have drilled down more than 5km into Cornwall's granite beds.

    The last two years have seen a rush of investment and interest in geothermal energy, much of it from the traditional oil and gas fracking industry. Renewable energy journalist David Roberts describes the many innovative new techniques being developed to drill even deeper down into "superhot" rock, including lasers and microwaves.
    TADEAS --- ---
    BROZKEFF: :)

    me zajimalo jak hluboki vrtaj (docela dost) a jak hluboko ke voda (vic na povrchu nez jsem myslel)
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    TADEAS: to "not critically overdrafted" je nějaký newspeakový eufemismus pro "severely but not-so-blatantly-critically overdrafted" a volba barev "zelená" jakože je vše je v pořádku? :D Možná tu žlutou mohli dát černě tu zelenou červeně a přejmenovat to a hned by to působilo trochu jinak ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Prehistoric creatures flocked to different latitudes to survive climate change – the same is taking place today

    Studies looking at the evolution of biodiversity by latitude have shown that during some intervals in Earth’s history, species biodiversity was actually highest at latitudes far from the equator.

    Understanding why latitudinal biodiversity has shifted over hundreds of millions of years, often linked to mass extinction events, is critical in today’s world, where we’re facing climate change, habitat loss and decreasing biodiversity worldwide. Looking back in geological time reveals an alarming picture of what we’re set to lose if we fail to address increasing global temperatures.


    Modern biodiversity peaks in low-latitude equatorial regions, such as in the tropical rainforests of the Amazon and central Africa. This pattern is more likely to be recorded during “icehouse” times, when ice sheets are present in both poles simultaneously – like today.

    During warmer intervals, called “hothouse” or “greenhouse” Earth states, bimodal peaks have been recorded. This means there were two bands where biodiversity was highest, and these wrapped around the Earth at mid-latitudes, or regions sitting between 25° and 65° north and south of the equator.


    insights into past mass extinction events are critical for understanding how Earth’s current patchwork of biodiverse regions could change. As global temperatures continue to rise, some studies have predicted that species will disperse towards the poles from equatorial regions – but if the pace of change is too rapid, they risk going extinct.

    Others suggest that global warming might lead to the climate becoming more similar across different latitudes, potentially producing a peak in biodiversity at mid-latitudes. There’s already evidence that marine latitudinal biodiversity has become increasingly bimodal over the last 50 years.

    With a possible “sixth mass extinction” looming, or even already taking hold, a long-term perspective will be critical for understanding how to sustain Earth’s biodiversity into the future.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Pumping wells, water levels, and basins in California's Central Valley. (a) Well purposes, categorized on the basis of information recorded in the “Planned Use/Former Use” field of California's well completion database for those well completion reports meeting our quality control criteria for analysis (supporting information section S1). Most categorized wells have been constructed for either domestic (DOM) or agricultural use (AG), with a smaller share constructed to supply water to industry (IND). (b) Recorded well depths for those well completion reports meeting our quality control criteria for analysis (supporting information section S1). Well depths are generally shallower in the north and deeper in the south. (c) Well water level measurements made between 2013 and 2018. Like well depths, well water levels tend to be shallower in the north and deeper south. (d) Groundwater basins delineated by California's Bulletin 118, provided for context (Wyckoff & Floyd, 2016); yellow indicates basins deemed critically overdrafted, and green indicates basins not deemed critically overdrafted.

    TADEAS --- ---
    French court orders government to act on climate in next nine months | France | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    New Zealand experiences hottest June on record despite polar blast | New Zealand | The Guardian
    SEJDA --- ---
    Záplavy, požáry, hurikány a tornáda působí stále větší škody | E15.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    We’re Shocked, Shocked. Well, Not that Shocked | CleanTechnica

    Two top ExxonMobil lobbyists were caught on camera admitting that despite an appearance of supporting some climate policy now, the company is still lobbying against climate change legislation, UK’s Channel 4 News first reported. The footage was obtained by an undercover reporter working for Unearthed, Greenpeace UK’s investigative platform, who posed as a headhunter.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Citace ze soucasneho draftu ipcc

    Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas — these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30.

    “The choices societies make now will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds … But dangerous thresholds are closer than once thought, and dire consequences stemming from decades of unbridled carbon pollution are unavoidable in the short term.”

    The actual draft says, “The worst is yet to come, affecting our children’s and grandchildren’s lives much more than our own. We need transformational change operating on processes and behaviours at all levels: individual, communities, business, institutions and governments. We must redefine our way of life and consumption.” The authors go on to say, “current levels of adaptation will be inadequate. Life on Earth can recover from a drastic climate shift by evolving into new species and creating new ecosystems. Humans cannot.” (Emphasis added.)

    Living With A Never Ending Climate Emergency | CleanTechnica
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: asi zalezi od lokality, co chodim kazdy rok zbierat odpadky okolo vesnice, tak brciek som teda moc nenasiel, zato petky sa tam kazdy rok zjavia v hojnom pocte aj na miestach vyzbieranych rok predtym, tak s tym zbieranim to asi nie je take zhave, najhorsie ked ich hodia pod nejaky ruzovy krik, to sa tam vselijako plazis, aby ta to nedoskrabalo :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SEJDA: proboha, já nejsem fanoušek plastových brček... já jen konstatuju, že jejich obsah v atmosféře je minimální a na globální oteplování nemají vliv :-) téma znečištění prostředí a téma klimatické změny nejen, že jsou mimoběžný, ale částečně jdou proti sobě. plastový odpadky, který neproženeme spalovnama, ve skutečnosti nepřispějou k růstu CO2 (max. mírně zlevňujou benzín a naftu, protože co si budeme povídat, plasty jsou částečně odpad při výrobě pohonných hmot z ropy - jinak by nebyly tak levný, pochopitelně..)
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: plastovou lahev sebere kazdy i poloslepy, brcko uz tak snadno nenajdes, takze to byly brcka.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: ja si tipnem ze to neboli plastove brcka ale PET lahve, ak ano mozeme to dat ako podnet pre tych lobistov zo zalohujme.cz, ze si ich tam mozu ist vyzbierat, ze sa im to oplati :)))
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MRAKY: zasraný čmoudi, co si to dovolujou
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    BROZKEFF: učiněná tragedie

    link unrelated
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Kdepak naši soudruzi z NDR udělali chybu? (Alberta, Kanada)

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