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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    LINKOS --- ---
    SEJDA: na Snowpierceru se mi líbí hlavně ten sociální rozměr. Zničíme planetu a zachráníme jen ty co se na tom dost napakovali a můžou si dovolit zaplatit jízdenku.
    DNF --- ---
    JIMIQ: Tak to jsi naivka ;) Pokud zfalsujes jednu dve studie, prachy na tvoje superzarizeni se jen pohrnou. Az se zjisti, ze vyroba+udrzba+provoz generuje vic CO2 nez to zachyti, mas nakapsovano a nasrat.

    Nerikam, ze to tak je, ale tenhle scenar je tak lehce predstavitelnej, ze tomu proste verit nejde z hlediska pravdepodobnosti.
    TADEAS --- ---
    "I'm telling you that we're putting our kids onto a global school bus that will with 98% probability end in a deadly crash." —Schellnhuber, saying what leaders don't want to admit.


    "I've for many years encouraged young people to ask: don't you want to think about the future in which you will want to live—or else, die? Now (XR, fff) the finally start to take their fate into their own hands." —Schellnhuber 2019. https://t.co/mCYcYhhks3
    TADEAS --- ---
    Delayed emergence of a global temperature response after emission mitigation | Nature Communications

    Here, we investigate when we could expect a significant change in the evolution of global mean surface temperature after strong mitigation of individual climate forcers. Anthropogenic CO2 has the highest potential for a rapidly measurable influence, combined with long term benefits, but the required mitigation is very strong. Black Carbon (BC) mitigation could be rapidly discernible, but has a low net gain in the longer term. Methane mitigation combines rapid effects on surface temperature with long term effects. For other gases or aerosols, even fully removing anthropogenic emissions is unlikely to have a discernible impact before mid-century.
    TADEAS --- ---

    COVID-19 lockdowns temporarily raised global temperatures

    Temperatures over parts of Earth's land surface last spring were about 0.2-0.5 degrees Fahrenheit (0.1-0.3 degrees Celsius) warmer than would have been expected with prevailing weather conditions, the study found. The effect was most pronounced in regions that normally are associated with substantial emissions of aerosols, with the warming reaching about 0.7 degrees F (0.37 C) over much of the United States and Russia.

    The new study highlights the complex and often conflicting influences of different types of emissions from power plants, motor vehicles, industrial facilities, and other sources. While aerosols tend to brighten clouds and reflect heat from the Sun back into space, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have the opposite effect, trapping heat near the planet's surface and elevating temperatures.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe’s top 25 banks failing on green pledges, campaigners warn | Corporate governance | The Guardian

    Europe’s 25 largest banks are still failing to present comprehensive plans that address both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, putting their sustainability pledges in doubt, campaigners have warned.

    While some lenders such as NatWest are demonstrating leadership on specific issues – such as net zero targets and policies restricting financing for new fossil fuel – research by investment campaign group ShareAction found none of the banks it reviewed were taking action across all key areas.

    These are: biodiversity; exposure to high-carbon sectors; policies restricting services to sectors such as oil and gas; and linking executive pay to progress on climate issues.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Kim Stanley Robinson: a climate plan for a world in flames

    Pluralistic: 23 Aug 2021 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

    WWII was visible on the horizon for years, this impending doom that everyone saw coming – that people might have done something about. They tried – the League of Nations – but in the end, the crisis couldn't be averted.

    For Robinson, the climate emergency is a WWII kind of emergency, and the Paris Accord is our League of Nations – thought whether it will enough to blunt the emergency is a great unknown.

    Robinson lays out the problem. The world's petrostates – America, Canada, Russia, Australia, Saudi, Norway, etc – need to be bribed or coerced or shamed or convinced not to murder us all in order to make a couple trillion before the music stops.

    It's a wicked problem, and in a fundamental sense, it's a monetary problem. A market system can't solve this. Re-engineering the world's infrastructure to decarbonize it is all costs, no profit. Stranding fossil fuel assets is market poison.

    The market inescapably misprices existential risk: "The market systemically misprices things by way of improper discounting of the future, false externalities and many other predatory miscalculations, which have led to gross inequality and biosphere destruction."

    Saving the planet is not high-yield. Building a "planetary sewage system" to "retrieve and disposing of the waste we’ve been dumping into the atmosphere" is a money-loser: "no one actually wants thousands of billions of tons of dry ice."

    Despite the looming disaster, Robinson is bullish on the 89 large central banks' Network for Greening the Financial System and its "climate scenarios," which seriously contemplates reorienting the planet's productive capacity to climate mitigation.


    Given the power of science and the possibility of "carbon quantitative easing" (a possibility that owes itself to the collapse of deficit hawkism after the 2008 and 2020 stimuluses, which had many defects, but didn't trigger runaway inflation), Robinson sees cause for hope.

