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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: asi myslíš @ClimateBen na Twitteru, mívá takový
    TUHO --- ---
    Hele prosimvas, kdysi tady nekdo hazel takovej vtipnej tweet, kde bylo shrnuti neco ve smyslu:
    1,5 degrees collapse of xyz
    2 degrees dying of abc
    3 degrees massive collapse of dfd
    5 degrees apocalypse

    currently we are at ...

    Nemate nekdo po ruce? Dik
    DESMOND --- ---
    TADEAS: je to pěkné, ale argumentace Kambodžou apod. mi přijde jako chyba, myslím že Čechy jen utvrzuje v pohádce, že se to týká někoho jiného.. Ale budu doufat, že to zapůsobí. :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Many thousands of words have been written about what the COP26 climate summit should be aiming to achieve, according to a multitude of different perspectives.

    Interactive: Who wants what at the COP26 climate change summit - Carbon Brief
    PER2 --- ---
    Big oil CEOs just lied before Congress. It’s time they’re held accountable | Jamie Henn | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Foto: Tajemná česká sprejerka tvoří obří graffiti, aby upozornila na klimatickou změnu - Aktuálně.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Angus Taylor to promote fossil fuels at Glasgow Cop26 climate summit | Australian politics | The Guardian

    Angus Taylor has declared he will use a major climate summit in Glasgow to promote Australia as a good place to invest in fossil fuel projects
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jsme líní a rozmazlení, změna životního stylu je neodvratná. Green Deal bude ohromně drahý, říká Drábová | DVTV - první internetová televize

    „Část společnosti se teď propadá do energetické chudoby, ale dala bych si pozor na to mluvit o krizi. Nejzásadnější důvod je dlouhodobý, je nás skoro osm miliard a všichni potřebují nějaké zdroje, ale ty má planeta omezené. A ukazuje se, že ani náhodou nevíme, jak fosilní zdroje nahradíme. Vyžaduje to nový stav mysli,” míní šéfka úřadu pro jadernou bezpečnost Dana Drábová. „Už se to musí konečně začít říkat velmi nahlas - start Green Dealu bude ohromně drahý a pro Česko to bude těžké, bude to ale dobrý impuls k inovacím,” dodává.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: jo ja uz zachytil tykacovo vyhlaseni, ktery si ze svejch kyperskejxh matek zacal rozjizdet mantru o narodni bance ,)) tak odsud vitr vane
    TADEAS --- ---
    Radek Kubala

    Zatímco všichni sledují vývoj pandemie, zdraví prezidenta nebo sestavování vlády tak tuzemská oligarchie připravila krok, kterým chce pomoct zachránit uhlí a další fosilní paliva při životě. PPF společně s Tykačem chtějí ovládnout Monetu a spojit ji s Air Bank, Zonky a Home Creditem. Zkrátka vytvořit velký bankovní moloch s cílem zvrátit situaci na finančním trhu, který uhlí a fosilní paliva odmítá.

    Pokud by se jim to povedlo, snahu o ochranu klimatu u nás by to posunulo o tři kroky nazpátek. Naštěstí to nebudou mít tak jednoduché.

    Snaha PPF a Tykače ovládnout Monetu je hrozbou pro budoucnost klimatu
    TADEAS --- ---
    Great Wall of Lights: China’s sea power on Darwin’s doorstep

    By all accounts, the Humboldt squid — named for the nutrient-rich current found off the southwest coast of South America — is one of the most abundant marine species. Some scientists believe their numbers may even be thriving as the oceans warm and their natural predators, sharks, and tuna, are fished out of existence.

    But biologists say they’ve never faced a threat like the explosion of industrial Chinese fishing off South America.

    The number of Chinese-flagged vessels in the south Pacific has surged 10-fold from 54 active vessels in 2009 to 557 in 2020, according to the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization, or SPRFMO, an inter-governmental group of 15 members charged with ensuring the conservation and sustainable fishing of the species. Meanwhile, the size of its catch has grown from 70,000 tons in 2009 to 358,000.

