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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Vědci chtějí oživit „mamuta“. Měl by lidem pomoct se zastavením oteplování Země - VOXPOT
    TADEAS --- ---
    60 zemí se přidalo k dohodě Evropské unie s USA o snížení emisí metanu. Leyenová vyzývá i další | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Patrick Worms

    Plant-based meat substitutes and lab-grown meat not only require enormous amount of (carbon-intensive) energy, but are increasingly being controlled by a handful of dairy/meat monopolies (e.g. Tyson, Cargill and JBS) with ties to all your favourite venture capitalists and 1% billionaires.

    These companies are rebranding themselves around "protein" and the net result has so far meant higher prices, lower incomes to factory workers and farmers, decreasing agricultural diversity, and more intensified monoculture. So much for going "green".

    Perhaps more scary still is how people on the so-called left are increasingly getting on board with this, including by promoting things like "compulsory global veganism".

    Op-ed: Giant Meat and Dairy Companies Are Dominating the Plant-Based and Cellular Meat Market | Civil Eats

    TADEAS --- ---
    Letter: Germany should postpone nuclear exit  to help  climate
    TADEAS --- ---

    President Biden’s Silk Purse: Young People Will Sit in Judgment

    The cruel hoax perpetrated at COP meetings must be apparent to IPCC scientists, but with rare exception (e.g., Kevin Anderson) the alarm is not sounded: it is now impossible to achieve the Paris agreement goal with the COP diplomatic approach. Scientists with even a smattering of understanding of global energy use realize the limitations imposed by realpolitik and realpolitic, even if they do not use those words.

    Realpolitik refers to much more than the fact that a political leader must be certain to “keep the lights on.” A more important factor is the desire of the public to raise their living standard. Fossil fuels are a convenient, inexpensive source of great energy. They will be used, unless an equal or better alternative is available. It takes time to develop adequate alternatives.

    Realpolitic causes additional delay due to poor governance. A political leader may find it convenient to obtain support by denying the reality or seriousness of climate change. The fossil fuel industry may find it easier to bribe governments, rather than develop clean energies.

    Political leaders understand these limitations that make it difficult to achieve global emission reductions, especially in the near term. Thus, they set goals for some time in the future when they will likely be out of office, if not dead. The consequence of this delay tactic is that the positive exclamations at the conclusion of COP meetings are bullshit.

    Realpolitik and realpolitic limitations can be overcome, if basic energy facts are understood and addressed. The first basic fact is that fossil fuels are readily available and they will be used as long as their price does not include their costs to society. Those costs include air pollution, water pollution, and, especially, climate change. The second basic fact is that renewable energies must be complemented by a reliable 24/7 energy source, and the choices for the foreseeable future are nuclear power and fossil fuels. In principle, fossil fuels might be used with carbon capture, but the only ready – or almost ready – complement for renewables is nuclear power.
    TADEAS --- ---

    komentar od chrise hedgese

    The corporate state came for human rights lawyer Steven Donziger — and we're next | Salon.com

    Judge Loretta Preska, an adviser to the conservative Federalist Society, to which Chevron is a major donor, sentenced human rights attorney and Chevron nemesis Steven Donziger to six months in prison ... she said at the sentencing, "It seems that only the proverbial two-by-four between the eyes will instill in him any respect for the law" — capped a judicial farce worthy of the antics of Vasiliy Vasilievich, the presiding judge at the major show trials of the Great Purges in the Soviet Union, or the Nazi judge Roland Freisler, who once shouted at a defendant,"You really are a lousy piece of trash!"


    "No lawyer in New York for my level of offense ever has served more than 90 days, and that was in home confinement," Donziger told the court. "I have now been in home confinement eight times that period of time. I have been disbarred without a hearing where I have been unable to present factual evidence; thus, I am unable to earn an income in my profession. I have no passport. I can't travel; can't do human rights work the normal way which I believe I am reasonably good at; can't see my clients in Ecuador; can't visit the affected communities to hear the latest news of cancer deaths or struggles to maintain life in face of constant exposure to oil pollution. In addition, and this is little known, Judge [Lewis A.] Kaplan has imposed millions and millions of dollars of fines and courts costs on me. [Kaplan is the judge for Chevron's lawsuit against Donziger; Preska is his handpicked judge for the contempt charges.] He has ordered me to pay millions to Chevron to cover their legal fees in attacking me, and then he let Chevron go into my bank accounts and take all my life's savings because I did not have the funds to cover these costs. Chevron still has a pending motion to order me to pay them an additional $32 [million] in legal fees. That's where things stand today
    TADEAS --- ---
    znamej pise

    Dusty Hinz

    I think one of the fundamental questions of our time is, are we down to walk away from the comforts and ease that modern, technological, fossil fuels-based, industrial civilization provides us? Yet it is excruciatingly rare that I ever hear the question asked.

    If we are not, if we are going to ride this thing out to the scorched-earth bitter end, which is what it seems, then most other things are just bull shit posturing and fantastical techno-saviorist illusions.

