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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Třetina procenta celosvětové spotřeby elektřiny na těžbu mi přijde šílené, na takovouto zbytečnost
    TADEAS --- ---

    Thread by @xr_cambridge on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    Emissions must fall 60% in 9 years & the IEA says zero new oil & gas projects for a hope of even ‘net’ zero. So it would be reasonable to assume laws are being passed to end exploration right? In fact, the world is on an oil & gas binge.

    US: Drilling in Alaska; record offshore oil and gas exploration, extracting 17m barrels a day, $323bn to be spent in 4 years (expenditure on climate under Biden’s infrastructure plan is $36bn)


    UK: recently granted 113 licences over 259 drilling blocks in the North Sea, two new platforms installed just last week


    China: 19 new projects in 2021, increasing production 4% to record 545-555 million barrels of oil equivalent, targeting 640-650 million barrels of oil equivalent in 2023


    Norway: 61 new oil and gas exploration licenses just granted


    Saudi Arabia: 4 new discoveries, record $140bn spend on oil and gas to 2025, 1.6m barrels a day in 2021


    Abu Dhabi: New oil field producing 45,000 barrels a day starting 2023


    Russia: just the 536 new oil and gas projects between now and 2025


    Canada: the tar sands produce 3m barrels a day. Trudeau government just greenlit 3 new offshore sites off Newfoundland


    Uganda: *423* new wells with drilling led by Chinese national oil and gas company. Oil coming on stream 2025.

    McDermott, Sinopec take $2bn Tilenga job in Uganda

    Nigeria: 100 new oil and gas sites coming into production between 2021 and 2024, one site alone producing 650,000 barrels every day, starting next year


    Greece: 10,000 barrels a day new site in development


    Mexico: New Zama site, 150,000 barrels a day by 2024

    Zama Oil Field - One of the world's biggest shallow-water discoveries

    Brazil: 92 “frontier” blocks up for sale next year


    Japan: Heavy crude oil production began a few months ago from its 1 offshore rig


    Australia: Around 500,000 barrels a day extracted, new discoveries come in all the time


    Uruguay: 7 new offshore drilling blocks auctioned


    Guyana: Exxon new discovery last week


    Qatar: $1billion offshore pipelines project


    New Zealand: new exploration in the waters off the poster child for progressive climate politics

    Todd secures onshore exploration permit in Taranaki basin, New Zealand

    Malaysia: 17 licenses up for auction including 3 new “study” sites


    Vietnam: new oil and gas discoveries last year led by Eni


    Iran: 2.4 million barrels a day, up 400,000 barrels a day from April 2020. New discovery adds 2.2 billion barrels a day.


    Indonesia: new discoveries, government extends exploration to find more to March 2022


    South Africa: New 60 trillion cubic feet gas discoveries by Total could be “gamechangers.” Yep. Not in the way they think though.


    Angola: 1.5m barrels a day extraction, new discoveries to add


    Namibia: possible 120bn barrel discovery


    Kazakhstan: new $850m plant to process oil from the Kashagan oil field which is targeting 500,000 barrels a day in 2027, up from 380,000 barrels a day now


    Papua New Guinea: new wells “back on track”


    Timor West: 3 new sites, production begins in autumn


    More Brazil: 2.8m barrels a day, new discoveries in Jan, new sites coming on stream this year


    Pakistan: recent new discoveries, gas extraction up 50% in one year, 2019-2020


    603 oil and gas projects scheduled to begin in the next 3.5 years, 420 in the US, the rest in Canada. 80% are *new* builds.

    The US dominates upcoming projects starts across oil and gas value chain

    Huge $3.6bn project off the coast of Darwin, Australia, gas coming on stream 2025



    Morocco Subsea Project Gets on Fast Track  | Rigzone

    New offshore oil and gas projects to hit record high in next 3.5 years

    Offshore projects to hit record high | Offshore
    JINDRICH --- ---
    V Jakutsku hoří už 2,1 mil ha a 1,5 mil a lesů je zničených. Okolo města Jakutsk to hoří z obou stran.
    Лесные пожары в Якутии: "Гринпис" не ждет улучшения ситуации до середины августа - BBC News Русская служба
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    KEB: Transformací myslíš výstavbu nabíjecích stanic a posílení rozvodné soustavy a výroby elektřiny? Lusknutím prstů samozřejmě ne, ale ten vývoj by měl jít rovnoměrně s rozvojem elektromobility. A to jak na straně provozovatelů nabíjecích stanic (stimulem ze strany státu), tak i na straně státu. Pokud stát (a nadstátní organizace - EU apod.) udělá A, tedy podporuje elektromobilitu a hází klacky pod nohy výrobcům aut se spalovacími motory, tak musí udělat i B, tedy podporovat nabíjení.

    PER2: Základní manuál? Seděl jsi někdy v Tesle? Myslíš, že někdo, kdo mí na prémiovou Teslu, má čas po nákupu si vzít týden dovolené a studovat to celé? :-)
    Oceňuju, že jsi tak vzorný člověk, že jsi nikdy nejel k pumpě s půl litrem v nádrži a že se Ti nikdy nevybil mobil :-)

    Omlouvám se za flame a končím.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Deep crisis: Deep adaptation… | Polity – Blog


    As we begin to emerge from a dark period of history dominated by the devastating Covid pandemic, many of us are therefore taking this opportunity to reassess things we previously took for granted: What parts of society really matters? How important is stuff? Love? Life itself? How should we work? How can we respond to future challenges? It is due to this new moment of reflection and re-consideration that I don’t think there could have been a more fitting time to release Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos, the new book I have co-authored with the originator of the deep adaptation concept, Jem Bendell. This will be the first book on the controversial subject of Deep Adaptation, and will advance from Bendell’s 2018 article “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy” which has been downloaded more than a million times.

    Deep adaptation is an emerging philosophical and social movement that is concerned with how to prepare ourselves to minimise the damage of the potential (and increasingly likely) social, political, and environmental collapse the future threatens us with. As I see it, it by no means constitutes us giving up on trying preventing these calamities, but it is a reasonable and necessary philosophical and practical exercise to undergo when we are honest with ourselves about the pretty desperate situation we are in.

    2021 is a critical year in the future of the human race, and one that we are now almost halfway through. If the post-Covid ‘reset’ is not green, if it does not seriously confront the challenges and take swift measures to curtail the worst of pollution, emissions, and environmental destruction, then we accelerate toward collapse. With this in mind, how do we begin to talk to each other, reorganise communities, and learn to live under the shadow of the all-too-realistic possibility of societal collapse? This is quickly becoming one of the most important questions to ask, and humanity must come up with an answer. The conversation that our book attempts to spark is one that will deal with these issues head-on.

    Deep Adaptation is a growing school of thought, and the idea of adaptation is creeping steadily up the international agenda (it is a headline item at the autumn’s COP, for the first time ever). Despite this, it is still being taken nowhere near as seriously as ‘mitigation’/prevention. Why?: because once we start talking about or even doing adaptation, we can no longer deny how bad the situation is. And that is what most people are still uncomfortable doing. This failure to engage seriously with adaptation, let alone deep adaptation, risks being a form of tacit/soft climate-denial in action.

    Let me be frank: It’s time to prepare for the worst. But that is because, if we don’t prepare for the worst, we could get burnt the worst. I’m not giving up on the fight to stop our society undermining its own future existence, far from it! On the contrary, when I contemplate the likelihood of collapse, and the need therefore for deep adaptation, it makes me all the more determined to try to stop collapse, even if the chances of succeeding in doing so seem slim. But: not being willing to be honest enough to contemplate it isn’t going to help us.


    This book is systems-thinking for our time. It opens up a space for a debate that has been avoided for too long. We hope deeply that you will take up the invitation it offers.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Dr. Britt Wray @brittwray

    This is a really important article digging into how adults offload their climate anxiety into kids and how kids are demanding adults get behind them and stop being so delusional, all while taking enormous hits to their mental health.

    How do kids feel about climate change? | Popular Science
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Green Moral Hazards


    Moral hazards are ubiquitous. Green ones typically involve technological fixes: Environmentalists often see ‘technofixes’ as morally fraught because they absolve actors from taking more difficult steps toward systemic solutions. Carbon removal and especially solar geoengineering are only the latest example of such technologies. We here explore green moral hazards throughout American history. We argue that dismissing (solar) geoengineering on moral hazard grounds is often unproductive. Instead, especially those vehemently opposed to the technology should use it as an opportunity to expand the attention paid to the underlying environmental problem in the first place, actively invoking its opposite: ‘inverse moral hazards’.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Reality Blind Volume 1 is out. Deep time, brain/behavior, ecology and energy/money/economy.

    Reality Blind - Vol. 1
    TADEAS --- ---
    jake otepleni zazijete za vaseho zivota

    TADEAS --- ---
    hyperpredator, hypercivilizator, ultrasocializator .)

    The ultrasocial origin of the Anthropocene - ScienceDirect

    - Human ultrasociality shows the same pattern as other non-human ultrasocial species.
    - Exploring ultrasociality can offer insights into the current human predicament.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Blow for CCS: Chevron's giant carbon capture project falling short of targets

    US supermajor Chevron has failed to meet its emission reduction targets at its Gorgon liquefied natural gas project in Western Australia after a troubled start to the carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility.

    Chevron confirmed on Monday that it was not going to meet its promised injection rates, with the project only capturing a fraction of the carbon dioxide expected during its first five years of operation.


    “It’s a shocking failure of one of the world’s largest engineering projects. But, given the lack of rigour and testing around the technology that was used, I cannot say it is unexpected,” chairperson of Sustainable Energy Now, WA, Ian Porter said.

    “Chevron needs to face significant fines and be forced to offset the more than 6 million tonnes of unauthorised legacy carbon dioxide releases. Gorgon’s failure poses a major problem for any oil and gas company betting on CCS to meet net zero.”

    Porter added that he believed oil and gas companies were being “overly optimistic” in their assumptions for the potential success of CCS in order to argue for the expansion of oil and gas extraction.

    “CCS simply does not work at the scale and at the price needed to undo the damage that will be created by these projects,” he claimed.

    “I sincerely hope CCS does work one day. Ultimately, we need it. But until that time, it is reckless and disingenuous for the industry to keep pretending that it can expand operations and reach net zero.”
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Tracking sustainable recoveries – Sustainable Recovery Tracker – Analysis - IEA

    Objem emisí skleníkových plynů dosáhne v roce 2023 opět na dosavadní maximum a poté bude dál narůstat, odhaduje v nejnovější zprávě Mezinárodní agentura pro energii (IEA). Důvodem je zotavování ekonomik po koronavirové krizi a to, že státy investovaly do čisté energie pouze dvě procenta pandemické pomoci.

    Loni se kvůli protiepidemickým opatřením snížila globální produkce oxidu uhličitého související s energií na 31,4 miliardy tun. Letos to však podle nejnovější studie IEA vypadá na druhý nejvyšší meziroční nárůst produkce v historii, kvůli ekonomickému zotavování. Emise vzrostou i napřesrok a v roce 2023 pak překonají dosavadní rekord z roku 2018, odhaduje agentura.

    Ani tam se však podle ní nárůst nezastaví a v následujících letech bude pokračovat, což významně ohrozí snahu o uhlíkovou neutralitu v roce 2050, k níž se hlásí drtivá většina států. Prohlášení vlád z celého světa, že po pandemii bude budoucnost „čistější”, tak podle šéfa IEA Fatiha Birola zůstala pouze u slibů.

    TUHO --- ---
    JINDRICH: haha, demence hlavni havlickova pracovni napln
    KEB --- ---
    RADIQAL: nesměřuj to na mne ale na id bobash. Narazis na něj v auto auditkach :-)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Thread o zaplavach z ciny. Vsechno je tam vetsi, I prusery.

    RADIQAL --- ---

    “Takže i vy budete jednou jezdit na elektřinu, protože přijde chvíle, kdy budete sami chtít. A že vám to chce EU vnutit, vám může být buřt. Sami totiž nejspíš budete chtít dřív, i když si to teď možná ještě nemyslíte.”

    @GT: omen nomen, globalni troll ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    JINDRICH: to sedi
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