    "The time has come to admit we control our economy for the common good. Crucial at all times, this realisation is especially important in our current need to dodge a mass-extinction event. The invisible hand never picks up the cheque; therefore we must govern ourselves."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Anti-logging protest becomes Canada’s biggest ever act of civil disobedience | Canada | The Guardian

    A string of protests against old-growth logging in western Canada have become the biggest act of civil disobedience in the country’s history, with the arrest of least 866 people since April.

    The bitter fight over the future of Vancouver Island’s diminishing ancient forests – in which activists used guerrilla methods of resistance such as locking their bodies to the logging road and police responded by beating, dragging and pepper-spraying demonstrators – has surpassed the previous record of arrests set in the 1990s at the anti-logging protests dubbed the “War in the Woods”

    For months, hundreds of activists with the Rainforest Flying Squad have camped out in the remote Fairy Creek watershed in a desperate attempt to shift the course of logging in the region

    They have chained themselves to tripods crafted from logs, suspended themselves in trees and even locked their arms inside devices called “sleeping dragons” cemented into the ground.


    The Pacheedaht elected council has a revenue sharing agreement with the logging company Teal-Jones Group and have repeatedly asked demonstrators to leave the area and to respect the sovereignty of the nation.

    “We do not welcome or support unsolicited involvement or interference by others in our Territory, including third-party activism,” hereditary chief Frank Queesto Jones said in a letter from April
    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: taky k tomu pristupuji jako k pilotnímu projektu a technickému demonstratoru
    DZODZO --- ---
    Tak ako prototyp na otestovanie to asi nemusi byt ziadny zazrak, baterie tiez nemali prvy den energeticku hustotu jak dnes a dobre ze ten vyvoj nezabalili
    JIMIQ --- ---
    PER2: mne ani nenapadlo ze by nekdo delal zachycovani co2 ktere by vic co2 do atmosfery vypustilo
    PER2 --- ---
    JIMIQ: to neni filozofie, to je normalni uvazovani
    jestli by ti prislo ok vygenerovat vic co2 (na vsechny etapy toho zarizeni + energii) nez ho zachytit, tak to by byla fakt pecka
    a podle studii jim to vychazi i s tim, takze asi ok

    GOJATLA: vybuch supervulkanu nebo dopad vetsiho asteroidu fakt neni problem jen na chvilku, ale dost pravdedopodne na par generaci, lokalni jaderny konflikt ti neudela nic, potrebujes full scale global nuclear war
    mne ochlazeni planety prijde jako docela efektivni reseni klimaticky krize popravde
    GOJATLA --- ---
    PER2: CCS je podvod, cílem je vyvolat představu, že můžeme dál vypouštět emise, protože je jednou někdo dokáže zase dostat pod zem. Hopium, podobně jako geoinženýring.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    PER2: tak pri takoveto filozofii je fakt nejlepsi se rovnou odprasknout - ale pozor u ta pistole a kulka maji uhlikovou stopu :D
    GOJATLA --- ---
    PER2: Psal si, že ochladit zemi nebude zas tak velký problém. To je sice pravda, ale není to řešení klimatické krize. Nejrychlejší cesta k ochlazení je globální nebo i lokální jaderný konflikt. Šance, že se ho dožijeme není vůbec zanedbatelná. Jo, výbuch supervulkánu nebo dopad asteroidu bude krátkodobě ještě ničivější než oteplování. Ale na rozdíl od oteplování nemáme důkazy, že nám v dohledné době hrozí, že s tím můžeme něco dělat a že si za to navíc můžeme i sami. Představ si, že by nás měl za 20 let zničit asteroid, vlády to ví už 30 let ale pořád se jen dohadují, kdo zaplatí misi, která ho odkloní. A voliči tomu tleskají.
    PER2 --- ---
    JIMIQ: no myslim, ze ty trubky a zelezny profily z kterych je to vyrobeny + ten natezenej sorbent a vrty atd, tohle vsechno se tam asi neteleportovalo samo a nepostavilo se to samo a samo se to ani nevyrobilo, takze fakt nevim hele
    JIMIQ --- ---
    PER2: “ Obě technologie využívají obnovitelnou energii z blízké geotermální elektrárny.”
    Co myslis? :)
    PER2 --- ---
    KEB: "ročně odsaje 4000 tun oxidu uhličitého ze vzduchu. To odpovídá ročním emisím zhruba 790 aut."
    docela by me zajimalo jakou ma to zarizeni uhlikovou stopu :)))
    PER2 --- ---
    GOJATLA: nikdy jsem nikde nenapsal, ze to bude snadne, nebude, je tam plno veci, co ti do toho muze hodit vidle a prestrelis to, lidstvo jsou mali pani .... ale nic jinyho nez geoengineering nam nakonec nezbude, just matter of time
    a ochlazeni planety porad vidim jako mnohem vetsi hrozbu nez oteplovani

    (ps: jsou i jine zpusoby nez jen vypoustet so2)
    KEB --- ---
    Na Islandu zahajuje provoz největší zařízení pro odsávání CO2 ze vzduchu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam