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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    Katedra fyziky atmosféry MFF UK
    Antarktický cirkumpolární proud v důsledku globálního oteplování zrychluje (zejména v zeměpisných šířkách 48°S - 58°S). Ukazuje tak nová studie, která zkoumala data z družic a ze sond projektu Argo.
    Úvaha mimo tuto studii: Mohlo by se jednat o příklad kladné zpětné vazby, neboť zrychlující proud ještě více tepelně izoluje vody kolem Antarktidy a když ještě navíc bude pokračovat globální oteplování, teplotní gradient mezi Jižním oceánem a ostatními oceány bude o to více narůstat. A jak uvádí článek, velký teplotní gradient vede na (v tomto případě další) zrychlení proudu mezi vodními masami.
    Odkaz na původní článek: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-021-01212-5
    Shrnutí článku: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211129122815.htm

    TUHO --- ---
    Nekdo neco bliz k tomu Shellu a pruzkumu?


    A Song for Shell Oil (John Lennon - Imagine Reimagined) // Save South Africa's Wild Coast
    TUHO --- ---
    we are fucked

    A study recently published in the journal Climatic Change is among the first to examine the effects of using climate crisis and climate emergency. It reported that reading these phrases “did not have any effect on public engagement,” measured in terms of whether the words had altered people’s emotions, their support for climate policy, or their belief that action could make a difference.

    “We were pretty surprised that the terminology has such minimal effects,” said Lauren Feldman, a professor of media studies at Rutgers University and a coauthor of the study. Researchers found one instance where the stronger phrasing backfired: News organizations deploying climate emergency came across as slightly less trustworthy, perhaps because it could sound alarmist.

    The overall takeaway is that journalists and climate advocates might be getting too hung up on specific words when the bigger picture is much more important, Feldman said. What makes an article resonate with people has more to do with its subject. News stories that emphasize taking action tend to make people feel hopeful. Articles that highlight solutions are also viewed as more credible, and people are less resistant to them. Consider a recent piece from the New York Times that explores how the Republican mayor of Carmel, Indiana, built 140 roundabouts in town, in part to cut down on the carbon emissions from cars waiting at stoplights.

    Calling climate change a 'crisis' doesn't do what you think | Grist
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jonathan Pie: The World's End (COP26 short film with George Monbiot, Caroline Lucas & Ed Miliband)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sir David King offers a final warning - IEMA

    “The main message is that, unless we make the transitions necessary, we are going to lose what we understand by our civilisation over the coming decades,” he says. “If sea levels continue to rise, the map of the world will be dramatically changed, because 80% of our cities sit on coastlines – so we’re going to see a massive transformation. I’m not saying it’s the end of humanity, but it’s certainly the end of humanity as we know it.”

    The signs are already here, with severe heatwaves, storms, fires, droughts and floods no longer unusual across the entire Northern Hemisphere – and the situation could get much worse. “We have just experienced a period of methane explosions in the Northern Arctic region that could lead to a rapid rise in global temperatures, because methane is a much more serious greenhouse gas per molecule than CO2,” King explains. “The severity of the storms we’ve seen in Europe this year is surely a wake-up call to all of us. There are actions we can take, and the very last thing we should do is give up. I don’t believe that is an option at all.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Change and Where We Are , Session 6, with Rupert Read

    The sine qua non now is: taking adaptation seriously. Because it’s too late for anything else, anything less. Adaptation - to the climate and biodiversity damage already here and to the worse damage coming - needs to be adequately defined. Shallow, incremental, defensive adaptation (e.g. building hard flood defences) will be worse than nothing if pursued by itself: for it doubles down on the illusion that unmitigated climate damage is civilisationally survivable, and it is high carbon (thus worsening the underlying problem, in a vicious circle). Adaptation must instead be transformative.

    The other huge reason to pivot now to adaptation is that as we do so we make the crisis psychologically real: to everyone else, and to ourselves. Whereas deadlines for future action are basically can-kicking exercises. Talking and doing (transformative) adaptation is thereby additionally the most effective way now of motivating realer mitigation/prevention!

    This talk concerns how we can adapt transformatively to incipient climate breakdown.
    TADEAS --- ---
    upping the game

    Jailed for 51 weeks for protesting? Britain is becoming a police state by stealth | George Monbiot | The Guardian

    Priti Patel, the home secretary, shoved 18 extra pages into the bill after it had passed through the Commons, and after the second reading in the House of Lords. It looks like a deliberate ploy to avoid effective parliamentary scrutiny. Yet in most of the media there’s a resounding silence.

    Among the new amendments are measures that would ban protesters from attaching themselves to another person, to an object, or to land. Not only would they make locking on – a crucial tool of protest the world over – illegal, but they are so loosely drafted that they could apply to anyone holding on to anything, on pain of up to 51 weeks’ imprisonment.
    BERENIKEE --- ---
    TUHO: Ajo tak tam jsem ještě nebyla:))diky
    TUHO --- ---
    Vast networks of underground fungi – the “circulatory system of the planet” – are to be mapped for the first time, in an attempt to protect them from damage and improve their ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide.
    Fungi use carbon to build networks in the soil, which connect to plant roots and act as nutrient “highways”, exchanging carbon from plant roots for nutrients. For instance, some fungi are known to supply 80% of phosphorus to their host plants.
    Underground fungal networks can extend for many miles but are rarely noticed, though trillions of miles of them are thought to exist around the world. These fungi are vital to the biodiversity of soils and soil fertility, but little is known about them.

