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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    Front Matter | A Research Strategy for Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal and Sequestration | The National Academies Press

    Is ‘hacking’ the ocean a climate change solution? U.S. experts endorse research on carbon-removal strategies.

    the 300-page report from one of the country’s top research organizations argues that the United States should at least investigate whether ocean-based carbon-removal strategies are worthwhile.

    The new report — released Wednesday and sponsored by ClimateWorks, a San Francisco-based nonprofit group — is adamant that carbon-dioxide removal is not a substitute for immediately eliminating fossil fuel use and curbing greenhouse gas pollution. It does not endorse any of the six strategies it considers or even advocate for CDR to be deployed.

    Instead, it outlines a 10-year, $1.1 billion research program that would fill in crucial knowledge gaps about each technology.

    Some of the questions are purely scientific, Doney said: “Does it actually work? Does it store carbon for sufficiently long periods of time? What are the environmental impacts?”

    Many more questions are legal, economic or ethical: “How would you govern this? What are the dimensions of social acceptability?” Doney said. “If you could slow climate change or stabilize climate at a lower warming level, is that worth the trade-offs of these deliberate changes to the ocean? … These are things society needs to decide.”

    The report also recommends the development of a research code of conduct for ocean-based CDR, with stipulations that the experiments be tightly regulated and involve experts from Indigenous groups and other vulnerable communities. The scientists say the $125 million foundational research agenda must include surveys, legal analyses and in-depth interviews with the people whose lives and livelihoods will be affected by the projects.

    Experiments should be “co-produced with communities,” said Holly Buck, a sociologist at the University at Buffalo and a contributor to the report. Including locals in the design and deployment of projects will make them more equitable and could reveal insights scientists had never considered.

    And researchers must be willing to change course, Doney said, if their work turns out to be ineffective or dangerous, or if more powerful methods come to light.

    “This is the kind of deep dive we need,” said Kim Cobb, a climate scientist and oceanographer at the Georgia Institute of Technology who was not involved in the National Academies study. “It helps us to understand the potential benefits and downside risks and all the warts that you don’t get in the battles that are waged on op-ed pages.”l
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Can large herbivores enhance ecosystem carbon persistence?

    “Herbivores can increase the persistence of ecosystem carbon through redistributing carbon from aboveground vegetation pools vulnerable to disturbances into persistent soil pools.”

    “This is particularly important in ancient fire-prone grasslands, but increasing disturbance frequencies across many ecosystems make herbivore restructuring of carbon pools relevant in a wider range of systems.”


    Climate change: how elephants help pump planet-warming carbon underground
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #vision #leaders

    Electrify Everything! Oslo Plans To Slash Emissions 95% By 2030 - CleanTechnica
    TUHO --- ---
    The largest oil and gas companies made a combined $174bn in profits in the first nine months of the year as gasoline prices climbed in the US, according to a new report.
    The bumper profit totals, provided exclusively to the Guardian, show that in the third quarter of 2021 alone, 24 top oil and gas companies made more than $74bn in net income. From January to September, the net income of the group, which includes Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP, was $174bn.

    Exclusive: oil companies’ profits soared to $174bn this year as US gas prices rose | Oil and gas companies | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Amalie Vystavelova

    Ahojky, vzdělávám a angažuju se teď v ekologickém a regenerativním zemědělství a ráda bych vás pozvala na webinář, který spoluorganizuju za firmu Carboneg.

    V současném zemědělství je dost co zlepšovat. Změny v hospodaření mají nejen potenciál přinést výhody v adaptaci půdy na důsledky klimatické krize, ale zároveň má půda obrovskou kapacitu fungovat jako úložiště uhlíku.

    Víc infa najdete v popisku události a pro ty z vás, kteří webinář nestihnou, vyjde za pár dní článek na blogu www.carboneg.cz/blog

    Webinář: Jaká je role zemědělství v klimatické krizi?
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: neni to moc ekosystemovej pohled vid
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    K tomu jidlu ma kurzgesagt novy video, nejsou tam zadny prekvapivy nebo dobre orientujici cisla, jen vicemene spousta argumentu proti hovezimu. prekvapilo me, ze z pohledu celkovyho emisniho cyklu jsou na tom drubez a prasata stejne. za videni stoji, jako kazdej kurzgesagt

    Is Meat Really that Bad?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Darujme si první web o nerůstu v Česku | Darujme.cz

    moznost prispet na web, ktery ma srozumitelne vysvetlit nerust. (ze bych to konecne pochopila)
    LACIF --- ---
    Energie je civilizace. Co je pak její nedostatek? - Literární noviny
    PER2 --- ---
    jak ja mam rad tenhle kanal
    If ocean levels are rising, why can't we see it?
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Advocating for psychological science at COP26

    On behalf of the Global Psychology Alliance (GPA), APA’s Senior Director for International Affairs Amanda Clinton, PhD, coordinated APA’s first delegation to COP26, the annual United Nations (UN) climate change conference

    As part of our contribution to COP26, APA jointly issued a report on November 4 with ecoAmerica entitled, "Mental Health and Our Changing Climate," authored by Susan Clayton, PhD, and Christie Manning Clad, PhD. APA’s Climate Change Task Force, which includes Richard Plenty, PhD, is developing recommendations that will guide the next stage of psychologists’ work on climate change.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    GE chce do roku 2030 vyrábět lopatky větrných elektráren bezodpadově - ČSVE - Větrné elektrárny | Větrná energie
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Klimatická žaloba
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    🎼 Posíláme pro odlehčení jednu chytlavou písničku, která se odehrává v soudní síni👨‍⚖️🎶
    Autor NOËP vysvětluje, co chtěl písničkou sdělit:
    “People tend to think that ‘KIDS’ is about connecting with our inner child, youthfulness etc. and in a way it’s great that they do. But actually it is yet again inspired by environmental concerns and how we grown-ups are just big toddlers who can’t see past our own noses."
    NOËP - KIDS ft. Emily Roberts (Official Music Video)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    JIMIQ: Když to vezmeš z gruntu, tak jsme všichni migranti z Afriky a Evropa za nic nemůže :-)
    Pokud jde o klima, tak jsou podstatné historické emise a ty má Afrika zanedbatelné, bez ohledu na velikost a růst populace.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    GOJATLA: tak zase Evropa s tím růstem začala o století dřív :)

    Velká Británie
    1851: 27,368,800
    1911: 42,082,000 (+54%)
    1961: 52,807,000 (+25,5%, celkem proti 1851 +92,6%)

    Co chci říct je že to je celý komplikovanější než jen to že se Afričani (Číňani - tam už to letos skončilo, Indové - tam to skončí do 10 let) nezřízeně množí (a přitom furt vypouští drobnou část našich "západních" emisí)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    JIMIQ: Trochu tam chybí to srovnání se zbytkem světa, mezi 1960-2020 vzrostla světová populace o +156 %.

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