TUHO: A jeste vecerni nadseni zavrsuju tipem od Konvicky (jo od toho Konvicky :D) na otvirak do Zimovovi prace:
At the last deglaciation Earth’s largest biome, mammoth-steppe, vanished. Without knowledge of the
productivity of this ecosystem, the evolution of man and the glacialeinterglacial dynamics of carbon
storage in Earth’s main carbon reservoirs cannot be fully understood. Analyzes of fossils 14C dates and
reconstruction of mammoth steppe climatic envelope indicated that changing climate wasn’t a reason for
extinction of this ecosystem. We calculate, based on animal skeleton density in frozen soils of northern
Siberia, that mammoth-steppe animal biomass and plant productivity, even in these coldest and driest of
the planet’s grasslands were close to those of an African savanna. Numerous herbivores maintained
ecosystem productivity. By reducing soil moisture and permafrost temperature, accumulating carbon in
soils, and increasing the regional albedo, mammoth-steppe amplified glacialeinterglacial climate variations. The re-establishment of grassland ecosystems would slow permafrost thawing and reduce the
current warming rate. Proposed methods can be used to estimate animal density in other ecosystems.
Sci-Hub | Mammoth steppe: a high-productivity phenomenon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 57, 26–45 | 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.005https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.005