    World’s vast networks of underground fungi to be mapped for first time | Fungi | The Guardian
    OTZ --- ---
    BERENIKEE: tak to se mozna podari udrzet otepleni pod 1.5°C i bez krize
    TUHO --- ---
    varoufakis o(promarnene) sanci, kterou koronavirova krize predstavovala

    Pandemie nabídla Evropě příležitost zformulovat věrohodný plán dobře zafinancovaného přechodu k Zelené energetické unii. Pokud bychom zavedli evropské dluhopisy, mohla se Evropská centrální banka vymanit z očistce permanentního maskování bankrotu a vyhlásit, že bude krýt jen dluhopisy vydané Evropskou investiční bankou na financování Zelené energetické unie. To se ale nestalo. Evropa tu skutečně propásla příležitost vést svět silou svého příkladu od závislosti na fosilních palivech.

    Evropané v tom samozřejmě ale nejedou sami. Zatímco americký prezident Joe Biden mířil do Glasgow, Kongres USA v jednom ze svých charakteristicky zkorumpovaných politických rozhodnutí vypreparoval jeho už beztak značně osekané zelené plány ze zcela „hnědého“ infrastrukturního zákona, a změnu klimatu tak uložil k ledu.

    Krize Západem promarněná
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil - Workman Publishing
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Podle zjištění deníku Washington Post lidstvo vypouští až o třiadvacet procent emisí víc, než kolik státy vykazují. Politici se tak vyhýbají plnění klimatických ambicí. Skutečná ochrana klimatu podle expertů vyžaduje transparentnost.

    V atmosféře je o desítky procent emisí víc, než kolik státy přiznávají

    SHEFIK --- ---

    New electrocatalyst converts CO2 into ethanol, acetone, and n-butanol with high efficiency - Green Car Congress

    The electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 using renewable energy could establish a climate-neutral, artificial carbon cycle. Excess energy produced by photovoltaics and wind energy could be stored through the electrocatalytic production of fuels from CO2. These could then be burned as needed. Conversion into liquid fuels would be advantageous because they have high energy density and are safe to store and transport.

    Now, researchers in China have developed a new electrocatalyst that yields ethanol, acetone, and n-butanol as major products with a total C2-4 faradaic efficiency of about 49 % at −0.8 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), which can be maintained for at least 3 months. A paper on the development is published in the journal Angewandte Chemie.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ocistny ritual ohnem

    Wildfires are erasing Western forests. Climate change is making it permanent. | Grist

    Now that the winter has cooled the 2021 fire season, scientists are looking at the big burn scars across the West with the grim understanding that, in some places, the pine and Douglas fir forests will not return. 

    The driving force here is that the rising global temperature is wiping out seedlings. In many spots around the U.S. West, summer temperatures are already high enough to cook young trees before they can develop thick protective bark. Others have become so dry that seedlings shrivel before their roots can grow deep enough to reach groundwater. Both circumstances can thwart forest regeneration. Mature trees can survive in these areas long after they stop reproducing. But when fires wipe out these forests and seedings can’t get a foothold, they are replaced with grasses and dense brush. 

    Climate change has already shifted biomes. Intense fires simply clear away the last vestiges of the old regime.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    SHEFIK: Ovšem jde jen o akademický zájem, aby nedošlo k mýlce...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Pesticides 'cost double the amount they yield', study finds

    According to a study published on Tuesday (30 November), the cost of pesticides may far outweigh the economic benefits.

    The Bureau for the Appraisal of Social Impacts for Citizen Information (BASIC), a Paris-based NGO, found pesticide producers cost the EU €2.3bn in subsidies.

    At the same time, the sector makes about €900m in profits, and the study argues this is not an efficient way of spending agricultural funds.

    "Tripling organic farms by 2030 would cost €1.85bn per year - less than the annual subsidies being spent on pesticides," a group of researchers connected to BASIC wrote.

    Pesticides: a model that’s costing us dearly – Le Basic

    synthesis: https://lebasic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Pesticides-a-model-thats-costing-us-dearly_EN-Synthesis.pdf
    TADEAS --- ---

    Future climate change shaped by inter-model differences in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation response | Nature Communications

    In climate model simulations of future climate change, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is projected to decline. However, the impacts of this decline, relative to other changes, remain to be identified. Here we address this problem by analyzing 30 idealized abrupt-4xCO2 climate model simulations. We find that in models with larger AMOC decline, there is a minimum warming in the North Atlantic, a southward displacement of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone, and a poleward shift of the mid-latitude jet. The changes in the models with smaller AMOC decline are drastically different: there is a relatively larger warming in the North Atlantic, the precipitation response exhibits a wet-get-wetter, dry-get-drier pattern, and there are smaller displacements of the mid-latitude jet. Our study indicates that the AMOC is a major source of inter-model uncertainty, and continued observational efforts are needed to constrain the AMOC response in future climate change.
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