    Fishing takes place almost exclusively at night when each ship turns on hundreds of lights as powerful as anything at a stadium to attract swarms of the fast-flying squid. The concentration of lights is so intense it can be seen from space on satellite images that show the massive fleet shining as brightly as major cities hundreds of miles away on land.


    The Chinese fleet is able to fish for sometimes years at a time because they can offload their catch at sea into a network of giant refrigerated vessels, or reefers, capable of hauling more than 15,000 cubic meters of fish — enough to fill six Olympic-sized pools — to port. Giant tankers provide cheap fuel heavily subsidized by the Chinese government, adding to the environmental burden.


    Nearly 11% of total U.S. seafood imports in 2019 worth $2.4 billion came from illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission, a federal agency. Outside the U.S., the problem is believed to be even worse.

    “We don’t know if things are getting better or worse,” said Boris Worm, a marine biologist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. “It basically comes down to who you believe.”


    TADEAS --- ---
    Nikdy jsem nemyslel, že budeme žít takhle. Zoufalství obětí klimatu ve fotkách - Seznam Zprávy
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Vědci chtějí oživit „mamuta“. Měl by lidem pomoct se zastavením oteplování Země - VOXPOT
    TADEAS --- ---
    60 zemí se přidalo k dohodě Evropské unie s USA o snížení emisí metanu. Leyenová vyzývá i další | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Patrick Worms

    Plant-based meat substitutes and lab-grown meat not only require enormous amount of (carbon-intensive) energy, but are increasingly being controlled by a handful of dairy/meat monopolies (e.g. Tyson, Cargill and JBS) with ties to all your favourite venture capitalists and 1% billionaires.

    These companies are rebranding themselves around "protein" and the net result has so far meant higher prices, lower incomes to factory workers and farmers, decreasing agricultural diversity, and more intensified monoculture. So much for going "green".

    Perhaps more scary still is how people on the so-called left are increasingly getting on board with this, including by promoting things like "compulsory global veganism".

    Op-ed: Giant Meat and Dairy Companies Are Dominating the Plant-Based and Cellular Meat Market | Civil Eats

    TADEAS --- ---
    Letter: Germany should postpone nuclear exit  to help  climate
    TADEAS --- ---

    President Biden’s Silk Purse: Young People Will Sit in Judgment

    The cruel hoax perpetrated at COP meetings must be apparent to IPCC scientists, but with rare exception (e.g., Kevin Anderson) the alarm is not sounded: it is now impossible to achieve the Paris agreement goal with the COP diplomatic approach. Scientists with even a smattering of understanding of global energy use realize the limitations imposed by realpolitik and realpolitic, even if they do not use those words.

    Realpolitik refers to much more than the fact that a political leader must be certain to “keep the lights on.” A more important factor is the desire of the public to raise their living standard. Fossil fuels are a convenient, inexpensive source of great energy. They will be used, unless an equal or better alternative is available. It takes time to develop adequate alternatives.

    Realpolitic causes additional delay due to poor governance. A political leader may find it convenient to obtain support by denying the reality or seriousness of climate change. The fossil fuel industry may find it easier to bribe governments, rather than develop clean energies.

    Political leaders understand these limitations that make it difficult to achieve global emission reductions, especially in the near term. Thus, they set goals for some time in the future when they will likely be out of office, if not dead. The consequence of this delay tactic is that the positive exclamations at the conclusion of COP meetings are bullshit.

    Realpolitik and realpolitic limitations can be overcome, if basic energy facts are understood and addressed. The first basic fact is that fossil fuels are readily available and they will be used as long as their price does not include their costs to society. Those costs include air pollution, water pollution, and, especially, climate change. The second basic fact is that renewable energies must be complemented by a reliable 24/7 energy source, and the choices for the foreseeable future are nuclear power and fossil fuels. In principle, fossil fuels might be used with carbon capture, but the only ready – or almost ready – complement for renewables is nuclear power.
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