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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Why "Net Zero" Emissions Targets Are A Scam
    GOJATLA --- ---
    After COP we’re all Eichmanns now
    Roger Hallam

    Complexity and Moral Collapse
    I recently did a talk for my patreon supporters on this subject and I thought it be good to do a post about it.
    There was a time, until quite recently, when there was a clear division between good and evil. If you wanted to murder someone you had limited choices. You generally needed a sharp object and you had to plunge it into another person several times. If you wanted to kill more people it would take a long time and even the most evil person could not kill people outside of his locality and certainly not those who were not yet born.
    Complexity has changed all that. Complexity refers to the increasing connections between actions and consequences across time and space. Complexity has been increasing exponentially for decades. When I was a kid the only veg we ever had was carrots and peas. Milk came from the local farm. Now just about everything comes from all over the world, and there’s so much more of it.
    The moral point is that today due to the ecological crisis you are murdering billions of people just by going to the supermarket. You only push the knife into them a tiny bit but millions of people are doing the same thing. And the result is mass death. We are in the process of going over 2C, and so as we go about our ordinary lives we lock in mass killing. 2C locks in 3C, and so on due to irreversible feedbacks, as Johan Rockstrom said at COP last month.
    This is how complexity creates moral collapse. The system makes you a murderer– you are all at it all of the time. This is what Hannah Arendt was referring to when she spoke about the banality of evil at the famous Adolf Eichmann trial in 1961. Eichmann was a key administrator of the holocaust but looked upon himself as just doing his job competently. Arendt was attacked when she used this phrase because people had the old pre complexity idea that killing is a self conscious physical act. A person stabs another person to death. In fact the Nazi death machine was a proto complex system – where thousands of ordinary people in a banal way organised the small parts cogs in a vast bureaucratic system of mass murder.
    That is what we have today.
    But this time it’s on a global scale and it will annihilate the whole of humanity. The banality of evil has become universal. We are entering into mass death and human extinction because everyone is just “doing their job”.
    As with Arendt in 1961, in 2021 lots of people will outraged by having this reality pointed out to them because they cannot accept they are murderers. They would not physically murder another person. But they absolutely are murderers in a banality of evil sense. And the moral point is that the outcome is the same. Billions of people will be subject to indescribable suffering because of your actions, combined with the actions of millions of other people, primarily in the Global North. The top 10% of the world’s population puts out 50% of global carbon emissions. That’s you.
    The real challenge is doing something effective about it. The climate movements are catastrophically unsuccessful because they pretend we can deal with complexity with more complexity. Campaigners use abstract repressed middle class language to try to stop mass killing. It obviously does not work because people and governments will not change in the drastic way required of them on the basis on detailed information and polite engagement. They are 100% going to fail because nothing they do or say creates any connection with reality. This is why twenty six COPs have failed. The last one in November reduced the increase in carbon emissions from a 16% to 13% by 2030 – when what is needed according to the IPCC is a 50% decrease. The whole approach is psychologically illiterate and morally catastrophic. It is a sick totally fucked joke.
    The only chance of creating the complete transformation we need in the next few years we have available is to recognise that most people most of the time cannot deal with complex abstract and technocratic arguments. We are not wired for complexity. It’s cognitively exhausting and we switch off.
    There are three things which cut through the noise:
    • A simple demand which is concrete and doable – you understand it in a sentence.
    • Disruption: day after day economic disruption of people’s lives – as we recently saw with the 17 motorway blocks of Insulate Britain.
    • The display of extreme emotion – shouting and screaming – like when you are in a relationship and your partner finally “gets through to you”.
    None of this is cognitive. None of it is about information. The demand, disruption, and emotion create a super concentrated proxy for dispersed mass murder you are involved in. It makes the complex system a simple system. I want to go to work – I can’t get to work. Someone is calling me a murderer and screaming at me – I hate that. You agree to the demand because you are hard wired to respond to such visceral stimulus. The banality of your evil is made real to you because it is now literally in your face.
    Of course this might not work, you might fail to create enough disruption with enough people as in the case of Insulate Britain– or you might go too far, as in “blowing up a pipeline”, and create an overreaction. Civil resistance aims at the nonviolent sweet spot between too little and too much. The critical and practical point is not that this might not be successful, but that conventional approach has zero chance of being successful – as shown by the last 30 years.
    It’s civil resistance or mass death in 2021. It’s resistance or complicity. After COP26 there is no middle way.
    The biggest barrier to success in 2021 is the climate movement itself because it is full of people whose privilege and power enable them to stay in the dream world of polite verbal persuasion and they work hard to stop effective approaches from happening. That is why Martin Luther King called white moderates worse than the Ku Kluk Klan. That is why the NGOs are far worse than Trump supporters. It is why we have to subject them to the same approach: demands, disruption and high emotion.
    There is nothing pretty about civil resistance. But as people are realising – we are going to get hurt anyway so we have nothing to lose. If the world is to saved it will be because people now get this truth. It’s finally starting to happen and the carbon death system will be torn apart in the next few years. Better late than never.
    Note if you doubt what I say here – think what stood out most in the text above – was it when I said “it’s a sick totally fucked joke”? Why was that?
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    DZODZO --- ---
    mame december a ja v dome zabijam komare, a to este nemame ani dosiahnute to planovane oteplenie... za takych 20-30 rokov nechcem vediet co mi tu bude lietat za haved :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    česko: solární baroni!
    JIMIQ --- ---
    TUHO: exponenciala zacina pracovat

    2025 bude nainstalovano Wind+Solar tolik co bylo kumulativne dosud a 2030 uz W+S budou dominantni zdroj
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Tak Zimova i Pleistocen park znam, stejne jako tu v zakladnich rysech tu jeho hypotezu. Nicmene az ten dokument me dokopal si od nej neco fakt precist vyjma novinovejch clanku .))
    TUHO --- ---
    Renewable energy has ‘another record year of growth’ says IEA | Renewable energy | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Prairies on Fire in Montana Amid a Record December Heat Wave

    Record-high temperatures and powerful winds have sparked a series of unusual December prairie fires in Montana, one of a series of late-season fires across the country amid an unusually warm approach to the winter season.


    The fires came as an unusual heat wave broke records across large portions of the United States and Canada. Temperatures from the Great Plains to the Mid-Atlantic were 20 to 30 degrees above normal for early December, reaching into the 60s and 70s, the National Weather Service said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    California water districts to get 0% of requested supplies in unprecedented decision | California drought | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: myslim ze uz to tu kdysi probehlo, ale kazdej holt musi uzrat ,) jen je to zrani obecne tak pomaly, ze to je cely nezastavitelnej pruser :)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A jeste vecerni nadseni zavrsuju tipem od Konvicky (jo od toho Konvicky :D) na otvirak do Zimovovi prace:

    At the last deglaciation Earth’s largest biome, mammoth-steppe, vanished. Without knowledge of the
    productivity of this ecosystem, the evolution of man and the glacialeinterglacial dynamics of carbon
    storage in Earth’s main carbon reservoirs cannot be fully understood. Analyzes of fossils 14C dates and
    reconstruction of mammoth steppe climatic envelope indicated that changing climate wasn’t a reason for
    extinction of this ecosystem. We calculate, based on animal skeleton density in frozen soils of northern
    Siberia, that mammoth-steppe animal biomass and plant productivity, even in these coldest and driest of
    the planet’s grasslands were close to those of an African savanna. Numerous herbivores maintained
    ecosystem productivity. By reducing soil moisture and permafrost temperature, accumulating carbon in
    soils, and increasing the regional albedo, mammoth-steppe amplified glacialeinterglacial climate variations. The re-establishment of grassland ecosystems would slow permafrost thawing and reduce the
    current warming rate. Proposed methods can be used to estimate animal density in other ecosystems.
    Sci-Hub | Mammoth steppe: a high-productivity phenomenon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 57, 26–45 | 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.005
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Aneb skvelej dokuemnt o dedovi, kterej zere pelmene a chlasta s analfebetama a sni o zachrane perfmarfostu s pomoci velkejch stad bylozravcu. Az na to, ze pak zjistis, ze je to nejcitovanejsi ruskej geofyzik a publikuje v Nature a Science.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Super rozhovoer o Zimovovi a Pleistocen parku. Takovej Tadeas na metaamfetaminu :D
    JINDRICH --- ---

    Kniha „Předat dětem, co je k žití“ Archivy » Sedmá generace
    TUHO --- ---
    Siberia: The Melting Permafrost | ARTE Documentary
    GOJATLA --- ---
    A Realistic Path to a Bright Future
    3 December 2021
    James Hansen

    Why is nobody telling young people the truth? “We preserved the chance at COP26 to keep global warming below 1.5°C.” What bullshit! “Solar panels are now cheaper than fossil fuels, so all we are missing is political will.” What horse manure! “If we would just agree to consume less, the climate problem could be solved.” More nonsense!

    Young people, I am sorry to say that – although the path to a bright future exists and is straightforward – it will not happen without your understanding and involvement in the political process.
    Do not feel sorry for yourself or get discouraged. Yours is not the first generation to be dealt a bad hand. Some were born into great depressions. Some were sent to fight in world wars or senseless conflagrations in far away places such as Viet Nam or Iraq. Your battle will cover more years. Nature has a long time scale in its response to human-caused forces, and it takes time to alter human-made energy systems. But your cause is noble – your challenge is nothing short of guiding humanity and other life on our planet to a bright future.
    The next 10 years – the fourth decade since the adoption of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 – must be the decade in which young people take charge of their own destiny.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    OTZ: Nevypadá, ale je.

    Simulations of the climate response if the sun did fall to Maunder Minimum levels find that the decrease in temperature from the sun is minimal compared to the warming from man-made greenhouse gases (Feulner 2010). Cooling from the lowered solar output is estimated at around 0.1°C (with a maximum possible value of 0.3°C) while the greenhouse gas warming will be around 3.7°C to 4.5°C, depending on how much CO2 we emit throughout the 21st century
    Are we heading into a new Ice Age?
    TUHO --- ---
    OTZ: co konkretne?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam