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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: tak ono to souvisí, protože jedno vlhké jaro podle všeho nestačilo, aby se obnovila integrita půdy a holt se to zřejmě o to snadněji spláchlo. na většině míst jsou vidět přívaly bláta. (to město v Německu, které si na svém okraji kutalo obří jámu, to je kapitola sama pro sebe, to ani nespadá do kapitoly krimatická klize, to je poučka z obecného betonářství, že se vytěží hromada písku do betonu a pak se do té díry spláchne okolí :-)

    přívalové deště jsou i na pouštích, občas.. .akorát tam chybí půda, do které by se vsákly
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A Belgie minuly rok

    Belgium is facing its driest May since the 19th century, with conditions that have stunted crop growth and cut yields in the agricultural province of West Flanders.
    The region’s governor Carl Decaluwe on Monday banned water pumping from streams running off the Yser river, after levels fell below 2.9 metres.
    “We had to do it because otherwise the damage would be irreparable,” Decaluwe said, adding a prolonged drought could cost the region “tens of millions” of euros in damages.
    “We haven’t seen such low water levels in 30 years, and we are experiencing the driest weeks in 120 years.”
    For farmers, who usually pump riverwater into their fields, the ban has left them waiting for rain.
    “Normally I get 50 to 60 tonnes of corn from an acre. But now we will have to be happy with only half of that - on the condition that it will start raining again,” Joel Van Coppenolle, a farmer from the town of Kaaskerke, said. As he spoke, he stood in fields where his corn seedlings are half their usual size, and the soil is cracked and dusty.

    Drought adds to Belgian farmers' coronavirus misery | Reuters
    TUHO --- ---
    Belgium has been hit by floods for the second time in just over a week.
    The provinces of Namur and Walloon Brabant southeast of the capital city Brussels were among the worst hit, after thunderstorms and heavy rain reached the country on Saturday.

    Severe Flooding Carries Cars and Leaves Heavy Damage in Dinant, Belgium

    Drought adds to Belgian farmers' coronavirus misery | Reuters
    TUHO --- ---
    Herrington, 39, says she undertook the update (available on the KPMG website and credited to its publisher, the Yale Journal of Industrial Ecology) independently “out of pure curiosity about data accuracy”. Her findings were bleak: current data aligns well with the 1970s analysis that showed economic growth could end at the end of the current decade and collapse come about 10 years later (in worst case scenarios).

    The timing of Herrington’s paper, as world economies grapple with the impact of the pandemic, is highly prescient as governments largely look to return economies to business-as-usual growth, despite loud warnings that continuing economic growth is incompatible with sustainability.

    Earlier this year, in a paper titled Beyond Growth, the analyst wrote plainly: “Amidst global slowdown and risks of depressed future growth potential from climate change, social unrest, and geopolitical instability, to name a few, responsible leaders face the possibility that growth will be limited in the future. And only a fool keeps chasing an impossibility.”

    Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction | Climate change | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Extreme weather takes climate change models ‘off the scale’

    Extreme weather takes climate change models ‘off the scale’
    Scientists say the shifting pattern of the jet stream is exacerbating the effects of climate change


    Climate scientists say the severity of these events is simply “off scale” compared with what atmospheric models forecast — even when global warming is fully taken into account.

    “I think I would be speaking for many climate scientists to say that we are a bit shocked at what we are seeing,” said Chris Rapley, professor of climate science at University College London. “There is a dramatic change in the frequency with which extreme [weather] events occur.” 

    From the deadly flooding in Germany last week, to scorching heat in Canada, and a deluge in the Black Sea region, the pace and scale of catastrophic damage has been almost unimaginable, even for experts who have spent their lives studying it.

    One driver behind many of these events is the shifting pattern of the jet stream, a fast-flowing band of air that governs weather in the Northern hemisphere. It is becoming slower and wavier, particularly in summer months.


    This means heatwaves and drought (linked to high pressure systems) and flooding (linked to low pressure systems) both become more persistent.


    Mann is worried that current models do not reproduce the jet stream behaviour accurately. “This means they are underestimating the magnitude of the impact of climate change on extreme weather events,” he says.

    “While the overall warming of the planet is pretty much in line with climate model predictions from decades ago, the rise in extreme weather events is exceeding the predictions,” Mann notes.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: taky to muzes vest dal, za protrzeni prehrad muze clovek, protoze postavil prehrady. a kazda prehrada jednou skonci, bud managovane (vypustenim) nebo nemanagovane (vyschnutim, protrzenim). :)

    co se tyce klima zmeny, ta je pricinou v tom smyslu, ze ty vykyvy jsou vetsi a proto snadno presahnou planovanou kapacitu infrastruktury.
    PER2 --- ---
    v cine je pres 100.000 vodnich nadrzi a velka cast se stavela v 50. -70. letech (zivotnost byva kolem 50 let) skoro vesina jsou sypane hraze a na jejich udrzbu se davaj stejny prachy asi jako v cechach na cokoliv statniho, podle statistik za poslenich nekolik desetileti je v cine rocni sance na dam failure (0.088%) 4x vetsi nez prumerne ve svete (0.02%), kolem roku 2005 v cine kazdy rok selhalo cca 70 prehrad/hrazi, nevim jaky cisla maji ted

    neni cela historie ciny zalozena na zaplavach a ze nejlepsi vudce bude ten, ktery vodu dokaze zkrotit? rekl bych ze na podfinancovany hraze bez penez na udrzbu a rozvoj obrovskych mest pod nima za poslednich par dekad si vedou porad docela dobre

    ale urcite za vsechno muze zmena klimatu
    DZODZO --- ---
    Postavili priehradu proti zaplavam, ale asi ju poddimenzovali, navrhli ju iba na pravidelne zaplavy kazdy rok ale nie na 1000-rocnu vodu
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: tohle je ilustrace hranic ekosystem/civilizace. civilizacni development je krehkej a neni rezilientni vuci ekosystemovejm procesum (obzvlast v ty dnesni variante jejich nadlimitniho vychylovani). tzn. rezilience spociva primarne v tech zivejch (biologickejch, vc. lidi) potazmo ekosystemovejch strukturach. jakejkoliv development je systemove videno sekundarni vuci ekosystemu (a jeho managementu). jako maj infrastruktury svoji urcitou hybnost a cas potrebnej k transformaci (pokud ma byt udrzena kontinuita), tak to je podobne i v rovine ekosystemu. ekosystemove, pokud ekosystem podrazujeme narokum civilizace je v ekosystemu jistej dluh, kdy primarni regenerace ekosystemovejch vazeb trva nejakejch 5-10-20 let (horni hranice vc. kulturni zmeny, updatu instituci, lidskyho vedeni, atp.).
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: ten pristup je mi jasnej :) spis sem zvedavej na ty dopady.

    Imho je udrzitelnejsi cesta odsolovani a rovnomerny zavlazovani, nez poroucet nebesum
    TUHO --- ---
    Kolapsy hrazi v Cine po masivnich zaplavach

    Dam Collapse In China • China Dam Collapse • China Dam Collapse 2021 [Two dams in China collapse]
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: kdyz mas prachy, tak te nezajima, ze neco narusis, dulezity je, ze tvoje zeme ma vodu, na sousedy sere pes ;)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: mno, v dusledku se tim ale narusi prirozeny cykly, takze narusis rovnovahu tech ekosystemu, ktery prijdou o srazky. Pokud tohle nebude managovany globalne, tak v dusledku to muze zpusobit daleko rychlejsi krize, nez "plynuly" globalni oteplovani

    MARSHUS --- ---

    zase si muzete precist pravdepodobne jeden clanek bez paywallu, kdyz tak z browseru co nepouzivate. economist tuhle zalezitost informovane ignoroval dost dlouho, je dobre ze tyhle pacholci to zacinaji brat vazne.

    btw. kde tu mame auditko kolaps :/
    TUHO --- ---
    Reforma naopak přináší významnou změnu pro sektory dopravy a budov, kde hrozí přenést náklady za emise plošně na obyvatele. Emise z dopravy a budov spadaly dosud pod tzv. nařízení o sdílení úsilí a podléhaly tak závazným emisním cílům jednotlivých členských států. Komise ale navzdory kritice ze strany nevládních organizací navrhla vytvořit pro tyto sektory nový systém obchodování s emisními povolenkami, jehož důsledkem bude nejspíš zvýšení cen pohonných hmot a vytápění. Opatření tak plošně dopadne na všechny.

    Přenášení nákladů na domácnosti současně s ponecháním výše zmíněných úlev pro významné průmyslové znečišťovatele je nepochopitelným selháním předloženého návrhu. Evropská komise se pokusila vyvážit jej návrhem nového sociálního fondu, který by měl část emisních povolenek přetavit v příspěvky pro nejvýrazněji zasažené rodiny a obyvatele. Ani tento fond ale pravděpodobně nebude pro nízkopříjmové domácnosti dostatečnou kompenzací.

    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PER2: Muze nespadnout ten nad morem, teoreticky.
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: prijde mi celkem logicky, ze kdyz vyvolas dest v jedny oblasti, tak v jine ho musi spadnout min ... v podstate vyhrava ten, kdo ma vic penez
    SHEFIK --- ---


    Požáry se kvůli změnám klimatu stávají rozsáhlejšími a také déle hoří. Ten, který minulý týden vzplanul v jižním Oregonu na západě Spojených států, je letos zatím úplně největší v celé zemi. Kromě spálené půdy, zničených domů a tisícovek evakuovaných má tento požár ještě jeden další děsivý dopad: narušuje zemskou atmosféru a ovlivňuje počasí. Výsledkem tak mohou být ohnivá tornáda.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fire vs Fungi: our choice to cool the planet naturally and in time

    Fire vs Fungi: our choice to naturally cool the planet and in time' (14 min 30 sec) tells an overwhelmingly important, interconnected and inspiring story that uproots the narrative of 'doom and gloom' and replants it with an empowering 'yes, we can regenerate earth's bio-systems to cool the planet naturally and in time and reverse climate change.'

    It starts with cultivating more of the tiny superheroes literally underneath our feet to restore what's known as the Earth's natural carbon sponge.

    Wild fire incidence can be reduced, landscapes can be restored and rehydrated, vast tracts of Earth's arid lands can be regenerated.

    As we walk with climate scientist and soil micro-biologist Walter Jehne and outdoor educator Katja Hesse in the Rainforest Gully at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra, the conclusion is clear: 'We can naturally and safely cool this planet within years. Everywhere. We've got a planet to save.'

    * * *

    Accompanying notes

    The rainforest was designed to recycle the water from its runoff via the mist to create the more mesic micro environment to enable the soil microbial and plant successions to occur. For most of the past 50 years it has developed largely on this basis more efficiently using and cycling the same rainfall that the adjacent dry woodland gets (but without this human-induced, small water cycle).

    Hence it is how the rain is used rather than how much rain is received that is the key variable in its development. The question now is does the rainforest canopy harvest more water from fogs and mist than the surrounding natural dry forest but the Australian National Botanic Gardens don’t have data on this.

    They have recently watered some areas that they have cleared to help establish introduced rainforest plants and to help survival in our drought but overall it has been established using the existing rainfall more efficiently. This is consistent with the natural occurrence of over 1200 patches of residual rainforest across northern Australia with some surviving in semi arid climates like central Australia by creating such micro-climates.
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