    There is a zero sum game between all human activity and the rest of all nature. There is no techno-futurist utopia. Solar panels and wind turbines are not going to save us. In fact, as Jeff Gibbs says, we would do well to stop calling these forms of energy "renewable" or "sustainable", and should instead call them "technological energy".

    Not once, never have I ever heard on NPR when they are discussing climate change, a reference to the need for what I will call an ecological, bioregional embeddedness. Nothing even remotely close to this concept.

    I also think that just using the term "climate change" as a catch-all for all environmental issues is reductive and does a disservice to the multitude of crises that we face. As if, hey, let's just suck some carbon out of the atmosphere and we can go back to business as usual....this line of thinking is a fatal mistake.

    Mostly, a far-ranging, full-on assault is being waged against all of nature. So I prefer to use the term "eco-catastrophe" or "the converging eco-catastrophes".

    I don't think people really grasp the extent to which pretty much all aspects of modern life are bound up with the abundant use of fossil fuels, and thus, the monumental amount of sacrifice and hard-work it would take create an *actually* sustainable world that did not use them.

    It would take an upending. The vast majority of people would have to do something completely different on a day-to-day basis. Literally, the physical, material aspect of it all. They may not even be able to live where they currently live (cue the person that says "oh, you are talking about forced relocations"...no, what I am saying is that if something is not sustainable, then it's not sustainable, and there is no getting around that fact.)

    So, what I am saying, is that without a collective social vision, in which most of the population coalesces around a place-based, ecological, bioregional embeddedness, which would think deeply about the systems that we need and from my view would be agrarian and horticultural with a healthy dose of rewilding, and would prioritize agroforestry efforts...without this, the future seems to be one destined for a tragic, bleak, scorched-earth.
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: Mmh, hruškovec přelahodný. Pojď mi!
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: past kravy (a pestovat lisky a avokada) s vyhledem na more je muj sen ,) 500 ppm within reach ,)
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: to mi pripomnelo, jak jeden bio-zemedelec v show Adely Vicenze na otazku "Neskodi bio-kravy klimatu?" odpovedel "v tretihorach byla Zeme plna velkych savcu a uroven sklenikovych plynu byla vyssi" ~ 500 ppm a pul Evropy bylo mod morem.
    TADEAS --- ---
    rule them all


    Lawyer Who Won $9.5 Billion Settlement Against Chevron Reports to Prison - The New York Times

    vs TADEAS "The heads of Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron and BP will testify Thursday in the first congressional inquiry into industry efforts to hinder action on climate change"
    TUHO --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: DZODZO: Rakousko zavedlo rocni jizdenku za +/- 1000 €, ktera vyjde na 3 € za den. Tedy jde o spojeni integrovanych mestkych systemu a dalkovych dopravcu.
    Pro predsatvu Rocni jizdenka u CD stoji 19 999 Kc ~ 800 €, Prazska MHD stoji 3650 Kc ~ 146 €, Brno stoji o trosku vic atd.
    V podstate jde o zjednoduseni administrativy pro koncoveho spotrebitele.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Oil Executives to Face Congress on Climate Disinformation - The New York Times

    The heads of Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron and BP will testify Thursday in the first congressional inquiry into industry efforts to hinder action on climate change.

    The hearings mark the first time oil executives will be pressed to answer questions, under oath, about whether their companies misled the public about the reality of climate change by obscuring the scientific consensus: that the burning of fossil fuels is raising Earth’s temperature and sea levels with devastating consequences worldwide, including intensifying storms, worsening drought and deadlier wildfires.

    House Democrats compare the inquiry with the historic tobacco hearings of the 1990s, which brought into sharp relief how tobacco companies had lied about the health dangers of smoking, paving the way for tough nicotine regulations.
    PER2 --- ---
    fuck you!
    Honest Government Ad | COP26 Climate Summit
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: myslela jsem to tak proč nový elektrický auto nemůže být levnější než nový benzínový auto. Takže by lidi přestali řešit zákaz spalovacích motorů
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: neumím zjistit jak se toto týká ČR ale přišlo by mi zvláštní kdyby ne

    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: dotace na elektroauta jsou. Jenze dotujes velkym balikem malej pocet jednotek u stredni a vyssi tridy.

    Dotaci na benzin si moc vedomej v cr nejsem, stat si bere temer polovinu z ceny PHM, coz mi jako dotace moc neprijde :)

    Nimene si dovedu si predstavit, ze "dotaci" PHM snizujes ekonomickou zatez obyvatelstva rovnomerne (phm se promita do vsech vyrobku a castecne i sluzeb), tedy vcetne tech nizkoprijmovejch. Nerozeviras tolik nuzky...

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    DZODZO: světová média to komentují jako přelomovou klimatickou věc opozice si myslí že to žádný dobrý efekt mít nebude no tak se uvidí. Stojí to nějaký miliardy
    DZODZO --- ---
    kolko je euro? 25? 26? keby viem ze za 80 korun na den mozem cestovat kamkolvek a cimkolvek po celej republike tak to beriem (vlaky/autobusy)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam